attn: maxigliders/transitioners

I can't wait to purchase this product next week. I am still undecided about going natural but I feel that if the results are good from the maxiglide it may help me make a decision.


I bought my Maxiglide today at Linens and Things for $79 + tax . My plan was to take it home try it out on a section of hair and if I wasn't instantly gratified, it was going right back to the store.

This flat iron is amazing. I have always been horrible at pressing my own hair but this was really easy and it worked exactly the way it did on the dvd included in the package.

I'm keeping it and consider it money well spent.

While I'm loving the product, here are some issues I had when using:

1. Those little teeth on the iron are scary, especially for someone like me who has been detangling with my fingers and a wide tooth comb for 7 months.

2. When I was done with my whole head, I lost about 50 hairs. This is more than I lose detangling in the shower, but I'm not planning on using the iron more than once a month, if that often.

3. Finding the right heat setting makes a difference in how easily the iron 'glides'. I started on setting 5 (out of 10, the DVD recommended to use between 6- 10 for course hair, I know better). At 5, the iron was gliding, when I turned it down to 3, there was a bit of a struggle in the glide.

Overall, I definitely recommend the product.
cincybrownsugar said:
I don't blow dry my hair, I think as long as your hair is detangled you should be fine. What setting did you have it on to hear it sizzle? Also what did you have on your hair?

I had it on a low setting, maybe 3 or 4. I use coconut oil on my hair every time I wash it, so I still had some of that on it. I was just messing around with the Maxiglide and probably wasn't using it properly. I'm going to try it out again soon. Thanks.
is this coconut oil that people are using actually an oil or a grease b/c I have coconut oil but it is grease. Have I somehow missed the boat?
bellezanegra826 said:
is this coconut oil that people are using actually an oil or a grease b/c I have coconut oil but it is grease. Have I somehow missed the boat?

I use the actual oil. I can not stand grease. You can buy the oil at the health food store or a store like the Vitamin Shoppe. I used to use the grease back in the day and the oil is so much better.
bellezanegra826 said:
is this coconut oil that people are using actually an oil or a grease b/c I have coconut oil but it is grease. Have I somehow missed the boat?

Girl, I was jumping back into the thread (when I saw you had just posted) to see if you had some pictures for us. I am still laughing at you when you said you hid the MG in your car like it was some drugs or something!!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I have a question for the ladies that are completely natural.

Have any of you had issues with your hair not reverting completely back to normal after using the Maxiglide? I'm just curious because I'm close to 18 months post relaxer and I'd like to be able to wear my hair straighter (blowdrying plus flaironing causes breakage for me) but I don't want to risk damaging my texture and having my hair look weird when I'm totally natural. I've heard of people with permanently straight hairs from pressing, just wondering if the Maxiglide is safer.

I just used it again last night. I had also done a protein treatment so my hair is extra strong right now. So here are my observations.

1. I didn't blow dry. That is the step I'm trying to omit.

2. It worked best on hair that was a teeny bit damp still.

3. My hair was parted in four sections and if I left a section out after doing it would puff up a bit but when done with my whole head I put a silk covered curler on the ends and tied down my hair. My hair has been out all day today and it is very rainy and it hasn't reverted.

4. The steam burst really adds the extra straightening power. I wish you could do it close to the scalp.

5. My hair is not as straight as with the flat iron but then the flat iron made it the kind of straight that I had to pray over to make it go back to curly. The hair is straighter though than with the blow dryer. Am I making sense? I like it. It's not poufy but it's not bone know now that I think about it it looks like when I had a relaxer . So to answer your question MissMarie I personally do think it is safer than pressing or the regular flat iron.
MissMarie said:
I have a question for the ladies that are completely natural.

Have any of you had issues with your hair not reverting completely back to normal after using the Maxiglide? I'm just curious because I'm close to 18 months post relaxer and I'd like to be able to wear my hair straighter (blowdrying plus flaironing causes breakage for me) but I don't want to risk damaging my texture and having my hair look weird when I'm totally natural. I've heard of people with permanently straight hairs from pressing, just wondering if the Maxiglide is safer.


I've only used it once but so far so good, this is definitely not something I would do regularly maybe 2-3x a year
I just purchased and used my Conair ceramic flatiron that I got from Avon. It works like a charm and I was quite impressed.

What is the difference between a regular flatiron and a ceramic one as far as what it does for your hair?
No, my aunts hair last for about 1 1/2 to 2wks, and her daughter goes 3wks. They pin-curl or wrap hair in a loose bun to keep the curl w/o using heat.
Chanteuse said:
I think the oil might have helped my situation but I don't like using oil b/c my hair is fine and gets limp and lifeless with it. Did they have problems with humidity?
I have a maxiglide pic on my album: I let my hair air dry halfway and dried it with a dryer and used it because I did not want to wait all day for my hair to air dry. My hair came out fine,no snags, burns or breakage. It was not bone straight but it was straight enough. In the past I have flat ironed my hair and had it not revert back so I was afraid. After using the maxiglide my hair was fine. However, it is defnitely all about the product you use. I used Aveda time I am going to try BBD products cause when i went to Detroit a friend of mine got a press w/ them and it was BAAAAAAD.
A regular flat iron can heat up unevenly creating hotspots that can burn your hair. Ceramic flat irons are supposed to heat up evenly and be less damaging. Correct me if I am wrong.