Avocado wrecked my hair!


New Member
I saw intructions in one of my favorite magazines on a deep conditioning treatment for curly or frizzy hair using an overripe avocado. I mixed the pulp with olive oil and a bit of honey and mixed until smooth. Then I appied it and left it on for a few hours. Well, it was a disaster. My hair was dry and hard even after washing it. I had to get back in the shower and rewash. There were tiny peices of avocado stuck in my hair. Maybe I left it on too long. Or maybe this treatment was just no good for my hair. I will NEVER do this again.
That happened to me too! There is a thread on here somewhere about others having the same problem. Try and do a search on avocado so you can get more details. The key, if I remember correctly, is to blend the ingredients together until smooth and that would aid in ridding the bits of avocado residue. Another member suggested adding yogurt as well. Sorry that happened to you...I definately can relate.
I tried to look for a thread on this and couldn't find it. Does anyone know where to look? Thanks Tasha.
I use pure avocado oil on my hair as a moisturizer. It works very well.

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I have too (in the past), and it worked well on my hair.
It's the type of avocado that matters too...

Did you use a bright green smooth skinned one or a dark bumpy skinned one?

I think the bumpy one is the one that causes problems as far as pieces....
Ohhh! I am so sorry to hear this happen.

I happen to love conditioning with Avocado. I try to get it very smooth like butter but I don't mix any other ingredients with it. One think that I have noticed is that I must follow up with a moisturising conditioner something that will leave my hair very soft.

But, after that my hair is sooooo much stronger and my strands are looser and easier to manage. I can rake my fingers through my hair without any breaking. For me this is the greatest strengthening conditioner ever.

Maybe the Avocado has too much protein for your hair. maybe

Treat it as you would a protein treatment and follow with a good moisturising conditoner, also you could blend the avocado next time.

Hello Jazzangel:

Thans for the information, I am going to give your suggestions a try.

Much appreciated.

Hey British I tried to PM you but it did not work. Why I don't know?

Pleeeese tell me how the Avocado works. I LOVE IT! For me it's the best discovery. I know that what works for one won't necessarily work for the other. Make sure it's very ripe. It's quite oily so I find it pointless to add other oils. I added it to my natural hair and slept with it. The following day I rinsed out and added a moistre conditoner for a bit and then styled. I really love the shiny and straightness it gave my natural hair.

It's the type of avocado that matters too...

Did you use a bright green smooth skinned one or a dark bumpy skinned one?

I think the bumpy one is the one that causes problems as far as pieces...

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You are absolutely right! I tried the bumpy one a few months ago and it made my hair extremely dry
and I shedded like a cat. In hindsight, I a few years back I would do treatments with the
smooth-skinned avacados and my hair would be fine. I think you are right about the bumpy type.
I think I posted about this before. I used an overripe avocado with honey and olive oil as a deep pre-treatment, and it made my hair worse than it was. I know it's not the honey and avocado because that works well. I think maybe the avocado might be alittle drying. But ya know what my solution was??? Burt Bee's Avocado Butter. That stuff is heaven!! It's 99.9% natural. You wet your hair, massage it through and let it sit for a few minutes to an hour. Rinse and your hair will feel moisturized and smell yummy.

You can get it most health food stores and some new age stores. If you don't have one around, go to www.burtbees.com. (And since I'm plugging it, while you're there try the Almond and honey hand cream! It smells like marschino cherries. You'll fall in love with the whole line!)
Melodee I would say try it again with a a very ripe smooth skinned avocado and maybe try using it alone and then adding in the other stuff the second time around if it works.

Sometimes we have to ease into these things to see what works best for us.
Okay, I'll try again using the smooth skinned one. Mamamia, Burt's Bees butter sounds good. I need to try that too.
Yes I agree with Tracy you should try to ease into it. Avocado has alot of protein so you should treat it like a protein treatment and follow up with a moisturising condiotner.

<font color="red">AVOCADO : </font>

<font color="blue">Rich in : Natural oil, protein and vitamins A and B. Avocados also contain lecithin, a protein which is excellent for conditioning dry and damaged hair .

Use it in : A conditioning hair pack for dry and sun damaged hair.

** Mash up the flesh of an over ripe avocado , with an egg white . Add a dash of lemon juice to stop the avocado turning black and work the pulp into towel-dry hair. Wrap a towel around your hair and leave for at least half an hour. Wash out well with a mild shampoo.**

Just-used avocado skins make excellent moisturing treatments for dry, rough elbows. Rub the hollow side of one half of an avocado onto each elbow, leave it as long as possible before you wash the area.</font>

I would not use the lemon, it's not necessary at all.
Hey British I tried to PM you but it did not work. Why I don't know?

Pleeeese tell me how the Avocado works. I LOVE IT! For me it's the best discovery. I know that what works for one won't necessarily work for the other. Make sure it's very ripe. It's quite oily so I find it pointless to add other oils. I added it to my natural hair and slept with it. The following day I rinsed out and added a moistre conditoner for a bit and then styled. I really love the shiny and straightness it gave my natural hair.

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Hello Jazzangel:

I have fixed the PM problem, so please feel to try again.
for the last four days I have been using the essential oil with the carrier oil, and at first it made my hair very greasey; I noticed a difference right away in a few days.

This last night I couldn't take it anymore so I washed my hair and left the soy protein reconstructor in overnight; I have copied your Avocado treament into my Palm Pilot so after my seven month trial with the essential oils, it will be the first thing I do.

Take care

I'm glad I read this thread because using avocado was one thing I was contemplating as a pre oil treatment one day. I'll stick to what I use at the mo or use avocado oil.

Thanks for sharing your experience.
But ya know what my solution was??? Burt Bee's Avocado Butter. That stuff is heaven!! It's 99.9% natural.

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Girl, it's so funny that you mention this product because I just used it today. It is the bomb! My hair is moisturized, silky, and most of all it smells so yummy (an avocado/mango smell
). Definitely recommended. Btw, you can also get this at www.drugstore.com.
Your are not alone. The same thing happened to me! I was so mad. I had pieces of avocado all in my hair. It was dry and hard to comb. Just awful.

I now use avocado oil instead. Its really nice. Its not as cheap as olive oil, but a little goes a long way.
