ATTN: Mega-Tek Users


New Member
I just ordered Mega-Tek for the first time and I wanted to know how you ladies were using it, how well is it working for you and how long did it take for you to see results using this product? I was unable to do a search so any info would be appreciated.
Hi Gradygirl,

I'm a new user of Mega-Tek, I used it for the second time last night. I use it to condition my hair after washing. The first time I used it I used my heat cap but last night I was tired & feeling a bit lazy so I didn't use heat, I just left it on for 15-20 mins then rinsed out & deep conditioned.

I then put a little through my damp hair and on my ends. I left to air dry for a while then I followed up with my leave-in conditioner and some WGO and blow dried as usual, tied with my satin scarf and went to bed. The first time I used it I didn't realy notice any difference in my hair but this morning my hair felt so much stronger and I didn't have any breakage and hardly any shedding at all (I've been having a problem with shedding lately.)

I'm very happy with the results so far and I'll definitely be using it regularly from now on. Hope this helps.
Thanks Girlie, I did not know whether to rinse it out or not but I think I will use it as a leave in. I've been shedding due to medication that I have to take I believe; so I hope this product helps to give my hair the extra strength that it needs to combat the side effects of the medication. I read on their website that some people that take chemo and high blood pressure meds. use it with great results so I'm hopeful.
Thanks again
You're welcome, I hope you get good results with it and good luck with your health, I know medication can play havoc with your hair as I've had personal experience of this.