Attention all experienced picture takers


Well-Known Member
I have a kodac digital 5.0 camera, is there any tips you can give me when taking pics of hair?

also do you know why sometimes my pics come out orange looking and sometimes not?
im terrible at taking pics and i need help
also why is is that when i have it on automatic and i take a pic through the mirror there is a flash on my pic? how can i avoid this.

thanks for your wisdom
I'm not a picture pro, but the quality of your photo sometimes is linked to the model and pixel of the camera. The higher the pixels (5.0) the better resolution you will have.

5.0 is not bad so the quality of your photos should be a bit better. I looked through your fotiki and you're experiencing quite a bit of 'haziness' on your pics.

Do you have your user manual handy? If so, my suggestion would be to thumb through and find the section on "photo quality, taking better photos or resolution". This section should give you some pointers to enhancing your photos quality/clarity.

Same recommendation with eliminating the flash. Some cameras are pretty intuitive, because they know folks don't want read a manual just to take a picture and on the camera it will say "flash on/off." While other cameras make us work for it, and we'll have to read.

Should be able to find via the "Table of Contents" on turning the flash on, off and auto settings.

The orange casting on your photos: again, your manual is going to be your best resource. This has happened many times, so most manuals have a 'help section' and you can probably find a section titled "my pictures are orange, blue, etc" and they'll be able to walk you through the steps to change your cameras settings.


eta: wish I could be more helpful, but because each camera is a little different from the next, no way of knowing the unique features of each.
You're in luck! I owned a Kodak 5.0MP for years. :)

Not sure about the orange thing but I rarely use the automatic setting.
I use the macro setting (looks like a flower on the dial) a lot because I take most of my hair pictures myself. If your pictures are fuzzy it's because you're moving or too close to the subject (and not using the macro setting). Most Kodak cameras have imagine stabilization so unless you're taking pics w/o the flash or running they should be clear. Use the macro setting anytime the subject is less than 2 feet from the camera len.

You also want to use the autofocus feature. Slightly press the shutter button and wait for the beep. It's focusing for you and it does a pretty good job.

When taking hair pics, watch the angle. It's great for showing all your hair, but can be deceptive at showing length. Only distance shots or mirror shows (w/ your chin level) can actually show length. Accurate length shots are important for proving to yourself that your techniques are working, but angled shots are fun are show more texture, color, etc.

For example, this one is a mirror shot (no flash, stand close to the mirror).
If the picture is too dark adjust the aperture (it's the letter A on the dial).

Here's an angle shot (using the flash), I think I also zoomed it a bit.

When you're taking a distant shots (using the self-timer or someone's help) use the flash and try to stand with the same posture (hands on hips or hands on the crown of the head).


The fun part of having pictures is seeing progress which bring me to comparison photos. Always compare the same angles.


Also crop and size the pictures similarly.
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this is the one i have

sareca if you used the flash on the second pic how did you eliminate the glare? thanks for the tips with the length, i was wondering why sometimes my length looked different.

i dont think i have the aperture setting

also i have the macro setting on my dial and one for image stabilization so wich one should i use?

thanks alot for all the responses

ot sareca do you self trim? if so how do you do it?
Thanks, Sareca

I knew someone else had to have experience with this camera and could 'really' help :grin:

Your pictures look great, and as usual, so does your hair. :yep:
here are 2 pics that i took that turned out bad



and both of you have beautiful hair It~Can~Grow i love your ends and the shape of your hair.. i am more excited about getting my hair cut even so it can grow even

this is the one i have

sareca if you used the flash on the second pic how did you eliminate the glare? thanks for the tips with the length, i was wondering why sometimes my length looked different.

i dont think i have the aperture setting

also i have the macro setting on my dial and one for image stabilization so wich one should i use?

thanks alot for all the responses

ot sareca do you self trim? if so how do you do it?

Oh, I had the Z serious one. It was ancient. I should have known that wouldn't be the one you just got.

Ok, I looked at your user guide. When you take mirror shots (pic#1):**Try to be very still while taking the pic and stay still for a second or two after you press the button.

When you're holding the camera in your hand (over your shoulder pic#2), use the macro setting
and hold still.

I self-trim using feye's method.

here are 2 pics that i took that turned out bad



and both of you have beautiful hair It~Can~Grow i love your ends and the shape of your hair.. i am more excited about getting my hair cut even so it can grow even

Try not to get your scalp in the shot. It's probably having a hard time deciding what to focus on.

Now I see what you mean about the orange. The incandescent bulb is freaking it out. I get those sometimes too. Change the angle of the camera in relation to the light bulb and take another picture. Try pointing the camera downward slightly. Also stand close to the mirror. I actually sit on the countertop.
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