Aubrey Organics Blue Green Algae Hair Rescue Conditioning Mask


Well-Known Member
I would be interested to hear your reviews on this product

I only use natural products for my hair and use Aubrey GPB once a month as a light protein. I would like to use a heavier protein a maybe just a couple of times of year and would be interested to see how this compares to GBP.

I did a search but could not find many reviews regarding this product.

Thanks in advance

I would be interested to hear your reviews on this product

I only use natural products for my hair and use Aubrey GPB once a month as a light protein. I would like to use a heavier protein a maybe just a couple of times of year and would be interested to see how this compares to GBP.

I did a search but could not find many reviews regarding this product.

Thanks in advance


I believe there was a rave on this a while back.....maybe 5-6 years ago. I'll see if I can find it. This was once on my to buy list but i never got around to it.
Thank you

The fact that no one has raved about it since may just say it all :)

I think that I will try it anyway - I need to restock on all my AO conditioners so may as well give it a try.
Thank you so much for the links especially the first article.

It was interesting to read that she only applies the mask to her scalp. I plan to order this and will use it next month.

Thanks again
Thank you

The fact that no one has raved about it since may just say it all :)

I think that I will try it anyway - I need to restock on all my AO conditioners so may as well give it a try.

Girl there have been alot of raves on this board that just die down:)
I bought a jar of this a few months ago and would use it on my dry hair with heat before a conditioner wash. I liked the results and think about buying more sometimes, but it's kind of expensive and I needed a lot of it to cover all my hair.

It's creamy and pretty much the same consistency as the other AO conditioners. It doesn't smell particularly delicious, but not terrible either. I just wish it came in a bigger jar because it did make my hair feel moist and smooth. has really good prices on AO products. I'm going to start buying my AO stuff from there.
Have you tried it yet?

I had forgotten about this thread. I am going to to stock up on my Aubrey's conditioners and shampoos at the end of the year and will purchase the mask to try.

I bought a jar of this a few months ago and would use it on my dry hair with heat before a conditioner wash. I liked the results and think about buying more sometimes, but it's kind of expensive and I needed a lot of it to cover all my hair.

It's creamy and pretty much the same consistency as the other AO conditioners. It doesn't smell particularly delicious, but not terrible either. I just wish it came in a bigger jar because it did make my hair feel moist and smooth. has really good prices on AO products. I'm going to start buying my AO stuff from there.

Thank you for the review. I am looking forward to trying it in the next few weeks.
I just tried this stuff last weekend and my hair felt like buttah! :grin: I think my hair was getting too mushy though and this was the protein fix it needed to get things back into balance.
Thanks for the reviews. I've actually wanted to try this product b/c it's natural and I saw some good reviews about it on the AO website.
I bought a jar of this a few months ago and would use it on my dry hair with heat before a conditioner wash. I liked the results and think about buying more sometimes, but it's kind of expensive and I needed a lot of it to cover all my hair.

It's creamy and pretty much the same consistency as the other AO conditioners. It doesn't smell particularly delicious, but not terrible either. I just wish it came in a bigger jar because it did make my hair feel moist and smooth. has really good prices on AO products. I'm going to start buying my AO stuff from there.

Wow O.O HSR for 6 dollars and some change? ....I love you.
Thank you sooooo much.
And I was interested in that mask also. Maybe one day I'll try it.
Does anyone whose used both this mask and GPB know how they compare? Is it stronger than GPB, different type of feel,etc?

***Edit*** Note: I did a bit of background research(google:grin:) on the site and they have very mixed reviews. So just be careful. I'll prolly still order from them to see how the ordering goes.
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I actually used it for the last 2 months before I got on the MT bandwagon. It is a great protein conditioner. The container is kind of small, so if you have an abundance of hair (which I don't) you will use it up fast. To make mine last, I would apply it to my scalp like a relaxer (with the brush) and then apply it sparingly to rest of my hair go to bed and wash in the morning.

I have heard where others used the regular Blue Green Algae in that same capacity and got more for their money - I think the only difference was that the treatment had Red Algae in it and the regular conditioner didn't. Yet the results were the same. I have not been on the AO site lately, but when I ordered it from the site it was free with the purchase of AO GPB conditioner and shampoo. I think it was like 21.00 or 22.00 dollars for all three.

Are there any natural stores like a Whole Foods in your city?? They have AO products.

lol i know, the whole foods near me only had 2 different conditioners and a couple of the places i found online had what seems like every other AO product made but the mask. but i think im gonna try that place that only had it for 10.33
wow, i have been flirting with the idea of using this product for the longest. I think I will give it a try real soon..///smile......
Just wanted to say that I order from that site frequently now and have only had good experiences :) I order in bulk so I can get free shipping too and have a stash of my favorite products under my sink.

Well since the secrets out...:shhh: LOL... I do the same thing. I always order enough to get free shipping.

Oh, and I took another look at the ingredients on the mask and while it made my hair feel great, I really don't think it's that much of a protein treatment. My reason for saying this is because after looking at the ingredients, the protein (algae) is way down on the list of ingredients. Way after shea butter, cetyl alcohol, and others. It's so far down the list, that it's right before the preservatives (which by law can only be a small percentage, right?)...

So, I said all that to say, I still love the mask. I will probably buy it again, but after looking at GPB's ingredients, it seems like the GPB might be more strengthening. I only tried GPB once, and my hair didnt like it. I still have the bottle and may try it again soon. Oh, and I also didn't like that I pretty much used the entire jar/ mask in one sitting. My hair soaked it up like nobody's business. It gets expensive that way. I may try to make it stretch more somehow.
hi ladies-

longtime lurker turned member... and this is my 1st post! :look:

anyway, i just want to RAVE about this product! i have been having serious issues with my hair tangling and not being moisturized. i used this after shampooing with ors creamy aloe shampoo and hydratherma naturals moisture shampoo. i applied it to my ng and length of my hair and did a steam towel treatment with heat for 15 minutes. my hair felt AMAZING when i rinsed it out and my new growth felt wonderful :lick: not just the wet feeling it normally has after i condition it. then i followed up with AO HSR for about 10 minutes with heat (i was in a hurry) and OMG i FINALLY KNOW THE MEANING OF SLIP!! i could easily part my hair and rollersetting was actually and enjoyable experience for a change! usually it is a nightmare but i lost much less hair than i normally do and detangling was so easy - and let me tell you i was in a rush and did not take my time as i should have. and i had not combed my hair for about 4 days and i had been doing heavy cardio workouts. i could actually get a comb through my 7 week post ng. my new growth still feels moisturized after a day.

i know it is a protein treatment but usually proteins make my hair hard.... and this did the opposite. i am so happy to find this product as i was beginning to think that slip was something i would never experience.

it is small and expensive but as someone else mentioned has A/O for really cheap and you get free shipping on orders over 50 dollars.

btw, thank you all for your wonderful advice, story sharing, and inspirational tresses!
I like this alot it's really thick and makes your hair strong. I don't use too much because it's expensive and you only get a little bit. I usually mix it with other conditioners to stretch it out.
I'm considering using this product as a more natural protein deep conditioner alternative. I would love to see lots more reviews from those that have tried it. I am seriously considering either this or the GPB conditioner. I would love a heavy protein conditioner that's natural/organic....and AFFORDABLE on a regular basis.

Let's keep 'em coming ladies!!:yep:
Darn it, why did I come in here....I have just started purchasing and using AO products and I must admit, I love themso far. I had my eyes on this conditoner as well for a while but never bought I want it, go figure:grin:.

What I'd like to know, Is there any good reviews on organic poos that leaves the hair feeling moisturized as opposed to stripped? It could be from any brand, Hairveda, Jason naturals, Giovanni, etc. Help ladies.
Darn it, why did I come in here....I have just started purchasing and using AO products and I must admit, I love themso far. I had my eyes on this conditoner as well for a while but never bought I want it, go figure:grin:.

What I'd like to know, Is there any good reviews on organic poos that leaves the hair feeling moisturized as opposed to stripped? It could be from any brand, Hairveda, Jason naturals, Giovanni, etc. Help ladies.

I found these reviews here:

.... which prompted me to come here & search. Its great to hear it from ladies you "know":yep:
I use this conditioner every couple of weeks - I purchased for the deep conditioning challenge - and it is really wonderful. Strong, shiney hair. I apply, head in a bag, under the dryer for 15ish minutes, do chores or whatever for another little while or until I get in the shower. My hair loves this as a protein treatment. Given the size of the jar, it is a little pricey, but I'm training myself to use just enough and not glob conditioner all over - it works the same and the products last longer. If you check out Macherieamour's tutorial on deep conditioning, you'll see what I mean - I'm learning this lesson from her - I don't need to apply tons of conditioner for it to work.
I got this free when I purchased the AO GPB condish and poo....I loved this stuff and did not purchase it again because I started Megatekkin' - If they sold it in Vitamin Shoppe - I would consider purchasing it again...FYI - they have BGA Protein + Strengthening Cream Rinse which is similiar to the mask - the difference is that it is that it does not have the "red algae" but it essentially does the same thing and you get more of it..(ya follow me) it has the same usage instructions as the AO GPB, HSR, etc....I was thinking about getting that as well - I am trying to cut back on ordering so much ish..If you decide to get the mask - you will not be disappointed - If I knew then what I know now - I probably would not have purchased the Megatek as my hair was loving this condish - hindsight is always 20/20...