As your hair becomes longer/healthier, do you plan to use heat more often??

How do you feel about direct heat AFTER your reach your goals?

  • Heck no, direct heat is the devil!

    Votes: 37 22.6%
  • I can't wait to resume using my flat-iron or blow-dryer.

    Votes: 10 6.1%
  • I'll continue to use direct heat occassionally.

    Votes: 120 73.2%
  • I don't even own a flat iron and/or blowdryer anymore.

    Votes: 8 4.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Great thread! I have managed not to put any heat in my head since Feb of this year. I've been using sew ins, phony ponies and buns, wigs, braids, you name it to do my hair so....

I have to admit, once I hit APL, I'd be very tempted to wear it down a lot...but I'd hate to have a setback due to heat. So maybe I can limit heat to twice a month. I know I'm gonna up my protein too.
I would have said yes two months ago, because I used to think having long hair meant you should wear it down. However, now that my hair is getting healthier, I've changed my position a goal had been APL, but I think I'll hit that sometime this summer, and then I know that I'll change my goal to BSL...then once I hit that, I'll probably modify my goal to WL! Knowing that I probably will want to continue to grow and grow, I'm not sure that I'll ever have a "goal length" anymore, which means I would probably not want to risk damage with heat. I wish I were like some of you ladies who can use heat and have no damage...I'm not that good with my reggie yet! I'll keep looking for tips!
I prefer having big luscious curls anyway as opposed to the stick straight look, so keeping to no heat will be very easy for me.
As my hair gets longer, I use direct heat even less because length gives me versatility. And makes a lot of protective styles (buns, twists, etc) look even better with longer hair. :)
No, I didn't get to my current length by using blow dryers and flat irons so I think I'll just keep them at bay. My hair is doing quite well without them.
No way. My recent encounters with the flat iron after over 2 years of no heat have left me with chewed up split ends that needed lopped off. Never again. I figure I can either have my hair straight or have it long, and guess which one I pick?:rolleyes:
No..With longer hair my key style will be wavy anyway...and my hair waves up when I'll just be co-washing and applying leave in and leaving it to wave up. I will wear it straight for a good month after relaxers though. But due to the fact that I want to maintain a healthy, relaxed BSL as a final goal...I gotta keep it healthy and though on occasion its not, frequently its the devil...
Yup! I plan to blow dry and flat iron monthly once I reach BSL/MBL. I have no qualms about it because I've put so much effort in my hair that I want to enjoy it in many styles. I will also be trimming regularly to maintain my ends.
While your hair might be healthier from better practices, the longer your hair is the older it is. So older hair is not going to be able to take a whole lot of manipulation/heat. The reasoon why I baby my hair so much now and stay away from the heat is because if I get the length that I really want my hair is going to be like 6 or 7 years old. I am trying to reduce as much wear and tear, now and later, so my hair will look good in its golden years!

So yeah no additional heat for me!
I agree with you ladies. My hair is thriving now that I'm only using direct heat post relaxer or special, and I do mean special occasions. I see no need to go back to using heat every week. My hair is thriving. My crown is growing so long, the back of my hair, always the longest and the finest is way past bsl! Nooo way....away from direct heat I'll stay.

I still feel like I get lots of cute styles.

right now I'm hooked on putting my hair back in one long single braid. I've gotten lots of complements on it because it's thick and heavy looking!!! AT least for me....cuz my hair is fine.

I love avoiding direct heat for now, and I will continue to do so if and when I reach my WL goal.
Nope... and not because I think heat is the devil but because I've learned that I don't need heat to style my hair. I'm not really a fan of straight hair styles.... I love my rollersets and braidouts and I'm really exciting about going natural and having coily hair :-)
While your hair might be healthier from better practices, the longer your hair is the older it is. So older hair is not going to be able to take a whole lot of manipulation/heat. The reasoon why I baby my hair so much now and stay away from the heat is because if I get the length that I really want my hair is going to be like 6 or 7 years old. I am trying to reduce as much wear and tear, now and later, so my hair will look good in its golden years!

So yeah no additional heat for me!

Your hair is gorgeous! :grin:
I will probably straighten more often when i reach my goal. Every couple of months or so. Because I am part of LHCF I know heat, with limited use, is a possibility. I'm looking forward to switching my hair up more once my goal is reached
Your hair is gorgeous! :grin:

:blush::blush: Thanks so much! That means so much to me coming from a beautiful head like yours. I have been stalking your fotki since I saw your new siggy pic! I can't wait to have a lion's mane like that!

*resisting the urge to roar* :lachen::lachen:
as my hair gets longer i feel there will be less need to use heat to get it straight (which is what i currently use heat for) as the weight of the hair pulls it pretty straight.
Before I joined this site, I got my hair blow dried and flat ironed at the salon every two weeks and I flat ironed a few times a week myself. I could not get past BSL and my hair was thin and my ends, while not terrible, were not great. I just got a cut back to APL and have been rollersetting at home and at the salon since January. My hair is so much healthier. I will not go back to direct heat regularly anymore. My hair is fine and split easily.
I think going back to heat after reaching your goal would be the equivalent of someone losing weight and then going back to eating as much as they did when they were bigger. (and of course gaining the weight back) :)
I think going back to heat after reaching your goal would be the equivalent of someone losing weight and then going back to eating as much as they did when they were bigger. (and of course gaining the weight back) :)

That's not a accurate comparison. The OP is not saying once you reach your goal do you plan on abusing the heat and not implementing your healthy hair care regimen.
I have fitness trained many ladies who have lost a ton of weight. And after the weight-loss, they still have hearty appetites, but they are eating healthier foods that are lighter in fat calories. And they are now preparing the foods they eat in a healthier manner. And they have maintained their new weight.
All that has to be taken into consideration.
OP I have reached my hair length goal and I still use heat on a regular basis and my hair is in excellent condition and I retain my length.
It's all about balancing heat usage with your hair care regimen!:yep:
I will continue to use my flat iron on the rare occassion. I'm not that into flat ironing anymore, but the other day just for s**ts and giggles, I washed my hair, roller set it then flat-ironed it. It looked tight!:bouncy: But I have the self-control not to use direct heat that often.
Well I only use blowdry and flat iron maybe at the most twice a month. Other times its in a wet bun. So when I do get APL I will just follow the same ritual. I think as long as im deep conditioning once a week, and keeping my hair and most definately my ends moisturize I should be okay from heat damage. We shall see though.

This is what I want to do once my hair is long enough to bun!:yep: I'm encouraged at my progress. Now I know I can get my hair very strait with a hot air brush. I don't need to flat iron at all.
I'm not 100% sure yet, but now that I'm natural I'm leaning more towards using heat occasionally because last week I straightened my hair with a pressing comb for a special event (and to go with a new dress I bought) and although I got it relaxer straight, after seeing how fast it's growing, how healthy it is and how much work it is to straighten, style, etc.. whew! It looked good, but it looks good kinky too, plus I had to straighten the edges again the next morning. Oh and my scalp got a little irritated (gotta find something to combat that) since it's not used to the direct heat from a pressing comb. I was so glad to wash it the next day and go back to my wash-n-go! So, we'll see... I don't plan on straightening again until my 1 year anniversary next year.
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I said "Heck no, direct heat is the devil! " I don't use direct heat now, why on earth would I use direct heat when I FINALLY get a head full of healthy hair.
I don't use heat at all ... no blow drying, no flat iron. But as my hair grows long and healthier, I wouldn't mind straightening once in a blue moon.
right now, i'm not too strict on my heat usage. i've definately cut back but, i'm using heat once or twice a month.. sometimes more, sometimes less.. and i haven't noticed a difference in the condition of my hair using heat vs. no heat. with that said, i think once i hit WL.. i will either a) want to wear my hair straight and long more often i.e using more heat or b) love the way my natural hair hangs even moreso ( right now, my bsl hair shrinks up above APL and i feel like my 3b curls look awkward at this length ) and want to leave it natural MORE i.e using less heat.. so it could go either way.
Well, I don't currently use a lot of heat, and that's probably not going to change. I'm natural, and it's easier and quicker to take care of my hair without heat. A couple of years ago I flat ironed 3 to 4 times a year to do length checks. Last year my health was a bit rocky, and I only flat ironed once. I liked only doing one length check with heat, and I may continue doing that.
Well I dont own a flat iron or a curling iron at the moment. I dont think I will get either. I will stick with rolling my hair and wraping after. I have been in braids since sept. (off for 1 month on for 2 months) so I really havent needed the heat.
Maybe I will cross that bridge when I get to it.
Well I don't use any heat now because I basically wash and go everyday. Straight styles don't really appeal to me so I doubt that will change when my hair gets longer. And, in order to use heat I'd have to buy a hooded dryer and a flat iron and all new synthetic products to match and I definitely don't see myself doing that any time soon.

If I can find a good salon I may get a rollerset when I reach my goal. But, maybe not.