Atrocious Tangles


New Member
I don't know what to do anymore! I washed my hair yesterday and my hair was full of huge tangles. I couldn't even comb my hair when I had some cholesterol conditioner in it, it was that bad. I'm getting to the point where I don't even want to wash my hair anymore. How can I alleviate these vicious tangles? And my hair still feels kinda hard and not soft like it used to, what can I do?
You probably see this on every post, but maybe clarify? Also, you could try just saturating with cheap conditioner, setting aside some time, and section by section try to detangle?

Here is a recipe I copied from the old Longhairlovers, I'm not sure if it has already been posted or modified since I copied it (the steps look kind of out of order...):

Selah's Tangle Buster Routine
1) Section hair down center w/fingers or comb.
2) Gently and thoroughly saturate each section.
3) Before-hand, you will take a plastic pitcher that holds say 2 q. of water.
Pour in about 1/8 c.-1/4 c. of vinegar or so (cv or white). I just eyeball amt. Then pour in ALOT of conditioner. I use a cheapie or something I won't buy again for this stage. My hair is a few inches past my shoulders so I dump in about 1/2 c. or so.
Add about 3 tbsp. of light oil - Amla, coconut etc. I also put in about 2 tbsp of Elasta Recovery, but that's optional. Fill w/water, stir with hand.
4) Pour SLOWLY over each section, holding palm of other hand under hair to catch liquid against hair. Don't rub or manipulate hair now! Loosely pin up each section for about 3 min.
5) Take down. Gently finger comb as much as you can. Rinse about 3/4 of mixture out. Don't overrinse.
6) Shampoo only ONCE. Massage scalp moving hair as little as possible. Don't rub and manipulate hair length. Gently squeeze length, milking shampoo down it. I do this for about 60 - 90 seconds each side. Your hair will be clean, so don't worry about short time frame. Shampooing too long & multiple times causes tangles. Gently rinse each section.
7) Now apply your good conditioner liberally. Again, pin up hair. Let sit for about 3 min.
8) Take hair down. Gently finger comb. Only at this point should you comb hair. I use a seamless wide tooth comb from Sally's by Cricket ($1.99). Seamless ones are a must. Gently rinse, cool water.
9) Do another vinegar mixture, now just minus the conditioner. Again, use the coolest water you can stand to close those cuticles. Do NOT rinse out.
10) When towel drying, do not run. Gently pat/squeeze dry. That's it!

* Optional - adding essential oils on the front end mixture, or back end vinegar rinse. *

fyi - I do not use shampoos w/the chemicals to make all the suds. They strip and dry it out. I like alot of products, including: African Formula (shea shampoo / condit for ex.), Aubrey Organics (GPB deep condit, Blue Camomile Shampoo, Island Naturals), Nature's Gate (the Herbal s & c is very good & helps w/tangles).
There's more, but once I use them, I'm going to pare down to just 3, one being a mild shampoo/oil/E.O. mixture I'll make using Dr. Bronner's.
I'm at 14weeks post relaxer at the back and 24 weeks post relaxer in the front. I discovered that saturating my hair with infusium leave in prior to my weekly washing, then combing it out into 4 sections which I braid loosely and wash/condition separately. On daily basis, I only comb the front to keep from looking like I just rolled out of bed. The secret to alleviating those tangles and static is anti-snap leave in by Redkens and it also eliminates friezzes (sp?).

Is your hair always this tangly when you wash it? How many weeks post touchup are you?? Are there any products that you've used in the past that have helped your hair to not be so tangled during comb-outs?? I can suggest a couple of products that have worked for me - Biolage Detangler (cream rinse - I cannot remember the exact name!!) - Aussie Slip Detangler (used as a last rinse after conditioning) - John Frieda Relax Texture Correcting Serum (this REALLY detangles beautifully). Are you losing a lot of hair during your combouts?
I don't know what to do anymore! I washed my hair yesterday and my hair was full of huge tangles. I couldn't even comb my hair when I had some cholesterol conditioner in it, it was that bad. I'm getting to the point where I don't even want to wash my hair anymore. How can I alleviate these vicious tangles? And my hair still feels kinda hard and not soft like it used to, what can I do?

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Girl, I feel for you. What in the world have you been using on your hair? If you feel you have build up by all means clarify. And get yourself some Clairol Intensive (Triple conditioning system) Blends Moisturizing Conditioner. I used this on a little caucasian child when my girls were going swimming. The child was in the shower almost in tears because her hair was matted big time and her big sister (sorry sisters) wouldn't help her. Well anyway, I put some of my products (Ion Swimmers sham followed by Intensive Blends) on her hair and her tangles rinsed away with the conditioner. I felt she needed to go home and have her mom do a deep conditioning on her but it got her through her ordeal at that moment.

If expenses are an issue, check with the store before you buy and if they have a satisfaction guarantee policy you can always return. What works for one may not work for another. HTH!
I'm 13 weeks post relaxer, and I have never been able to detangle my hair with conditioner in, I just lose to much hair. I detangle much better after I rinse the conditioner out. You really should try Elasta QP Silk after washing and conditioning for detangling. It is really great (especially for us transitioners) and it's only $2.99 at sally's and most other bss

I am transitioning and do daily conditioner washes. I was really worried about snapping my fragile hair while trying to detangle it. What has worked wonders for my hair are #1 Using a conditioner with great slip (Africa's Best Detangling Conditioner is great) and #2 Only combing my hair while standing under the shower head (I know this sounds weird, but there is something amazing about the combination of the water pressure and the detangling shower comb). I don't have any problem with tangles now and I only lose a few stands every day.

Hope this is helpful.
The only detangler that seems to work for my hair is Creme of Nature Shampoo (once it's combed out after the shampoo, I don't have to manipulate it at all)... keracare humecto conditioner.

You should try Nexxus Ensure Acidifying Conditioner & Detangler, it is the best IMHO. As my hair got longer, the more it would tangle. I no longer worry about tangles since I've found Nexxus Esure
Lindy tells the truth. John Frieda Relax Texture Correcting Serum works like magic even close to touch up time. It makes me feel so vain and self-sufficient that I WANT to postpone touchups. It's $10 a bottle, but I won't consider not restocking. I used to have detangling issues too. Now, can't nobody tell me nothin'.

I also bought an old-fashioned showerhead that drops the water straight down instead of shooting it in an arch. Love love love.
megonw, do you use the recommended amount of drops of the serum? i just bought some and was wondering if the recommended drops would be enough.
Thanks everyone. I've tried clarifying to no avail. Creme of Nature, no success with the tangles. I will have to search out the Biolage.
I'm now 10 or 11 weeks post relaxer, my last one was June 24, 2003. These awful tangles started in about June.
I was having the same problem until I came to the message board. First I comb all my hair forward before I shampoo and condition bc I use the kitchen sink. I do not pile my hair on top of my head, but I use my fingers as if I was massaging my hair. Once everything is rinsed out I carefull comb it back down, being very patient. Creme of nature and nexxus Humectress aids my progress.
Can I buy the John Frieda Relax Texture Correcting Serum at ANY bss or is it sold at salons only?
Can I buy the John Frieda Relax Texture Correcting Serum at ANY bss or is it sold at salons only?

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I know Walgreen's and Target both sell it. I'm sure most drugstores carry it.
For anyone who wants to try the JF Relax Serum, they now carry it at WalMart for only about $7.64; it's usually $9.99 at CVS, but they do have sales on it sometimes!!
That product didn't do jack for me and the more quantity I add, the ashier(sp?) and flackier my hair appeared. Thank goodness, all I purchased was the trial version.
I had the same problem for a long time until I did this. I washed my hair with Creme of Nature Detangling shampoo, used a moisturizing conditioner like Ausie Moist (cheap)...or anything that used to give you slip before your tangles, and then Dark & Loveley's Ultra Conditioning Cholesterol Conditioner (I think that's the full name)... I slept in it overnight...actually once I left it in all day on a Sat when I wasn't going anywhere and overnight, then rinsed it all out in the shower and used Paul Mitchell "The Detangler"...

I give the most credit to the Paul Mitchell "The Detangler" product. I have to used about two silver dollar sized amount which is a lot, but it has helped me comb my hair!

Now I do that process once a week, and when I wash my hair normally I just use a conditioner of my choice and "The Detangler" without much problem...
there's this detangler for kids that helped tremendously when i had very bad tangles. i dont know the name off the top of my head, i'll have to ask my sister. Its a pink and white bottle with a bunch of little black kids on it.
Hey folks.

I no longer suffer from this prob anymore. It was the Elasta QP Manog Butter and Profectiv 3-1 phase oil that caused my hair to behave in this manner. Also, Motions Protein Conditioner made my hair hard.
Glad to hear you no longer have to worry about tangles.
Just wanted to share something I've found, though -- If I can't get my tangles out no matter what, in addition to spraying my hair with detangler, I also spray it right on my comb for problem spots, so it gets into my hair through and through.
This serum continues to work for me (4b, tight coils, fine hair).

1. I did a braidout Monday and the only leave in was JF serum.
2. Friday I braided my hair in 4 cornrows and just RINSED it with hot water in the shower. No shampooing or conditioning or even touching my hair.
3. I spraid Biolage Tonic on my hair (braids and all).
4. Then I combed my hair and rollerset it. Easiest detangling session EVER because of the serum and rinsing in cornrows. Very little hair lost.