Tell me about Shikakai bar

So I see that everyone is prepooing with oils first. Has anyone used the bar first and then did an oil rinse and DC?
I shampoo, then dc with my yogurt conditioning mix that is packed with protein and moisture and my final conditioner is a light moisturizing conditioner like VO5 honeydew smoothie.
So I see that everyone is prepooing with oils first. Has anyone used the bar first and then did an oil rinse and DC?

Funny you should ask. I just did exactly this today.

Shampooed with the Shikakai bar, oil rinsed w/EVOO, dc'd with a concoction of 10 en 1, blackstrapp molasses, Avon's hair mask, Emergencia, and Silicon Mix. Sat under the dryer for 30 mins., and then did a rollerset.

My hair is gorgeous. I don't know if its from one particular thing, or the combination of them all.

Thanks to Macheriamour's rollersetting video, I finally got it right.

Now I can stop washing and flat ironing my hair everyday.
I just used it like an hour ago and I'm HOOKED!! :yep: It lathered really well, like a regular body soap then as I hair felt their was some type of "armor" or extra layer on my hair to make it stronger. I'm sooo serious! It's hard to explain, but whatever that was, I want that feeling on my hair forever! :lachen: My scalp and hair felt really clean, and it didnt feel stripped either. Afterwards I conditioned for like 5 mins in the shower (I DC for an hr, on dry hair, b4 i shower) and then detangled under the shower head. Frm research, it seems these products are great anyway, so I will def. keep using this soap forever! :drunk:

I found these bars while visiting my sister for christmas along with a bunch of other goodies. I found the same SWASTIK brand bar I was kinda shocked that it was bright red but I tried it anyway. LOVED IT:grin: glad I bought 7 bars they were only 1.50 so who could blame me the Indian store at home doesnt carry them. They make my hair feel soooo clean and the length feels strong it feels thicker and it airdries much straiter.I luv the coated feeling, feels protected and I always got my trusty suave daily clairifing if any thing get crazy.
I just used it like an hour ago and I'm HOOKED!! :yep: It lathered really well, like a regular body soap then as I hair felt their was some type of "armor" or extra layer on my hair to make it stronger. I'm sooo serious! It's hard to explain, but whatever that was, I want that feeling on my hair forever! :lachen: My scalp and hair felt really clean, and it didnt feel stripped either. Afterwards I conditioned for like 5 mins in the shower (I DC for an hr, on dry hair, b4 i shower) and then detangled under the shower head. Frm research, it seems these products are great anyway, so I will def. keep using this soap forever! :drunk:

I just bought shikakai bar this weekend and used it yesterday and it did make my hair soft. My hair also felt funny. I kept feeling it to see if it was a film or coating left behind on my hair, but it was just soft. It was the swatiska brand and it worked well on my hair. This has replaced my shampoo. I love all the indian powder/oils.
I just used it like an hour ago and I'm HOOKED!! :yep: It lathered really well, like a regular body soap then as I hair felt their was some type of "armor" or extra layer on my hair to make it stronger. I'm sooo serious! It's hard to explain, but whatever that was, I want that feeling on my hair forever! :lachen: My scalp and hair felt really clean, and it didnt feel stripped either. Afterwards I conditioned for like 5 mins in the shower (I DC for an hr, on dry hair, b4 i shower) and then detangled under the shower head. Frm research, it seems these products are great anyway, so I will def. keep using this soap forever! :drunk:
Where did you get your soap?

ETA......never mind, I saw you previous post.
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Bought some bars of the soap today, guess three bars will last me a long time. Coconut oil/Parvenu leave-in pre-pooed then a shikaki /tulsi/kelp powder in water did not want to over do today but next shampoo I'll give the bar a trial run.
Cost was 99 cents a bar and I saw it on line for $4.00 a bar with a wait list yet:blush::nono:!!
I've been using my bar the last week or so. First time I didn't prepoo or anything. Last night, prepoo'd with oil, did a good long scritch and washed with the bar. Hair came out Fabu!! Its soft and nice today...except I dc'd with Silicon Mix :look:. The floral smell mixed with shikakai bar are :barf:
Shikakai powder leaves my hair dry and tangled. But the shampoo bar is out of this world. It's the best shampoo I've ever used, bar none. I always use it after giving my hair a good oiling. I love the way it makes my hair feel.
Anyone know the ingredients?

Hi, fellow "texas" girl!

My bar didn't list any ingredients, it just said that it was infused with Shikaikai and Coconut oils. The brand is Nirmal, and I bought it locally.

Maybe someone with a brand with ingredients on the box will chime in.