Ayurveda + Hair Line = I NEED HELP!!!!


New Member
I currently use the Keracare line which has gotten my hair to a very healthy point: but I want the growth benefits of Ayurvedic products: HOW DO YOU COMBINE THE TWO??????????

my guess:
  • Amla Oil
  • Shikikia Bar (sp?)
  • Keracare Shampoo
  • Keracare Con w/ UBH Deep Con (sealed w/ coconut oil*)
Are there Ayurvedic products I can rollerset w/?
Also can the underlined products be substituted for a better Ayurvedic product? HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
A good start is with the oils. Use them alone or mixed with your conditioners as a prepoo. See how this goes for a week or two. Once you are clear how one item works, you can do new stuff and add more. This is better than mixing up a whole bunch of different things, then having a bad outcome, like an allergy, breakage or dryness, and not knowing which thing caused it.

What I am learning is that these products give different results from user to user, there is no 'one size fits all' with Ayurveda. But there are some hard fast rules. Like, when you use your shikakai bar, make sure that your hair is sufficiently oiled first. Which oil you use is up to you. I think amla is a good one to start with. As is coconut oil. Good luck with your Ayurvedic hair journey!
Yeah, I would say try the oils first too. See how your hair reacts to that or if it even takes.

And then maybe move on to the other products. If you try to work too many new things into your current regime, then you might leave out something that works in your current regime.

Then once you stop getting results you once got, you won't know why and you may blame it on the Ayurveda products. So start slow.

I use Ayurvedic oils as pre-poos and sealants.... I use powders as pastes & tea rinses

I follow my pastes with a DC... follow tea rinses with a leave-in conditioner