Arrogant men


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I was with a man once who was so arrogant it was unbelievable. Thought he was a gift from his God to mere mortal women.

He was watering my garden once and he was a good gardener I must admit. I got a bit carried away and started saying "Jesus! My god!"

Later on this idiot said to me that he liked the fact that I referred to him as god. It turned him on :sad: That was the last time I used Jesus' name in vain......
Well, I think I'm God's gift to men. lmao So I mesh well with arrogant people period. Confidence is the key though. I have a family member that does not get along with arrogant men and she makes a habit of telling them, "Oh you think you too good for me.." lmao That just make them act even more arrogant. Ha!
Lets see... Arrogant men. Where do I even begin. There was one man that I actually made a thread abt in the past. I had just met him at a party and he was coming on wayyyy too strong. Anyway, I was texting my boyfriend at the time and this clown says to me "don't be texting another man in my presence. You need to be talking to ME." I'm going to be someone in a few yrs." :look:

A couple months ago, I went out on a date with this dude. After the date I shared my experience with a few mutual friends of ours and they told me that this dude was accustomed to having panties thrown at him, and I guess had never encountered a girl who presented a challenge.

Anyway, we had our date, he tried to kiss me, I gave him the cheek, he sends me a text saying "that never happened to me before" :rolleyes: get over it dude. Anyway, he never calls again. Some ppl just don't take rejection well at all. :nono:
Theo said:
Lets see... Arrogant men. Where do I even begin. There was one man that I actually made a thread abt in the past. I had just met him at a party and he was coming on wayyyy too strong. Anyway, I was texting my boyfriend at the time and this clown says to me "don't be texting another man in my presence. You need to be talking to ME." I'm going to be someone in a few yrs." :look:

A couple months ago, I went out on a date with this dude. After the date I shared my experience with a few mutual friends of ours and they told me that this dude was accustomed to having panties thrown at him, and I guess had never encountered a girl who presented a challenge.

Anyway, we had our date, he tried to kiss me, I gave him the cheek, he sends me a text saying "that never happened to me before" :rolleyes: get over it dude. Anyway, he never calls again. Some ppl just don't take rejection well at all. :nono:

What did he look like? Theo
Oh my gosh my ex. he could do no wrong, his sh*t literally smelled like lavender and roses. Homeboy did a few tours in Afghanistan and stacked up a few tax free checks, so he had a little change on him. He thought that because he drove an infinity and owned a four bed room house in an affluent neighborhood that all women should bow down him. he never referred to women as women, always "females" or "broads". Ugh four months of a pure headache! I’m like dude you may have "it all" but a man who is single and 30 with all of this speaks volumes of why no woman has "scooped" you up yet. smh
I think there is a big difference between having confidence and being arrogant. I love confident people..I'm one myself. But arrogance..nah. My first thought when running into those types is... "get over yourself"
And there is a HUGE difference between confidence and arrogance that A LOT of people miss, IMO.
I guess I'm in the minority cause I don't think there is a huge difference. Most times I've noticed if somebody liked the person it was confidence and vice versa.
Well, I think I'm God's gift to men. lmao So I mesh well with arrogant people period. Confidence is the key though. I have a family member that does not get along with arrogant men and she makes a habit of telling them, "Oh you think you too good for me.." lmao That just make them act even more arrogant. Ha!

Arrogance and Confidence are two different things.More often than not arrogant people are so into themselves they fail to realize they re not all that great afterall and most people ridicule them behind their backs.
I dated this guy from Ghana Africa and he was the most arrogant person I have ever met in my life. I could not deal with him so it was good riddence.
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Arrogance and Confidence are two different things.More often than not arrogant people are so into themselves they fail to realize they re not all that great afterall and most people ridicule them behind their backs.

Right! But I also notice that people with less than perfect self esteem are the first ones to call people on their arrogance or confidence. Go figure. lol If a person wants to think of themselves highly then let them. I rather hear them talking proudly about themselves then licking their wounds about how their lives suck or no one wants them. That **** is depressing.
Arrogance and Confidence are two different things.More often than not arrogant people are so into themselves they fail to realize they re not all that great afterall and most people ridicule them behind their backs.
:yep: To me, the big difference is that confident strive to earn the "best" while arrogant people feel they are entitled to it.
Right! But I also notice that people with less than perfect self esteem are the first ones to call people on their arrogance or confidence. Go figure. lol If a person wants to think of themselves highly then let them. I rather hear them talking proudly about themselves then licking their wounds about how their lives suck or no one wants them. That **** is depressing.
I'm on my phone and can't bold but as soon as I read that last sentence I thought about a certain poster on this board. I'm sorry y'all but I couldn't help it it came to me like grannys numbers back in the day. :lachen:
I'm on my phone and can't bold but as soon as I read that last sentence I thought about a certain poster on this board. I'm sorry y'all but I couldn't help it it came to me like grannys numbers back in the day. :lachen:

lmao!!! You know u wrong for that! :lachen: Hey, if the shoes fits......
Right! But I also notice that people with less than perfect self esteem are the first ones to call people on their arrogance or confidence. Go figure. lol If a person wants to think of themselves highly then let them. I rather hear them talking proudly about themselves then licking their wounds about how their lives suck or no one wants them. That **** is depressing.
It doesn't have to be that way so you re saying if someone is not arrogant he has to be miserable with self esteem issues whining about their lives ,nah ,there 's also a balance.Confident people don't think of themselves being higher or better" than others that's arrogance ,they believe in their skills and are aware of their full potential,they re positive about life in general,respectful towards others ,sharing their skills and exude a positive "energy" that makes them attractive ,they re often happy people .Arrogant people on the other hand are often sarcastic ,narcisists in most cases ,don't think much of others and think their wishes should be fulfilled upon anybody else ,big fail .Huge difference .
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I've said this here years ago, but I actually am attracted to arrogant confident folks. My fh comes off that way to most folks if not everyone to a degree but everybody loves this man even after they may have been put off by him earlier. He just has that effect on people. That's part of what attracts me to him. I know how to check him when something seems excessive, but for the most part, I take him any day over the opposite. I also have arrogant/confident female friends and associates, again I just attract to that. They are always fun, you dont have to help them pick their self esteem up off the ground, or convince them that they are good enough for anything or anyone, they just know it ....I have arrogant tendencies :lol: but I am a bit more down to earth than many of them I all fits, I love them for them and vv.
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im uber arrogant so an arrogant man wouldnt bother me at all..dh and i are equally yoked in that way---i also prefer ppl who are like that as well..if your arrogant and you have nothing to be arrogant about thats a diff story though lol but if your life resonates with your bravado...hey thats what it is...
i dont like ppl who have self-esteem issues or are quiet or introverts...yawn
now arrogant to me maybe diff to another but an arrogant man just needs to be checked every once in awhile very few ppl check me--but the ppl closest to me do which keeps me grounded and humble...which i like..lolol
It doesn't have to be that way so you re saying if someone is not arrogant he has to be miserable with self esteem issues whining about their lives ,nah ,there 's also a balance.Confident people don't think of themselves being higher or better" than others that's arrogance ,they believe in their skills and are aware of their full potential,they re positive about life in general,respectful towards others ,sharing their skills and exude a positive "energy" that makes them attractive ,they re often happy people .Arrogant people on the other hand are often sarcastic ,narcisists in most cases ,don't think much of others and think their wishes should be fulfilled upon anybody else ,big fail .Huge difference .

Who cares??!! Im not trying to counsel grown *** people on having high self esteem. If an arrogant or confident man is unattainable then find someone else. Lol
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Another vote for confidence. I like a *splash of arrogance, tis cute.

A lot of arrogance I'm not into, but there's a lid for every pot.
I can't stand arrogant people, I keep them at arms length. I think confidence is attractive, I see a huge difference between the two. I'm an introvert myself.
My FH was a cocky and arrogant 19 y/o athlete when we first started talking and I was attracted to that, looking back though I see it was the cause of most of the drama we went though in college. I realize now that there is a BIG difference between being confident and cocky and if had met him at this age I would've been seriously turned off....thankfully he has realized it as well.