attention can i switch to a lye on next relaxer ?


New Member
I have always had a no lye relaxer.On my next one Ill have stretched twelve weeks.Can I switch to a lye realxer then or is there some type of hair secret to do this that I need to learn.
I know alot of ladies have done this successfully.
choose a regular or mild relaxer.
chelate your hair to remove chemical deposits on hair.
proceed with your normal routine (protect the ends with conditioner and so worth)
do a keratin restorative treatment post relaxer to restore hairs strength.
Yes, you can. I did it without any problems. I avoided that "corrective" thing to my length; did new growth only. I had no problems and loved the increased movement/softness in my hair as the roots grew and were relaxed again and again. Early on I had scalp burns from an incomplete the salon!! I used SILK ELEMENTS MILD from SALLYS.
Caveat: I no longer relax my hair, I'm 7 months into my transistion.
Yes!! I have done this too. And I love how Lye relaxers especially (Affirm Normal Lye) leaves my hair feeling so conditioned, silky-straight and with lots of body. Before I turned to Lye relaxer my favorite no-lye relaxer was Gentle Treatment.

I must admit I have tried three different types of Lye relaxers before I could find licensed beautician to sell me Affirm. I was able to buy and try Mazani Regular Lye, Optimum Multi-Mineral Lye, Vitale. Vitale was the best out of the three. BUt now that I got my hands on Affirm and have a beautician connection I'll never use another. LOL!!!:grin: