Auburn's Half year & one year anniversary


New Member
I am late.
Last relaxer 11-19-07
Big chop 05-26-08
Anniversary 11-19-08 and 11-26-08
My hair ranges from 6" to 7"

Goal MBL straightened.
Texture shots in my albums

May 26th - BC day
(excuse the look on my face. The stylist seemed tickled by my ridiculous hair cut)


October 26th - 5 months later - NAKED!
(this was after my all natural hair treatments)


July 08


September 08


November 08

Click here for more pictures
Thank you ladies for all the information and advice.


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Girl what you taking? Your hair is sprouting out your head so fast ...

And you look so cute :giggle: What's with the faces?

You look like Regina King - 227 ... You are aren't you...

I found out what flat iron I'm going to get....Sedu .... My pics are coming soon but my hair don't grow as fast as yours...yet...LOL What you taking ???
Girl what you taking? Your hair is sprouting out your head so fast ...

And you look so cute :giggle: What's with the faces?

You look like Regina King - 227 ... You are aren't you...

I found out what flat iron I'm going to get....Sedu .... My pics are coming soon but my hair don't grow as fast as yours...yet...LOL What you taking ???

Welp there is goes, the third person that said I look like her.
I never really thought about it until I looked at her pictures.
GROOVY :grin:

Thanks Miss Janet. I cant wait to see your progress!
I was taking some of everything. Right now its MSM. Ive been taking MSM since the summer and I will ALWAYS take it. Im going to pick up 3,6,9.
I have Lcysteine, Vit-C, fish oil, chlorophyll, chlorella, liquid multi vit. I dont take them as much anymore but I will finish it out.

I quit taking grapeseed extract. I really think it has been making me nauseous. Had me scared thinking I was preggers. Oh H*** no.
Maybe I wasnt flushing out all the free radicals?
Welp there is goes, the third person that said I look like her.
I never really thought about it until I looked at her pictures.
GROOVY :grin:

Thanks Miss Janet. I cant wait to see your progress!
I was taking some of everything. Right now its MSM. Ive been taking MSM since the summer and I will ALWAYS take it. Im going to pick up 3,6,9.
I have Lcysteine, Vit-C, fish oil, chlorophyll, chlorella, liquid multi vit. I dont take them as much anymore but I will finish it out.

I quit taking grapeseed extract. I really think it has been making me nauseous. Had me scared thinking I was preggers. Oh H*** no. Maybe I wasnt flushing out all the free radicals?

:lol: free those little radicals!! It could be that you are detoxing!

I can't wait to post my pics ... I just have to get my heating tools because I post with my little shrunken frow you guys will be wondering what growth... :dazed:

Seriously though, I promised myself I would get state of the art ionic stuff to use on my hair for my first straightening as to minimize risk of heat damage and it just so happens Folica is having the killer sale!

I'm calling them tomorrow to see if I can get the kit with the 1" flat iron and the blow dryer vs the 1.5 inch iron because I don't need the big fat jammy yet... maybe next year :grin:
:lol: free those little radicals!! It could be that you are detoxing!

I can't wait to post my pics ... I just have to get my heating tools because I post with my little shrunken frow you guys will be wondering what growth... :dazed:

Seriously though, I promised myself I would get state of the art ionic stuff to use on my hair for my first straightening as to minimize risk of heat damage and it just so happens Folica is having the killer sale!

I'm calling them tomorrow to see if I can get the kit with the 1" flat iron and the blow dryer vs the 1.5 inch iron because I don't need the big fat jammy yet... maybe next year :grin:

I will try it again but with drinking hella water. Excuse my language :giggle:
One thing I dont like about my hair is that its wavy at the top but curly everywhere else. I think my hair will be like Vangrey's in the future. I love her hair but its just more difficult for me to do finger coils and such.
I have a wavy sprout of hair right in the front that does its own thing different than the tight coilys in the back....and I have one or two just stick straight hairs...don't know where those jokas come from. The gray hairs are doing their own thing as well..LOL

ETA: I ordered my Sedu Flat irons, .5 inch and 1" and my blowdryer ! :dance7:
I have a wavy sprout of hair right in the front that does its own thing different than the tight coilys in the back....and I have one or two just stick straight hairs...don't know where those jokas come from. The gray hairs are doing their own thing as well..LOL

The nonuniform pattern is killing me. sigh.
Nice, I like that huge fro! Have you tried doing a fro hawk? I think you'd love it. Get yourself a banana clip and put that mug to work!