I'd like to know the answer to this, too. Cuz avocado butter seems to make my hair very soft, so I was assuming that meant my hair was moisturized. But maybe it's only making my hair soft and not moisturizing it.

I usually use a leave-in conditioner and then put the avocado butter on after the leave in has "soaked in" and my hair has dried a little bit (when it's damp and not soaking wet).
I've asked this question in the past when I was new to the board. I put butters in the same category as oils. Despite what some might think, Oil DO NOT mositurize. Therefore, I don't think butters have the potential to moisturize either. Oils and butter are beneficial for haircare, but not by providing mositure. I would use it as a sealant after applying a water base moisturizer.
Avocado Butter makes my hair very soft. I absoultely love it. I think it falls into the category of a sealant..but I would have to look it up...