ATTENTION: Naturals, do you use Dominican Products?


Star Shooter
Hello Ladies, :wave:

I wanted to know if any of you natural ladies use Dominican products on your hair. If so what is the name of the product? What do you like or dislike about it?

Thanks in advance. :rosebud:
I do...seldomly. I liked Salerm 21 when I was permed but for some reason my natural hair dosen't care too much for it, go figure. :lol: However I would like to try any other Domincan products but not sure which ones to try. :)
I do. Once a month I deep condition with Emergencia. I have noticed that it works better for me if i mix oil with it, so I mix some Jamaican Black Castor oil in it. It makes my hair very moist and soft.

I have Salerm 21 leave in and my head didn't care for it too much. I also have Lacio Lacio. I have not tried it yet but I think these two may work better if you are wearing it straight or roller sets.
Ok so I purchsed the Miss Key 10 en 1 and I really love. :love: However, it kind of reminds of the Elasta QP DPR. :ohwell:
I've been using an Aloe Vera Dominican conditioner...don't have the correct name because it's at my mom. It makes my hair very very soft.
I know Salerm isn't really "Dominican" but I've used the Wheat Germ Mask and 21 leave-in. The WGM seemed just average but very perfumey. The leave-in works really well when the air is dry. Overall I wasn't impressed by these two, but they didn't have a negative impact on my hair.
sugaplum said:
Ok so I purchsed the Miss Key 10 en 1 and I really love. :love: However, it kind of reminds of the Elasta QP DPR. :ohwell:
Oh no, say it ain't so. I just ordered this and I don't like DPR:( .
I used Miss Key 10-en-1 when I was transitioning...but my natural hair doesnt like dominican products. It seems to work better on relaxed hair.
brownsugarflyygirl said:
I used Miss Key 10-en-1 when I was transitioning...but my natural hair doesnt like dominican products. It seems to work better on relaxed hair.

ITA....not impressed with 10 en 1. I've used the Tropical avocado and the wheat germ as well. Not impressed with the avocado either, but the wheat germ is ok.
I use praital silk worm rinse. I love it so much that I bought the big jug size so that I won't run out too soon. I use it to con-wash once a week.
I have Miss Keys 10 en 1 and I really like it. I love the Henna Queen Wheat Gluten hair always feels soft afterwards and the smell is wonderful.
Pokahontas said:
Oh no, say it ain't so. I just ordered this and I don't like DPR:( .

I just ordered this and I don't like DPR either! Have you received it? How do you like it?
oobrittany said:
I just ordered this and I don't like DPR either! Have you received it? How do you like it?
Yes, I got it but I haven't used it yet. It looks just like DPR, I'm hoping I will like it better. I can say that I tried Silicon mix rinse-out and leave-in and boy am I in love!!! I got the best roller set ever.
I tried using Dominican products while I was relaxed and my hair really liked them, but I stopped when I went natural--not really sure why (might have been the fact that it has parabens).

Today, I decided to dig up my old bottle of Lacio Lacio and give it another chance. I co-washed with VO5 Kiwi & Lime Clarifying Conditioner, blotted the excess water with a t-shirt, then applied nickel-sized amounts of Lacio Lacio to my hair in sections. My hair dried with really defined coils, it's soft, and the shine is like :eek: ! I'm gonna keep trying it over the next few days to see if these great results continue, but I'm diggin it so far!
I'm off to buy more dominican products. :) I will give Emergencia and Cinnamon Rinse a try. I'm going to order through Anky. :)

Any other suggestions ladies? Any results?
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On someones recommendation I went out looking for some cinnamon conditioner that is supposed to be a great Dominican product.

That mess made my hair drier than anything I've ever put on my hair it was terrible, no exaggeration.

I feel that this Dominican,s do great hair and have great products is the same as the Koreans can only do good nails :nono:.

No offense to anyone but how come they don't have hair all down their backs? I'm sure a few do but I haven't seen any but I guess I only went once when I had a relaxer that was enough to turn me away after having my hair steamed and rolled and blowed within an inch of it's life. I knew that would eventually catch up with about snatching you bald !!! :ohwell:

On someones recommendation I went out looking for some cinnamon conditioner that is supposed to be a great Dominican product.

That mess made my hair drier than anything I've ever put on my hair it was terrible, no exaggeration.

I feel that this Dominican,s do great hair and have great products is the same as the Koreans can only do good nails :nono:.

No offense to anyone but how come they don't have hair all down their backs? I'm sure a few do but I haven't seen any but I guess I only went once when I had a relaxer that was enough to turn me away after having my hair steamed and rolled and blowed within an inch of it's life. I knew that would eventually catch up with about snatching you bald !!! :ohwell:
Yea, it isn't for everyone. Sorry your hair didn't like it. But me likey!!!!
Only when I get a dominicna blowout do I use the products. I've thought about trying the silicon mix, but I always forget. :ohwell:
I love the Miss Key 10 en 1 and on a recommendation, I am about to try all of the 11 en 1 line. I also brought one of those color showers. The silicon mix did NOTHING for me.