August 2015: Hits & Misses

HITS: Blue Rose Beauty Cocoa Coffee Rhassoul Hair Mask - detangles and made my hair super soft, BRB Manuka Honey Condish - nice detangler, made hair soft. Should be in a bottle though, too thin for a jar. BRB Okra Curl Cream - soft and defined curls. Usually have SSK's galore after air drying, but not with this. HV Vatika Frosting - just amazing stuff in that jar
New Hit
Nubian Heritage Patchouli and Buriti infused Shea Butter - very creamy like PBN hair butter; can be co-washed out.

Revisited Hits
Alaffia Everyday Shea Conditioner (vanilla-mint scent) - I think it's been reformulated. The spearmint scent has been toned down. It's less lotion-like (Penetrate & hydrates). Best used on wet hair. Excellent base for herbal hair masks, rinses & co-washing.
Jane Carter Solution Restore Moisture Mist - It's like a glycerin-free hybrid of OH Honey Water & Go Tea. Moisturizes both hair and skin.

9 Row Denman brush - The rubber base degrades when used with oil/butter-based products. I'm switching to wood brushes
Hit: Silk Dreams Shea What Deux. I honestly had sworn off this line but it was recommended by Tasia @Saludable84 and I decided to go ahead and try it. I have used it 3 times and each time I have been impressed. My hair is left soft and fluffy. Not a ton of slip, but I don't need my DCs to have slip. Hoping that she has a BF sale to pick up more.
First Impressions Hit: Soultanicals Marula Melon Moisture stuff :lol:
Man, my hair is so freakin SOFT!!! I was a little skeptical as it was going on, but my chunky twist fro is extremely moisturized. I used the Knot Sauce and then sealed it with the Melon Muru. I really need to stop touching my hair.
I wish this came in a 16 ounce because I don't like the banana smell of the other one.
I'm sure I can get one more day of moisture before I retwist tomorrow.
Hit: Silk Dreams Shea What Deux. I honestly had sworn off this line but it was recommended by Tasia @Saludable84 and I decided to go ahead and try it. I have used it 3 times and each time I have been impressed. My hair is left soft and fluffy. Not a ton of slip, but I don't need my DCs to have slip. Hoping that she has a BF sale to pick up more.
I told you that stuff is good. My relaxed hair didn't fair well with it but the natural hair and texlaxed hair love it. It's really the only deep conditioner in her line I like now. I might have to sell my Shea what! Because I have no use for it.