At last - I can detangle without losing a ton of hair.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i know i'm late, really late with this one but i have stayed far away from the Denman brush. There was no way my tangly hair was going to survive a brush.

I have a ton of combs in my bathroom and i have even invested in a Ouidad Dentangling comb (yes, i paid the cost of shipping to the UK which was the same as the cost of the comb itself).

Hair still being ripped out despite saturating it in condish and working on very small sections. I thought my hair as weak and in need of protein but still hair being pulled out.

I finally turned to the Denman D4 after watching a youtube vid.

The hair in the brush was minimal - it was weird not seeing clumps of hair in the brush, not cleaning hair out of the shower plug. I was just picking a few hairs out of the brush.

It took me no time to detangle and i did my very first airdry in braids as previously my hair wasn't detangled properly and the braids dried kind of crinkly/fizzy.

So to anyone who is having major detangling issues and has never tried a brush, go for it, its the best.
i'm scared. i think my hair is way too fine

Try it. have very fine strands that snap and break easily. There was only shed hair in the brush :yep:. Why not just try a section of hair.

All i did was apply my Giovanni Direct Leave in and on top i applied IC serum in the blue bottle. Not a lot of either product and brushed from the ends up and then all the way through.