Attracting a man with your eyes


Well-Known Member
Does this work for anyone?

A friend of mine, when we went out used to get so many attractive men to approach her and I always wondered about it, until one night we were hanging out at a nice lounge. She and I, and 2 other girlfriends were chilling and sipping some martinis when I noticed she was looking off into a certain direction. Two minutes later, she was doing it again. I finally asked, "Girl, who are you looking at like that?? :lol:". Of course she said "nobody". But, I had followed her gaze and realized she was giving this guy "the eyes" (which is what I call it now). Well don't you know, he came up and approached her a few minutes later.

So, I thought to myself :scratchch ...'I wonder if I can test it out and see if a guy will respond to "the eyes"'. About a week later I was out and I experimented with giving a few guys "the eyes" and it tickled me to discover that they all responded! I don't mean batting eyelashes either. I'm talking about "the eyes" :grin:

This was some years ago and before I was in a relationship. But, I just wanted to say don't sleep on giving "the eyes" because it works! Try it one day :grin::grin:

Here are some links:
The eyes = undressing a man, or so I've been told.

I've done the sizing up, but I don't gaze to the point of making him uncomfortable. I look, smile, look away (while still taking note on if he's staring at my direction) and if our eyes meet then someone takes the initiative.

Eyes and a beautiful smile does the trick. :yep:
Usually Im staring off into space and accidentally make eye contact and attract a weirdo LOL....
I'm not telepathic or anything but usually I'll tell myself he's gonna come talk to me make sure I make eye contact and he usually does err did.... I haven't seemed to get it lately sigh :(
Yeah, like when I experimented with it, this is how I did it.

I would give a gaze towards the guy (with my face looking straight his way) until I see him look my way. Once he catches my gaze, I hold contact for maybe 2 seconds, then glance away. Do it again a few minutes later, but this time when you gaze at him, have your face not looking straight his way so that it appears you are "peeking" at him. I made sure he saw me "peeking" :giggle: and once we locked eyes again for a few seconds I looked away.

It worked the 3 or 4 times I tried it :yep: and the guy comes over to start up a conversation.
Yeah, like when I experimented with it, this is how I did it.

I would give a gaze towards the guy (with my face looking straight his way) until I see him look my way. Once he catches my gaze, I hold contact for maybe 2 seconds, then glance away. Do it again a few minutes later, but this time when you gaze at him, have your face not looking straight his way so that it appears you are "peeking" at him. I made sure he saw me "peeking" :giggle: and once we locked eyes again for a few seconds I looked away.

It worked the 3 or 4 times I tried it :yep: and the guy comes over to start up a conversation.

that sounds cool. Do you think this is appropriate in church...the sanctuary?:look: I want to try this one day. I let you know what happens.:grin:
Here is a short one. But it doesnt really have a woman demonstrating the eyes

let me look some more

I'm watching the video now.:grin:
that sounds cool. Do you think this is appropriate in church...the sanctuary?:look: I want to try this one day. I let you know what happens.:grin:
LMAO no she did not say at church in the sanctuary!!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:You need to keep that in the church parking the sanctuary you need to only be giving "eyes" to the Lord!! :lachen::lachen:
that sounds cool. Do you think this is appropriate in church...the sanctuary?:look: I want to try this one day. I let you know what happens.:grin:

I'm watching the video now.:grin:

Well its really more a feminine thing than a sexual thing, so....
But yeah, like Cincy mentioned, you might want to wait til after service is over :lol:
Yeah, like when I experimented with it, this is how I did it.

I would give a gaze towards the guy (with my face looking straight his way) until I see him look my way. Once he catches my gaze, I hold contact for maybe 2 seconds, then glance away. Do it again a few minutes later, but this time when you gaze at him, have your face not looking straight his way so that it appears you are "peeking" at him. I made sure he saw me "peeking" :giggle: and once we locked eyes again for a few seconds I looked away.

It worked the 3 or 4 times I tried it :yep: and the guy comes over to start up a conversation.

oh maybe this is the way to overcome the "you look uninterested" problem! LOL

however when i tried to look at a guy a couple of times in a row (at a bday party in a lounge) he just kept looking back at me like "what" "what"
:nono: i'm not doing it right, or guys just have grown to expect all the bumping and grinding women do now a days to get attention, and "the eyes" are far to subtle to work in a loungy situation

maybe they'll work at the library or on the train or at whole foods??
I've noticed that guys tend to give me the "eyes." If they're not attractive I pretty much ignore them or look right through them. One of these days I'll try giving the "eyes" to a good-looking guy. I've been told by many people that I have beautiful eyes, so I'll wait and "see." Something should happen.
i'd have to take my glasses OFF for this, right?
can't even remember the last time i flirted with someone new, lol..
LMAO no she did not say at church in the sanctuary!!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:You need to keep that in the church parking the sanctuary you need to only be giving "eyes" to the Lord!! :lachen::lachen:

Well, I was thinking before service started. Plus, it is cold where I am from now. I'm not trying to stand up in the snow giving googly eyes to some man...I'm trying to get in my car out of the cold.

Well its really more a feminine thing than a sexual thing, so....
But yeah, like Cincy mentioned, you might want to wait til after service is over :lol:

I don't know...I mean, it may be a sexual thing. I just see that God did create man and women to be attracted to each other just like Ruth let Boaz no what's up and he made the next step.

I mean, I wouldn't be in praise and worship trying to give someone the googly eye. Like, having my hands raised then all of a sudden, "Let me try that eye thing FoxxiMami was talking about on LHCF.":lachen:
Yup, fully aware of "the eyes" thats why I try my hardest not to make eye contact with men that I'm not interested in. If not someone is bound to walk over trying to strike up a convo because I was looking at him.
Well, I was thinking before service started. Plus, it is cold where I am from now. I'm not trying to stand up in the snow giving googly eyes to some man...I'm trying to get in my car out of the cold.

I don't know...I mean, it may be a sexual thing. I just see that God did create man and women to be attracted to each other just like Ruth let Boaz no what's up and he made the next step.

I mean, I wouldn't be in praise and worship trying to give someone the googly eye. Like, having my hands raised then all of a sudden, "Let me try that eye thing FoxxiMami was talking about on LHCF.":lachen:
:rofl: .......
oh maybe this is the way to overcome the "you look uninterested" problem! LOL

however when i tried to look at a guy a couple of times in a row (at a bday party in a lounge) he just kept looking back at me like "what" "what"
:nono: i'm not doing it right, or guys just have grown to expect all the bumping and grinding women do now a days to get attention, and "the eyes" are far to subtle to work in a loungy situation

maybe they'll work at the library or on the train or at whole foods??

That's what I am saying! Sometimes I feel like I look to good or something cause' guys seem intimidated of me...alot.

And then when I do give someone a chance, I get the stalker behavior. Just gave you my number and you are calling me a few hours later, then texting me love messages in the morning. And the dreaded questions of unbelief, "So, why is a beautiful woman like you single?" I feel it is like they are asking, "So, what's your, possesive, unable to committ...what's the real deal?"
I don't know but I assume you have dealt with this before Criolla.:look:
Yup, fully aware of "the eyes" thats why I try my hardest not to make eye contact with men that I'm not interested in. If not someone is bound to walk over trying to strike up a convo because I was looking at him.

I just think men are too weak these days. We have made it to easy for them. They want to know for sure they can get in or get your number before they even approach a woman. What happened to the thrill of the chase? Their egos are so big or maybe their self esteem is so low that they can't accept that every woman you approach is not going to be into you. Keep it rolling and go to the next that will! Stop being wimps!

I mean, hey. You have to get in where you fit in. I'm thinking before or after service in the lobby is good. :yep:

Shoot, I need a man cause' if I had one I would be on the phone with him instead of on LHCF. But at least this can help me get there.:grin:
That's what I am saying! Sometimes I feel like I look to good or something cause' guys seem intimidated of me...alot.

And then when I do give someone a chance, I get the stalker behavior. Just gave you my number and you are calling me a few hours later, then texting me love messages in the morning. And the dreaded questions of unbelief, "So, why is a beautiful woman like you single?" I feel it is like they are asking, "So, what's your, possesive, unable to committ...what's the real deal?"
I don't know but I assume you have dealt with this before Criolla.:look:

ooo i'm not on stalker level yet! :grin:
:lachen::lachen: i hate those dumb questions! I guess they just don't know what to say. I've heard "why would a man ever let you come out alone" WHAT? LOL :lachen:

when I don't do the eyes I get random guys saying, "smile".
actually I get that walking down the street, too. and it's strange because I wonder if men tell other men to smile.
but if you walk down the street cheesing, that can be dangerous.

last time I tried "the eyes" the guy just kept looking right back at me. After awhile I decided to leave the party. I walked outside, hailed a cab, jumped in, and here's this same fool from inside the party running up to the cab!! he beats on the window and says "i didn't get a chance to meet you" :look:

but i was over it. he saw me giving him my best 'eye'. he was just too busy with every other woman shaking it in his face to make a move. I guess he figured he had time. wrong. :grin:
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I just think men are too weak these days. We have made it to easy for them. They want to know for sure they can get in or get your number before they even approach a woman. What happened to the thrill of the chase? Their egos are so big or maybe their self esteem is so low that they can't accept that every woman you approach is not going to be into you. Keep it rolling and go to the next that will! Stop being wimps!

amen :drunk:
ooo i'm not on stalker level yet! :grin:
:lachen::lachen: i hate those dumb questions! I guess they just don't know what to say. I've heard "why would a man ever let you come out alone" WHAT? LOL :lachen:

when I don't do the eyes I get random guys saying, "smile".
actually I get that walking down the street, too. and it's strange because I wonder if men tell other men to smile.
but if you walk down the street cheesing, that can be dangerous.

last time I tried "the eyes" the guy just kept looking right back at me. After awhile I decided to leave the party. I walked outside, hailed a cab, jumped in, and here's this same fool from inside the party running up to the cab!! he beats on the window and says "i didn't get a chance to meet you" :look:

but i was over it. he saw me giving him my best 'eye'. he was just too busy with every other woman shaking it in his face to make a move. I guess he figured he had time. wrong. :grin:

I know that's right! I feel like, "you should treat me just like you would halle or Beyonce." If they were giving you the eye, you wouldn't waste one second.

But I think one thing about beautiful women is everyone expects it to be so easy for us when I think that could actually be a hinderance cause' so many men are afraid to approach you. Usually, it is the guys that are "average" or as my friends say, "not on my level" physically but I give them a chance cause' at least they had the guts to approach me. I think that is one of the reasons so many beautiful women end up married to "not so beautiful" men cause' other men are either thinking, "she's got someone" or are intimidated but for some reason "not so good-looking" men have no fear in approaching me. I guess they are used to getting turned down but it actually ends up working in their favor when approaching a lonely yet beautiful woman.:look: *sigh*
but for some reason "not so good-looking" men have no fear in approaching me. I guess they are used to getting turned down but it actually ends up working in their favor when approaching a lonely yet beautiful woman.:look: *sigh*

because they're standing next to the FINE guy you're giving the eye to, and they think it's for them!!! happens AAALLLL the time. :perplexed

if you do it in church...they gone think you see a spirit on them :lachen:

all sorts of different communications can be made via the the past I would avoid eye contact with males because I wasn't fully aware yet of the different ways I could be able to do so without them thinking I must want to hook up with them, and getting over my ego power playing with men.....Im a natural observer and gazer so I tend to look at all sorts of people and can eye people in different ways all the time .....I can make friendly eye contact with a male and make it a point that Im just being polite and smile...most of the time they take it the way its given.....I have my come to me gaze down on lock and its very different from my friendly gaze.....these days I rarely run across men I want to come to me, but when I do, they feel it....and when they come to me, Im good at transferring this feminine energy onto them and it drives them crazy, they are like puddy in your hands without even having to so much as kiss them, just looking at them and touching them in womanly ways on the arm or their head....

it took me awhile to get to this point and find this balance however...I've pretty much got it down pact now
all sorts of different communications can be made via the the past I would avoid eye contact with males because I wasn't fully aware yet of the different ways I could be able to do so without them thinking I must want to hook up with them, and getting over my ego power playing with men.....Im a natural observer and gazer so I tend to look at all sorts of people and can eye people in different ways all the time .....I can make friendly eye contact with a male and make it a point that Im just being polite and smile...most of the time they take it the way its given.....I have my come to me gaze down on lock and its very different from my friendly gaze.....these days I rarely run across men I want to come to me, but when I do, they feel it....and when they come to me, Im good at transferring this feminine energy onto them and it drives them crazy, they are like puddy in your hands without even having to so much as kiss them, just looking at them and touching them in womanly ways on the arm or their head....

it took me awhile to get to this point and find this balance however...I've pretty much got it down pact now

i vote for you to do a tutorial!! :pray:
Yeah, like when I experimented with it, this is how I did it.

I would give a gaze towards the guy (with my face looking straight his way) until I see him look my way. Once he catches my gaze, I hold contact for maybe 2 seconds, then glance away. Do it again a few minutes later, but this time when you gaze at him, have your face not looking straight his way so that it appears you are "peeking" at him. I made sure he saw me "peeking" :giggle: and once we locked eyes again for a few seconds I looked away.

It worked the 3 or 4 times I tried it :yep: and the guy comes over to start up a conversation.

My friends always say I give men "the eyes" and thats exactly what I do, and they do come alot of times, but its not on purpose at all.

Im just kind of shy, I'll look at a guy (even if I dont find him attractive, he's just there), then when he sees me i'll look away, try to look again on the sneack to see if they are still looking or look at them some more myself and if they see that :nono: they are comming.
i vote for you to do a tutorial!! :pray:
I agree. I didn't get this chapter in my "How to be a Woman" manual. I think I'm scared to make eye contact like this with men. But I'm hoping to get over this fear while I'm young (I do want to get married).

Every time I notice men giving me the eyes I'm too nervous to hold their gaze and see what happens. When I was riding the train home over Thanksgiving to visit family this man was giving me serious "eyes" in the train station. He was looking at me like I was a tall glass of ice water in the dessert, with this awestruck look on his face. I didn't know how to react so I looked away. I'm sure if I would have smiled he would have come over to talk to me.
Yes, looking directly into a man's eyes and smiling at the same time lets him know that you are "safe", he can walk up to you and talk without taking the risk of being rejected. :yep:
That's the best way to attract a man :D
i'd have to take my glasses OFF for this, right?
can't even remember the last time i flirted with someone new, lol..

LOL, just look straight in the eyes of a man you like...lower those glasses to the tip of your nose and raise one eyebrow :grin: Just kidding!!
I don't think you need to take your glasses off, men love a woman with glasses!! :)