ARGH!!! TYRA is killing ME!!!! will she ever let it go?!?!?


Well-Known Member
did ya'll see Tyra with all these ladies in the crowd and herself in the red swimsuits with their weight attached to the front??
TYRA is the WORST fake cryer!! I've almost too through with the whole damn show :mad: :mad:

I didn't see the beginning so I was like what the heck is the 161 for but then I figured it out. Tyra has made her point and she needs to give it a rest now.
I just saw the show also; I think it was a repeat. I don't think she did the same show all over again.
I'm watching it now. I'll be back after it's over.:)

Well you ladies will probably stone a sista, but...... Here's my take on the show. It really wasn't about Tyra's 161lbs. The focus was on women, and how they feel about themselves. If doing that show can prevent a young mother from commiting, suicide because she weighed 195lbs and another woman from taking a drug that could kill her in order to lose weight even though she already had heart problems, because she weighed 160lbs, then I say she should do even more of those types of shows. IMO, those two women's lives were worth it.
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