Ayurveda ladies,check out my homemade shikakai bar


New Member
For the past 3 weeks I have been using the shikakai powder for washing and amla for conditioning. Everyone who uses the powders knows how messy the paste can be. Well, when I read the post raving about how good the shikakai shampoo bar was, I decided to make my own. In the attachment are the ingredients I used and the end results. If interested, PM me for progress pics and info on how to get a bar.


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Wow congrats on your new creation! It looks like it's packed with a ton of good ingredients from what I can see.
For the past 3 weeks I have been using the shikakai powder for washing and amla for conditioning. Everyone who uses the powders knows how messy the paste can be. Well, when I read the post raving about how good the shikakai shampoo bar was, I decided to make my own. In the attachment are the ingredients I used and the end results. If interested, PM me for progress pics and info on how to get a bar.

i'm a litttttle bit wary!

your shampoo bar has initials written on it....this is a product already being sold!

and dont you need soap flakes, glycerin and many other ingredients to create a soap, soap moulds etc.

how about posting a step-by step guide - obviousely if your selling it this will not be available, but how did you get your soap to have those initials, what do they say, and the pics are mighty small are these from a website?

if this is for real,then excuse my detectivism
and ignore this post

i'm a litttttle bit wary!

your shampoo bar has initials written on it....this is a product already being sold!

and dont you need soap flakes, glycerin and many other ingredients to create a soap, soap moulds etc.

how about posting a step-by step guide - obviousely if your selling it this will not be available, but how did you get your soap to have those initials, what do they say, and the pics are mighty small are these from a website?

if this is for real,then excuse my detectivism
and ignore this post


I can fully understand any skeptism when it comes to dealing with our hair. The initials are on the bar because the mold I used has initials on it. Yes, I did use organic glycerin with olive oil added to make the mold into a soap bar. Besides glycerin, amla and shikakai powders, and the oils in the pics are the only other ingredients. I have 1 other bar that I made without initials if interested.
Congrats on your creation. Im all for the Ladies here doing the damn thing. Congrats.......!!!!
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Good for you for putting your talent with soap making into creating this shikakai shampoo bar! Much success to you, sweetie! :grin:
I've made soap at home before too, why was I just thinking about making shikakai bars or wondering if anyone tried to make any yet?!? :scratchch

Good for you PR!! :yep: What was your soap base? You can PM me if you like.
Great Job! Have you used it yet? Did you notice a difference between the store purchase and the one you made? I think I may try to make one one day.
Great Job! Have you used it yet? Did you notice a difference between the store purchase and the one you made? I think I may try to make one one day.

I have been using it. It actually lathers up, unlike the paste. I have not tried the one from the store. Good lick on trying to make one!
Are you selling them? PM if you are.

For the past 3 weeks I have been using the shikakai powder for washing and amla for conditioning. Everyone who uses the powders knows how messy the paste can be. Well, when I read the post raving about how good the shikakai shampoo bar was, I decided to make my own. In the attachment are the ingredients I used and the end results. If interested, PM me for progress pics and info on how to get a bar.
Woo Hoo! thats great!
I was looking to buy some today in fact but they didnt list the ingredients...
I will be pming you when I finish my bottle of shampoo and a few conditioners because i am not buying any more stuff till then.

I can fully understand any skeptism when it comes to dealing with our hair. The initials are on the bar because the mold I used has initials on it. Yes, I did use organic glycerin with olive oil added to make the mold into a soap bar. Besides glycerin, amla and shikakai powders, and the oils in the pics are the only other ingredients. I have 1 other bar that I made without initials if interested.

ok kool :yep: my bad!
Does your bar have the same effect as the rinses?

Also, how long have you been using it?

I have been using the powders and oil for about three weeks, but just recently turned them into a bar. Both make my hair feel the same, strong,bouncy,mosturized and shiny:yep:
I have been using the powders and oil for about three weeks, but just recently turned them into a bar. Both make my hair feel the same, strong,bouncy,mosturized and shiny:yep:

Big Congrats!! I'm happy to support all of the hair entreprenaurs and would love to have a shikakai bar that did not expire 3 years ago:grin: Are you conditioning afterwards?
Would you be willing to post your procedure for making the homemade bar including ingredients? :grin: I've never made soap bars before so I wouldn't even know where to begin. Thanks
Congrats on your new creation. I am happy that one of you sistas went to the lab on this soap bar. I can't find it anywhere online and when I do they don't ship internationally. Canada is international apparently. Then when they do ship it costing me $20.00 to get one $4 bar.....lol