Awkward ex 'How are you doing' texts...


Well-Known Member
You know what I'm talking about.

You finally got over that hump and you're on your own enjoying life. Suddenly your ex, wherever the hell he is, gets that tingling sensation that you're happy. So he texts you, 'Hey, how are you doing.' Random, pointless text message. When you're short he tries to keep the conversation going but he has absolutely nothing to say.

I always humor the first two text message, sort of thinking 'where is this going? does he have something to tell me or is he just bored?' But after talking about the weather and such I'm ready to pull my brain out.

So... bit of men psychology here.... why do men do this? they have absolutely nothing to say to you, want absolutely nothing to do with you, but still send that courtesy text message to make sure you're alive. it irritates me because it either happens with A) A man that I want to run over with my car, then reach into his rib cage and pull his heart out and eat it or B) Someone I still actually care about but know they'd have a field day kicking my feelings around if they knew.

Men are stupid.
Just keeping the leftovers warm in case he gets hungry later. :look: That way if you're looking for meaningless sex without increasing your "number" he'll be on your mind.
I think they want to put themselves back in the forefront of your mind or possibly get some reaction from you.
Just keeping the leftovers warm in case he gets hungry later. :look: That way if you're looking for meaningless sex without increasing your "number" he'll be on your mind.

:yep: Pretty sure this is the case for one of them. It's been like a year since the last time we were together and he still comes prodding. I've told him heck naw, leave me alone, and then just got too tired to even answer his texts. :lol: Guys are persistent man. With this one I'm positive every other woman he was with realized how lame he is and jumped ship. Why he would bring that idiocracy back my way is a bit insulting but I keep blocking. Not in my house! :lol:

The other guy is in another country for the next 3 years so I'm pretty sure that's not happening. :lol:
It actually amuses me. My ex texts every once in a while claiming it is just to say hello, but it's obvious that he's checking up to see what's going on in my life. After the small talk, he'll ask how I and my current SO are doing (I never offer the info). I only tell him that all is well with us and the relationship is going strong. Karma reeeeaaaaalllllyyyy bit him in the butt. :lol: <--- is it mean that I laugh? Oh well.

We're both college aged. The good part is that he has matured a lot since then. I'm way past done with him, but I'm happy he has learned from the past.
I think some guys sense the change in your connection or energy. When you're intimate and bond with a person, there is a real connection that remains after the relationship ends. Sometimes it takes a minute to fully detach but they notice it when it happens. They aren't necessarily trying to start something but can't help themselves because men can be opportunists. If they sense an opening when they call, text, or initiate their jedi mind tricks :lachen: then they will take advantage of it.
I call it fishing. Just throwing out lines to see who'll bite, if you still care, are you miserable without him, has your number changed, do you have a man yet, can he still hit it, etc.....One of my single friends hates fishing so much she unfriends and blocks ex's on all forms of social medua and uses Mr. Number to block all texts and calls (even if the breakup was civil or her idea). Lol
I do this :look: sometimes I'm fishing other times I just am checking in with the person. If someone has been on my mind I will reach out.
Every ex of mine came back at some point . They re checking if you re still available for sex Beautyu2u said it right.
Look my ex emails me every year to check I m happy in my current relationship ,throwing pics in the mix like I m suppose to realize i m missing something :lol:
Every ex of mine came back at some point . They re checking if you re still available for sex Beautyu2u said it right.
Look my ex emails me every year to check I m happy in my current relationship ,throwing pics in the mix like I m suppose to realize i m missing something :lol:

:rofl: Pictures included? Negro, please!
Because men are selfish and think that you will always be theirs or at least want to know that you're within reach.

And it's also cuffing season.
mmm-mm I aint got the time numbers are blocked.

idont see why numbers are not instantly blocked these days

in my hey days before the blocking technology i use to store every guy number under "loser" i never knew what loser it was just some loser texting or trying to call if they called from there cousins, grandma, uncle phone and i happened to answer i would store that number under "loser" also i swear i had so many losers in my phone. :lachen::lachen:

The real stupid ones that bothered me i would text them with a message like

::message514263:: this subscriber can no longer receive messages through this service to contact this subscriber send a text to #77859 a $10 surcharge will be applied to each message.
idont see why numbers are not instantly blocked these days

in my hey days before the blocking technology i use to store every guy number under "loser" i never knew what loser it was just some loser texting or trying to call if they called from there cousins, grandma, uncle phone and i happened to answer i would store that number under "loser" also i swear i had so many losers in my phone. :lachen::lachen:

The real stupid ones that bothered me i would text them with a message like

::message514263:: this subscriber can no longer receive messages through this service to contact this subscriber send a text to #77859 a $10 surcharge will be applied to each message.

Wow, what a great idea!!! I will be using this in the future LOL.
when i got married changed my numberrr----but i use to reply with a pic of me and fh at the time w/ our kissy face photo and then just a photo of fh...lmaoooo that would stop it right away!!!

dh is a big tall skrong dude like i don't play no got damn games..try me big lmaoo
First of all, thank you OP, for this because yes! They do that. My SO has told me that he feels ashamed that he's done this and its basically to see if she will still respond. If he could still get it. (We weren't gloating about this in a "but he mine now" kinda way, just to be clear :look: I just wanna clarify that I'm not a bird :look:)
^^^ I had to send one of those texts recently... Felt good and I really had no idea who it was although the number looked familiar!