As new growth grew in did your head hurt?


New Member
I noticed that since I have been natural, my head never feels sore. My scalp used to feel sore a couple of days after I got a retouch. It would hurt for a couple days to up to two weeks. I was wondering if that was normal?

Also for those who texturize do you experience that? I want to get a texturizer but have some questions first. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I have heard people mention this, but I have never experienced it. God help me if my hair growing becomes painful.
I'm transitioning and right now parts of my scalp are sore. Someone here mentioned that when their scalp used to hurt like that, they had two strands of hair trying to grow out of the same follicle. When they removed one strand, the pain went away.

I always used to attribute it to knowing when I needed a retouch, but my scalp has been sore a few times and I haven't had a relaxer in 16 months.
I tried to test it out once and went 2.5 months without a relaxer. After the initial soreness my head was fine, but after I relaxed and my newgrowth started coming in my head started up again.

But now I have nothing. And I know my hair is growing just like it was before.
i thought of this last nite when my temples were was brought up on the board a few mths back...i attribute it to a mixture of oils i use that stimulate the scalp...i have been on my lil regimen of using it every nite for 2 weeks to boost growth...(i have been slackin with it lately) this could be the cause of my headaches or my headband was too tight lol
I just talking to another Board member last night about this very same subject!
It has always been like this for me. The very top of my head (crown to forehead) is sore. Usually when I havent had a touch up in a while, but once I have the touchup, it goes away. It's feels tight and sore to the touch. I would usually cringe when my stylist would wash out the relaxer, but once she kept washing, the tightness would subside some. I dont know if it's because I needed to massage my scalp more or if it was new growth/hair growth or what.
Please someone investigate and post...I'll be watching. /images/graemlins/whyme.gif /images/graemlins/whyme.gif
Yep, mine hurt, I just use some oil and massage it then it'll grow away, like they say, "no pain, no gain", It hurts to be beautiful...sometimes..