Arrrghh! 13 weeks post...and my hair has started to rebel!!!


Well-Known Member
Okay, I am trying to reach my goal of waiting 14 weeks post before my next touch-up, and my 4a/b type hair has started to rebel!!! :(

How do you ladies do it?? I see some women here on the forum go 4 months, 6 months+ without a touchup, and they seem to be doing just fine.

Me on the other hand...I did a co-wash just this past Sunday, air-dried, and twisted it for the night. When I woke up, my hair had so many tangles....oh...excuse many KNOTS ...that I just got frustrated with them and broke off my hair. :nono:

My co-washes were doing pretty well up until 12 weeks post (my usual waiting period). But it's like as soon as I decided to go an extra week, my hair laughed at me and said:"Uh-uh. No girl...what do you think you're doing??" :confused: For the health of my hair I want to stretch to at least 14 weeks post (my ultimate goal is 16 weeks/4months), but it's like my hair is rebelling. It doesn't even detangle when I co-wash in the shower anymore. My roots are so thick... :(

So...I know this topic has been beaten to death, but what are some quick tips you ladies use to keep your hair tangle/knot free when reaching 14 weeks post or more?

Thanks in advance :)
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Im so sorry this is happening to you. If I were you get some herbal essence LTR this is what is helping me thru almost 20 weeks with ease. You can make it thru the 16 weeks if you want. HHG
Okay, I am trying to reach my goal of waiting 14 weeks post before my next touch-up, and my 4a/b type hair has started to rebel!!! :(

How do you ladies do it?? I see some women here on the forum go 4 months, 6 months+ without a touchup, and they seem to be doing just fine.

Me on the other hand...I did a co-wash just this past Sunday, air-dried, and twisted it for the night. When I woke up, my hair had so many tangles....oh...excuse many KNOTS ...that I just got frustrated with them and broke off my hair. :nono:
My co-washes were doing pretty well up until 12 weeks post (my usual waiting period). But it's like as soon as I decided to go an extra week, my hair laughed at me and said:"Uh-uh. No girl...what do you think you're doing??" :confused: For the health of my hair I want to stretch to at least 14 weeks post (my ultimate goal is 16 weeks/4months), but it's like my hair is rebelling. It doesn't even detangle when I co-wash in the shower anymore. My roots are so thick... :(

So...I know this topic has been beaten to death, but what are some quick tips you ladies use to keep your hair tangle/knot free when reaching 14 weeks post or more?

Thanks in advance :)

Oh no, if you're getting frustrated, maybe you need to take baby steps until your hair is ready for 14 week+ stretches. Each time you relax your hair, extend it another week at the next touch up until you reach 14+ and try this Herbal Essence LTR. I'm going to pick up me some also:yep:.
Oh no, if you're getting frustrated, maybe you need to take baby steps until your hair is ready for 14 week+ stretches. Each time you relax your hair, extend it another week at the next touch up until you reach 14+ and try this Herbal Essence LTR. I'm going to pick up me some also:yep:.

I agree about stretching in baby steps. First do 12, 13, 14 and so on. With each stretch, you will learn techniques that ease the process and eventually you'll fall into a groove that is most suitable for you.

For me, prepoo (sometimes under heat), shampooing in sections (be sure to do this gently and not to scrub but instead, use your fingertips to massage the scalp), dc under heat all helped. Also, using some sort of porosity control, and rinse helps lay the cuticle flat, and since I have started using rinses, my hair behaves really well. When the roots are out of control, I finger part, put some leave-in and seal with coconut oil, and take my time to detangle small sections.

Thats the line. you can get it at your local Rite aid or BSS or Pharmacy.

Best stuff on earth. I also use the Hello Hydration and Dangerously straight. I used the LTR to detrangle at the salon this weekend after the wash lady who did not know how to shampoo my hair left me with a tangled mess. A little LTR comb glided thru like butter.
Have you tried the Coconut milk and lime mix? LTR sounds good, I may have to pick some of that up.:look:
You may want to try a 50/50 aloe vera juice and glycerin mix; my ng was pretty soft using that and I went 14 weeks this last stretch.

I agree to stretch a little bit at a time.

Some things that have helped me...

Increasing the co washes
Increasing Pre-Poo treatments
Washing hair in 4 sections
Deep conditioning under the dryer w/some oil
Using a good detangling comb (Jilbere or something similar) section by section (under the water)
Add at least one good detangling product (you may have to experiment and research this one)
Concentrating moisturizing the ROOTS of the hair (oil and grease if you use it)
ALWAYS cover the hair at night
And if need be, apply a little direct heat to the roots (not necessary but an added line of defense)

-- Also, I have found that in the last few weeks my hair will kink up something serious as a result of braidouts and twist maybe try buns and rollersets instead if you don't wanna flat iron. Good luck to you! It's all about TRAINING your hair!
Try some Herbal Essence Dangerously Straight conditioner. I'm all natural and I use this stuff and sit with a heat cap on somethings and leaves hair silky smooth and a little straighter. I use some as a leave-in too along with the Long Term Relationship leave-in.
Thanks for the advice ladies. :yep:

Yeah, I do use the HE LTR line, and I think it's really good. In fact, I used some when I was doing my co-wash just a few days ago. But, for some reason, my hair was just rebelling something awful! To the point where I decided to use a flat-iron on my roots the next day. My hair was just soooo tangled. :(

I will try being more patient though. I'm going to do a protein treatment either tonight or tomorrow to prep myself for my touch-up on Tuesday, so I hope my ng doesn't tangle up even more! :shocked:
Im so sorry this is happening to you. If I were you get some herbal essence LTR this is what is helping me thru almost 20 weeks with ease. You can make it thru the 16 weeks if you want. HHG

Is this a shampoo or conditioner???.. I'm 12 weeks post trying to get to 16 and I really need some help...Thanks in advance
HE LTR doesn't do much for my hair at 13 weeks, ORS Replenishing conditioner works everytime.

Pre-pooing with something moisturizing, staying away from stripping shampoo's, a good leave-in, and a detangling conditioner works wonders for me.
HE LTR doesn't do much for my hair at 13 weeks, ORS Replenishing conditioner works everytime.

Pre-pooing with something moisturizing, staying away from stripping shampoo's, a good leave-in, and a detangling conditioner works wonders for me.

Hmm...I'll have to check this conditioner out. What does ORS stand for?

What do you ladies think of Biosilk (I think that's the name of it) conditioner?

Also, I know that gradually stretching to lengthier times will be best for me instead of going from stretching say for example from only 8 weeks post to 15 weeks post. But usually I stretch for about 11/12 weeks, and I am just so puzzled that my hair decided to rebel after just trying to stretch 2 more weeks to 14 weeks. :(