Ayurveda Advice... Please come in...


New Member
I want to try some mild ayurveda... By mild, I don't mean henna. I mean just a few powders. I already use coconut oil, vatika, and amla. And like them. But I was trying to figure out what the amla and shikaikai (sp) powders would do for me. Should I try both? I'm not trying to use them instead of shampoo... Just want to mix with my conditioners for cowashing. So not trying to do a tea or anything.

I also saw that they have shikikai oil at Amazon... should I add some of that to my oil cocktail?

I'm not trying to be fully ayurvedic, although I know that's prolly where the gold mine is.. Just trying to try a few things.
I've heard of people using their powders with their conditioners with success, so I don't see why you couldn't try it.

I've only ever used the powders as a tea rinse, which are absolutely fantastic. My hair instantly felt different, noticeably so after I deep condition. The first time I tried it I couldn't stop touching my hair!
Amla powder is not milder than henna, especially for fine hair. Use it sparingly to be on the safe side.
I'm new to Ayurvedic products so i'm still learning myself. The good part is your in no rush, taking your time is the best thing ;) I use the oils and some of the powders...and I love them so far. Taking notes in the threads that i've read. I oil my hair (overnight)thoroughly before using the powders, Then saturate hair and scalp for about an hour...I would love to leave them in a bit longer when I find the time. I read that a more watery consistency it's easier to rinse them out, I also add oils to the powder mixture just before using...so I add nice amount of water and oil. Not too thick. As you go you'll lear what's right for you.....Good luck Anna
Thanks Anna!! You are in my stomping grounds... lol. GO BLUE! Is there a local store you get your powders from? Because if I like it; I ain't gonna be paying $12 shipping from Amazon ANY MORE!!! LOL!
i just started too. i have been using hairveda's cocasta oil and it is my fave sealant. i am in love with it. i also just got two bottles of dabur vatika oil and 1 amla oil. starting this weekend i will be pree pooing with them. i will go back and forth every week. one week i will mix it in my deep conditioner and condition on dry hair. the next week i will just use the oil as a pre poo. i will do that and see how it works out.
I go to Bombay in Ann Arbor, 3022 Packard. Do a search for indian stores in your area, or go to www. Indian grocery in US
A few drops of organic sapote oil with your ayurvedic powders (particularly Amla) is excellent. The two elements really complement each other.
There is a store in Canton I usually go to; where I get my Vatika, coconut, and amla. But I never saw powders there... maybe it is down another aisle? I'll check there. I am always on my lunch and in a hurry when I'm in there... and plus business as usual..usually halts for a good minute when I walk in the door...lol..

Sapote oil... where can I find that... <<off to google>>
I already use vatika oil and henna every month and just purchased some hesh Amla oil Shikakai oil, and shikakai shampoo from Amazon. I also use Qhemet biologics Amla pomade in place of hair grease. The only thing Im concerned about is the oils have mineral oil.

Im planning on continuing to henna once a month and moisturize with vatika.
Ill shampoo once a week with shikakai shampoo and prepoo overnight with the amla and shikakai oils.
If I need to conditioner wash during the week Ill oil rinse.