At What Point is it "Done"?


Well-Known Member
This is sort of a spinoff of the Zahara Does Get Her Hair Done thread.

Z's hair has been criticized a lot for not being "done". I have been one of the people who have raised a stink eye at the child's hair.

At what point do you consider the hair done? Does it always have to involve some long drawn out process, is it as simple as a slicked back ponytail. there a different standard of "doneness" where kids are concerned versus adults? I kind of think there is.

If I manage to put a ponytail in dd's (almost 10 mos. old) hair I consider it a victory. I also am satisfied when I simply condition and brush it.

I thought about putting this in the Children's forum, but figured it will get more traffic here.

Your thoughts?
well groomed and healthy hair....Zahara hair looks so crazy some times but so does shiloh's hair idk......There was an old lady that lived in a shoe...........Ang doesnt know how to care for childrens hair I assume.
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Yeah...I'm not entirely sure what people are hoping for.:ohwell:

Pin curls?


Quadruple plaited fan braids???

If she had a little curly fro and a mother OF COLOR I wonder if people would say such things....:look:

GROWN women wear their hair that way and we seem to have fewer negative comments. :nono:

Why then such animosity for such a young child? :nono:

One who needs to be more concerned about school and playing hard than about messing up her "Do". :yep:

Am I an Angie fan? Not so much. She's pretty and helps the poor. Yay.

However, she does more to embrace Zahara's hair type than the majority of Black women do the hair on their OWN head, not even mentioning the little 4 and 5 year old black girls with WEAVES and full on relaxed hair. She openly admits to it being a learning experience, seeks out products and advice on her hair type, and is committed to enhancing it -not changing it.
This is good. Please keep it coming ladies.
I dont know, to me if i fluff out DD's hair and put a flower in it, its done too me.. some people like for the kids hair to look really neat with briads ir bobo's...not i guess its up to the person..
Or it's just not that serious to her, which is kinda the vibe I'm getting.
thats what i am thinking, but at the same time its not that serious too me either..i have seem a pic of z where the back did look a bit matted or like it was starting to loc but besides that..i really have never found anything wrong with it too much..
I dont know, to me if i fluff out DD's hair and put a flower in it, its done too me.. some people like for the kids hair to look really neat with briads ir bobo's...not i guess its up to the person..
As I type this, dd's hair is not done. It is in a dry freeform afro that is rather Einsteinesque. :lachen:She starts to squirm if she even sees the brush. Most days, I just put in leave in conditioner and brush it. I'm sure someone has seen little Eliza's hair and thought, "Couldn't her mama at least put some barrettes in?"

I think my main issue is that is doesn't look like it has grown very much in the time she has been in the Jolie-Pitt clan which makes me wonder if it's healthy.
Yeah...I'm not entirely sure what people are hoping for.:ohwell:

Pin curls?


Quadruple plaited fan braids???

If she had a little curly fro and a mother OF COLOR I wonder if people would say such things....:look:

GROWN women wear their hair that way and we seem to have fewer negative comments. :nono:

Why then such animosity for such a young child? :nono:

One who needs to be more concerned about school and playing hard than about messing up her "Do". :yep:

Am I an Angie fan? Not so much. She's pretty and helps the poor. Yay.

However, she does more to embrace Zahara's hair type than the majority of Black women do the hair on their OWN head, not even mentioning the little 4 and 5 year old black girls with WEAVES and full on relaxed hair. She openly admits to it being a learning experience, seeks out products and advice on her hair type, and is committed to enhancing it -not changing it.

Thank you for that!:yep:

Honestly, if that child had a relaxer in her head someone would probably complain about that too. I agree that it appears that she could use a little moisture, but who knows? Some people have the type of hair that no matter what you do to it it appears dry even though it's really soft and well-moisturized to the touch.
I'm just glad that she appears to be well-cared for and loved.
My daughter hair has always looked decent. Not always perfect but decent. I really don't understand why this child hair never even looks combed.
I think they could find a better moisturizer. It does look dry at times. But sometimes my DD hair looks dry, but feels moisturized. Hmm. . . She doesn't have much hair. Maybe a couple of pigtails. They could try a headband, but my DD always tore those things off. My daughter was freestyle for the first couple of years, but her hair is 4a/b. I would think 3b/c hair would tangle a bit more.
The least they could do is moisturize it and fluff it out with a headband. It doesn't have to be some extravagant hairstyle.
As I type this, dd's hair is not done. It is in a dry freeform afro that is rather Einsteinesque. :lachen:She starts to squirm if she even sees the brush. Most days, I just put in leave in conditioner and brush it. I'm sure someone has seen little Eliza's hair and thought, "Couldn't her mama at least put some barrettes in?"

I think my main issue is that is doesn't look like it has grown very much in the time she has been in the Jolie-Pitt clan which makes me wonder if it's healthy.

Eliza hair looks healthy even when it's not combed.

true , it doesnt seem like it has grown much at all or maybe she has a ton of

:rolleyes: I think you're reaching asummer. :lachen: It doesn't appear to have grown very much at all.
I love seeing little girls in pig tails, braids, something. It doesn't have to be relaxed, gelled to the side, but braids aren't that hard to do. Just not letting a child walk around with dry unruly hair. Mind you, a curly fro is different. A lot of children don't like their hair combed, so thats all you can do to it, but let it look moisturized and neat. Neat hair will look nice no matter what style it is in.
It is done when it is neat and presentable. It looks like somebody actually cared to take some time and put some effort combing that baby's hair. It could be plaited or in afro puffs or something else simple and age appropriate. It's not just snatched back.
In the morning I do my daughter's hair and its slicked back like crazy, nice ponytail, very beautiful... when she comes home from school she looks crazy with her hair sticking up. Who knows, maybe Z is related to my daughter or something LOL She's only 3