
Well-Known Member

I decided to create this thread so that the ladies in Asia, like myself, can share products that have or have not worked for them. As much as I love ordering things through Amazon it's a bit costly. Especially since I go through so much conditioner.

I reside in Japan and it truly has the best skin and quite a few hair products in the world. I spend a good amount of time in drugstores and on the internet researching things before I purchase them:grin::lachen:. I intend to update this list whenever I find something new. Please feel to share your experiences or ask any questions about the products. There are a few sites that ship internationally such as RAKUTEN AND KENKO.


My baby, my holy grail, the best conditioner I have encountered thus far. Allow me to present KRACIE UMI NO URUOISO seaweed conditioner. This baby is packed with 11 different kinds of seaweed. It has made my hair softer, moisturized and I have less SSK'S. I stockpile this stuff especially when it's on sale!


This is SEAMUD conditioner. It also contains different kinds of seaweed. I use this when I cowash and it gives me a lot of slip.


This like a deep conditioner, they call it a treatment or hairpack over here. It contains protein and different kinds of seaweed. I think it's OK, I'm still testing it. This is from a company called SEAMUD.


Japanese PANTENE is so different from PANTENE in the states. The product range and the ingredients as well. This one is for really damaged hair and contains Amino Acids. I have nothing but love for PANTENE. This stuff is the BIZNESS!:yep:


Horse oil protein conditioner:lick::lick:! FANTASTIC. I use it all the time. It's such a great detangler too. I can feel my tangles melt away as soon as I apply this to my hair. This is by a company called JUNNYAKU.


This is pure apricot oil and it's so light. I like it and use it alone or in an oil mixture. This product is by a company called YANAGIYA.

I ADORE THIS!!! It's an ultra creamy apricot oil moisturizer for super dry hair and a little goes a long way.It's so moisturizing I used it every other day. Also by YANAGIYA.


I really wanted this to work and I was so excited to purchase this special "Extra Cleansing Head Spa". It contains oils such as camellia and ginger among others. They were not lying about the extra cleansing part. This stuff strips EVERYTHING OFF. I would not use this again unless I dipped my hair in mud and let it sit for 3 weeks! This stuff is super strong. If you have super dirty hair this will wash everything out, but I doubt anybody's hair is that dirty. This shampoo and the items below are by SHISEIDO.


TSUBAKI OIL, I used this shampoo and conditioner for about 6 months while I was relaxed and I liked it. Later on I noticed that I had dandruff and dry flaky scalp so I stopped. I'm currently exploring the other lines so I'll post about them at a later date.

Alright that's it for now, but I will post more products as I try them out. I hope you all enjoy the info.:grin:
Girl why you tryna have me ordering products I cant pronounce:) im glad you found stuff that works for you over there. International pj:)
^^^Yes, I am indeed an international PJ. You can be one too. Just stroll on over to Amazon and have a nice long look.
A lot of my blasian friends use ORS product line. I dont know if they order it or buy it personally. They also love their weaves lol
at the moment i do what i learnt long time ago when i was a child from my granny and my mother, wash and put oil thats it,

use tresemme Naturals and satinique products and put oil to seal in moisture
for DC i use Satinique moisturiser add molasses and for protein add egg white all my life i have doing this

at the moment i am growing out my hair so i am in a PS most of the time
Nice review. You should have an asian products blog and share this info there.

For ppl who want to try seaweed conditioning packs you can usually get dried seaweed at an asian market.
I live in Japan too! What store do you go to to buy these products?

I usually go to Sugi, Amano, or Matsumoto Kiyoshi. The seamud products and horse oil conditioner can be found at Kenko.con They are usually not available at the drugstores that I listed.
Tiye, I actually do have a blog, but have not updated it in months :(. I'm currently hiding under a bad wig and baking under the hot sun. This heat is sapping the energy out of me. So, I'm ashamed to refer anyone to my blog at the moment, maybe in a couple of months. I may list some skincare info as well, eventually.