Aubrey Organics Shampoos


New Member
Are all of the Aubrey Organics shampoos drying?

Have you found an AO shampoo that did not strip your hair at all?
To me they are
I've tried
Green Tea - Clarifying
Jojoba, Aloe - Moisturizing
Evening Primrose - Sensitive Scalp
Calaguala Fern - Sensitive / Oily

They all dried my scalp and made it sore
BUT I've never prepoo'ed first

I think one reason is because their conditioners
although I love them do leave behind a waxy buildup
and they're designed to use BEFORE shampooing
so maybe the shampoo is tough to make sure it will
remove the build up

I would blame the ingredient Coconut Oil-Corn Oil Soap maybe it bothers people although it seems like it would be moisturizing
