Aubrey Organics Honey Suckle Rose Conditioner VS. Trader Joe's Nourish Spa

Which conditioner do you prefer?

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Have you tried both? How do they compare? How do they differ? Do you think one is better than the other? And just for the heck of it, you can throw in AOWC to review as well.

Here's the thing. I LOVE AOHSR. It is THE BEST conditioner I've ever tried. But I've never tried AOWC or TJ's Nourish Spa.

Now, I'd like to try TJ's and possibly replace AO since its MUCH cheaper. I'm no longer being paid for my work :nono: and my stupid school screwed up my financial aid so that won't be kicking in until November:wallbash:. So AOHSR is a bit steep right now. Let me know what ya think about those 2 (or 3) conditioners

And if you know of any other GOOD, INEXPENSIVE conditioners that do not have cones, feel free to let me know!
I don't "get" AOHSR. I searched high and low and finally rationalized buying this but its nothing to write home about for me. I have used it as a co-wash, reg. condish, DC alone, DC with other DCs, and DC with oils for the last 6 hasn't really added nor detracted from my hair goals. I like TJs because its great for me as a co-wash, reg, condish, and leave-in. It doesn't say to DC with it so I've never tried. Plus at like $2-3 per bottle you can't beat that. So far its the only "non-cone" condish that I've found that is thick enough and provides enough slip for detangling. Its thick, but not as thick as AOHSR but you get much more.
Well I'm natural for me AOHSR is all I'd write home about shoot I'd write to Obama okay well Michelle about this conditioner. I don't know hwo it compares so I choose it can't be compared. I've watched people cowash with trader joe's and condition with it I didn't see anything amazing. I don't see many demos on AOHSR but it's the ONLY CONDITIONER that allows me to finger detangle without hairs snapping or any breakage. It shows my real pattern and the moisture isn't gone once I rinse like many other conditioners. Even some 20 dollar conditioners I've tried. Anything that I've tried that came close to AOHSR had cones it. As for AOWC I'm not sure but I have tried AOIN and AO JAY. HSR is the best out of those hands down. I've realized I can make it last longer "since it's so thick" by rubbing a dollop in my hands BEFORE adding it to my hair to spread it and make sure it seeps into my strands and that helps me not have to buy more so soon. Out of curiosity how much do you pay for yours? Online you can grab a couple bottles for about 6.50 instead of paying higher instore if that helps any.
I have only used AOHSR as as a DT, and it is excellent. I've used TJ Nourish Spa mostly for CO and a few times as a leave in, and I love it too.
Well I'm natural for me AOHSR is all I'd write home about shoot I'd write to Obama okay well Michelle about this conditioner. I don't know hwo it compares so I choose it can't be compared. I've watched people cowash with trader joe's and condition with it I didn't see anything amazing. I don't see many demos on AOHSR but it's the ONLY CONDITIONER that allows me to finger detangle without hairs snapping or any breakage. It shows my real pattern and the moisture isn't gone once I rinse like many other conditioners. Even some 20 dollar conditioners I've tried. Anything that I've tried that came close to AOHSR had cones it. As for AOWC I'm not sure but I have tried AOIN and AO JAY. HSR is the best out of those hands down. I've realized I can make it last longer "since it's so thick" by rubbing a dollop in my hands BEFORE adding it to my hair to spread it and make sure it seeps into my strands and that helps me not have to buy more so soon. Out of curiosity how much do you pay for yours? Online you can grab a couple bottles for about 6.50 instead of paying higher instore if that helps any.

Well I only paid 99 cents lol I bought it off that online drug store when someone posted coupon codes. But I've seen it at Whole Foods for 10 dollars. Someone told me Vitamin Shoppe sells it for about 7 but I never went to check. Maybe I could stretch it and add a bit of water to it?

BTW, I don't deep condition so I would only be using the conditioner as a leave in/detangler after I shampoo.
How thick is the Trader Joe's....lets say in comparison to....Vo5, Tresemme, HE and um....whatever other common conditioner there is to compare it to. My main thing is the thickness and the slip and how it leaves the hair feeling I guess.
I've never tried Trader Joe's, but I had to say that AOWC is the BOMB!!! I use that stuff for everything; cowash, DC, leave-in! It's all purpose if you ask me! If I could only get rid of the smell.....If I could have WC smell like HSR then that would be the best of all worlds!
I tried AOHSR for the first time yesterday and it was HORRIBLE (for my hair)!!

The years I have been here I swear I've read hundreds of reviews from people who just can't get enough of/can't live without this conditioner and only hand fulls of people who didn't care for it. So believing that the odds were in my favor, I decided to splurge on 11oz of this miracle conditioner for $13.50.

I was excited to use it, but the minute I started to apply it to my freshly washed, damp hair I knew it wasn't going to be good...usually when I am applying a good conditioner to my hair their is some type of immediate effect, but with this conditioner, their was no softness upon application, no slip, no anything. I was taken aback by this because its supposed to be slip city! But I continued and figure It would require some time and heat, so I did 30 mins w/ a heat cap. I then left it on overnight.

When I *tried* to rinse this mess out, my texlaxed hair was a DRY, TANGLED, disaster! I could not detangle my hair. It was like I was rinsing out toothpaste. WTH!:wallbash: I had to DC again overnight with another condish (Pantene Intensive Restoration Treatment) to get to a state of softness where I could safely try to unravel my hair.

I am so perplexed at how this product could be the holy grail of moisture for so many, and be like a clarifying shampoo for me. I know everyone's hair reacts differently but...
AAAW I'm so sorry you went through that!!! I know how it feels to use a conditioner and it immediately makes your hair scream WTF! But AOHSR was the complete opposite for me lol It used to take me an hour to detangle my hair. It takes about 15-20 minutes with the AOHSR! You could always send it to me if you don't want to throw it away:grin:
To really answer the question though,:lachen: I don't think the two are comparable AOHSR is an expensive deep conditioner, and TJNS is a cheap rinse out conditioner. If you like both, there is room for both because they serve different purposes.

TJNS is a fantastic co-washing/detangling conditioner. it was so much slip, I have even used it as a leave in before with great results. I have never tried to DC with it because I don't think it has anything in it that is meant to penetrate the hair shaft.

AOHSR is Very thick and NS is about the consistency of VO5 moisture milk.
AAAW I'm so sorry you went through that!!! I know how it feels to use a conditioner and it immediately makes your hair scream WTF! But AOHSR was the complete opposite for me lol It used to take me an hour to detangle my hair. It takes about 15-20 minutes with the AOHSR! You could always send it to me if you don't want to throw it away:grin:

I was soo wishing I had your results. I still can't believe I ended up in that .5% of people who hate it. I just knew i was getting a new best friend.
Ok well since you ladies are saying the Nourish Spa is a good detangler then I'll go ahead and try it. I don't deep condition so I'm really just looking for a good conditioner that will soften my hair after I shampoo with sulfates and will detangle my two textures.
AOHSR/AOWC is the Bomb! I buy them in bulk from ($6.75?). TJNS is the BEST leave-in conditioner I have EVER used! Leaves my hair moisturized but not with that damp, sticky feel. And the best part is that I can reapply to dry hair at night and wake up with moisturized, non-sticky, non-damp hair. Lots of shine and silkiness too! The combination of AO & TJNS can't be beat - for me at least.


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I don't know how important some ingredients are to you but I think Noirish Spa has paraben. I'm not 100% sure so someone correct me if I'm wrong.
No the ingredients are not important unless they interfere with how my hair feels. I don't apply anything except shampoos and oils to my scalp but I think you are right about parabens being in the NS.
It kinda seems that AOHSR works really great for natural heads, but not so much for those who have had some chemical treatment done. Has anyone else noticed this?
I used to be a GO HARD AOHSR head...and I still like it and use it when I have it; however for the past four months it has been ALL ABOUT Trader Joes NourishSpa for my MELTS the tangles out of your head and it leaves like a juiciness to your hair that I cant it's the only conditioner I have EVER used that after I wash it out and the hair is dry that our hair still maintains some type of sheen and just conditioned look...I dont need to put any oils or anything in our hair afterwards and that lasts for about a week....I'm not saying that I'd never buy AOHSR again; I'm just saying since finding Trader Joes NourishSpa, I haven't had a reason daughter and I are 4Bs and my other daughter is a 4A
Op this is the exact same reason why I stopped buying as many commercial products. Once I find a product that works for me I dissect the ingredients and just buy them. For example, my best DC's are the result of my oils...Which is what they wittle down and use in alot of products. I cowash with a cheapie. I am a 3a/4a, I don't know! but it is dense up there! I am also reaching APL in a hot minute (my next relaxer is next friday)...But I digress. Save your self some money and buy the real deal. I still use commercial products because they have been faithful to me. Plus what doesn't work on your hair works everywhere else, face, skin, feet whatever! Come to the otherside sweetie :)
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Okay well that changes things. For a co wash AOHSR is kinda thick so I'd use something like vo5. I wouldn't mess with HE unless you're cool with cones and rarely get build up I only use my hello hydration as a prepoo when I'm planning to follow with a sulfate. As for a leave in/detangler after shampoo I'd spring for Giovanni if you like them. Their conditioners have a good cowash wrap to me and you can leave them in as long as you're cool with some protein.

Well I only paid 99 cents lol I bought it off that online drug store when someone posted coupon codes. But I've seen it at Whole Foods for 10 dollars. Someone told me Vitamin Shoppe sells it for about 7 but I never went to check. Maybe I could stretch it and add a bit of water to it?

BTW, I don't deep condition so I would only be using the conditioner as a leave in/detangler after I shampoo.
It kinda seems that AOHSR works really great for natural heads, but not so much for those who have had some chemical treatment done. Has anyone else noticed this?

No AOHSR works well on my relaxed hair

Op this is the exact same reason why I stopped buying as many commercial products. Once I find a product that works for me I dissect the ingredients and just buy them. For example, my best DC's are the result of my oils...Which is what they wittle down and use in alot of products. I cowash with a cheapie. I am a 3a/4a, I don't know! but it is dense up there! I am also reaching APL in a hot minute (my next relaxer is next friday)...But I digress. Save your self some money and buy the real deal. I still use commercial products because they have been faithful to me. Plus what doesn't work on your hair works everywhere else, face, skin, feet whatever! Come to the otherside sweetie :)

Thanks! But actually, buying and mixing my own ingredients would be both a waste of time and money for the short term. I cannot worry about long-term savings especially since the conditioner would last me at least 3 months. I can only worry about the money I have now and what I have to spend now. Buying separate ingredients will cost more than the 7 dollars for conditioner, not to mention the time it takes to actually mix the ingredients. But I appreciate your input.

Okay well that changes things. For a co wash AOHSR is kinda thick so I'd use something like vo5. I wouldn't mess with HE unless you're cool with cones and rarely get build up I only use my hello hydration as a prepoo when I'm planning to follow with a sulfate. As for a leave in/detangler after shampoo I'd spring for Giovanni if you like them. Their conditioners have a good cowash wrap to me and you can leave them in as long as you're cool with some protein.

No no no no no lol I ONLY use AOHSR as a leave in. After I shampoo, I apply the AOHSR, detangle my hair, and braid it up. This is what I'm looking to do with the Trader Joe's. I don't use cones I just wanted a thickness comparison so I named those conditioners. My leave in is the same as my conditioner. I don't deep condition and I don't really "co-wash". I'm just looking for a nice conditioner that can detangle my hair and will leave it feeling good after a shampoo. I could use Vo5, which I do most of the time, but the two times out of the month that I detangle, I need a conditioner with very good slip. Giovanni costs just as much as Aubrey so no need for me to experiment with them. But I *heard* Nourish Spa was similar to Giovanni, but much cheaper which is why I wanted to try it. Makes sense?
AOHSR is thick and wonderful, I use it as a deep conditioner, mixing with olive oil and honey. It is super, duper moisturizing! I just recently started using TJ Nourish spa for my conditioner wash. It's definitely a different consistency but seems to detangle well. I've never used AOHSR for my conditioner wash (too expensive). I'm also DC using TJ Tea Tree Tingle mixed with oils as we speak. It's not as thick as the AOHSR but I had been threatening to try it. We'll see...
ooooooooo now I get it *feeling all ditzy now*

No AOHSR works well on my relaxed hair

Thanks! But actually, buying and mixing my own ingredients would be both a waste of time and money for the short term. I cannot worry about long-term savings especially since the conditioner would last me at least 3 months. I can only worry about the money I have now and what I have to spend now. Buying separate ingredients will cost more than the 7 dollars for conditioner, not to mention the time it takes to actually mix the ingredients. But I appreciate your input.

No no no no no lol I ONLY use AOHSR as a leave in. After I shampoo, I apply the AOHSR, detangle my hair, and braid it up. This is what I'm looking to do with the Trader Joe's. I don't use cones I just wanted a thickness comparison so I named those conditioners. My leave in is the same as my conditioner. I don't deep condition and I don't really "co-wash". I'm just looking for a nice conditioner that can detangle my hair and will leave it feeling good after a shampoo. I could use Vo5, which I do most of the time, but the two times out of the month that I detangle, I need a conditioner with very good slip. Giovanni costs just as much as Aubrey so no need for me to experiment with them. But I *heard* Nourish Spa was similar to Giovanni, but much cheaper which is why I wanted to try it. Makes sense?
AOHSR is thick and wonderful, I use it as a deep conditioner, mixing with olive oil and honey. It is super, duper moisturizing! I just recently started using TJ Nourish spa for my conditioner wash. It's definitely a different consistency but seems to detangle well. I've never used AOHSR for my conditioner wash (too expensive). I'm also DC using TJ Tea Tree Tingle mixed with oils as we speak. It's not as thick as the AOHSR but I had been threatening to try it. We'll see...

Your hair is beautiful! I want to see your fotki but I'm scared lol
HSR is the bizomb, but I've never left it in; I've only used it to DC and cowash with (don't really like the smell so I'm not trying to leave it in). In terms of moisture, TJ's comes no where close; however, I'll use that more to cowash with b/c it's so much cheaper and I cowash daily.
Have you tried both? How do they compare? How do they differ? Do you think one is better than the other? And just for the heck of it, you can throw in AOWC to review as well.

Here's the thing. I LOVE AOHSR. It is THE BEST conditioner I've ever tried. But I've never tried AOWC or TJ's Nourish Spa.

Now, I'd like to try TJ's and possibly replace AO since its MUCH cheaper. I'm no longer being paid for my work :nono: and my stupid school screwed up my financial aid so that won't be kicking in until November:wallbash:. So AOHSR is a bit steep right now. Let me know what ya think about those 2 (or 3) conditioners

And if you know of any other GOOD, INEXPENSIVE conditioners that do not have cones, feel free to let me know!

I've never used Aubrey Organics..where would you purchase that? i absolutely LOVE Trader Joe's makes my hair feel super silky after i T-shirt dry it + it has some really good ingredients that promote hair growth...I also like TJ's Tea Tree Tingle Conditioner too.
You can get AOHSR from or if there's a Whole Foods near you or another health food store. I've also seen it at Kroger in their organic section