argh! oils too heavy, what to use?!


Active Member
My hair is driving me nuts right now, even my precious qhemet burdock cream is just not working on my hair. I just keep it in a simple bun and it gets massively tangled and dry... I really don't know what to use on my hair right now. The qhemet sits on my hair, any type of conditioner just makes my hair feel dry and chrunchy, oils (any oils EVOO, EVCO anything!) just sit on my hair and feel horrible. Even the lustrasilk shea mango cholestoral made my hair feel dry. Infusium still makes my hair feel dry, although as a last stitch effort I made a spray of infusium 23, aussie leave in spray (I forget what it's called), a lil bit of the african pride? herbal oil stuff (smells like baby powder) and some giovanni direct leave in oh yeah and some of the kemi oyl conditioning spray that smells it has made my hair feel uber soft, alot softer than lately and I have it in a banded ponytail curled up into a bun to protect my ends, but it stills feels like there's already tangles in it!

When I detangle my hair in the shower it feels like it's not totally getting detangled, although I know they changed the pantene that I use, it doesn't give me as much slip as it used to. (it's not hydrating curls anymore it's just curls and the ingrediants are different grr! :wallbash:)

has anyone else run into this problem? I am scared to co wash every day because I don't have anything that I could put into my hair as a leave in. I really have no clue what do use on my hair.... For some reason things just sit on it, the qhemet honey and olive balm just sits on it and ergh!

I have a simple routine I just in the shower detangle then DC then just keep it in a bun or a banded ponytail untill wash day again.

I mean forget about doing a wash n' go even if I wanted to my hair would be dry the second it's loose, a dry and tangled mess...

help please! I need suggestions please I'm at my wits end :wallbash:
Have you tried clarifying your hair? Maybe then things will work a little bit better. That usually works for me :grin:
IA..How about clarifying. I use and love almond oil in the summer (nice and light). Give that a try, if that doesnt work, how about a serum instead. also, evoo can be a little heavy. I always use the EVOO light. Big difference! hth
If you've clarified and such and are willing to try another product, I LOVE Nourish & Shine. It melts in my hair, does a great job of sealing and the ingredients are great for hair. It's weightless as well. I wear my hair down with it all of the time without that weighed down feeling.
Do you have any thyroid problems?

If you've clarified and such and are willing to try another product, I LOVE Nourish & Shine. It melts in my hair, does a great job of sealing and the ingredients are great for hair. It's weightless as well. I wear my hair down with it all of the time without that weighed down feeling.

I had this problem so I clarifyed my hair and followed with a deep conditioner and begin using the "curly girl mehtod". Since implementing this method I am no longer having this issue especially since I am no longer using products with silicones in them. For more information on the curly girl method you can check out this site. Good luck with your hair.

Have you tried an oil rinse while in the shower? Makes detangling my hair waaaayyy easier.

Pretty brown eyes, I did try an oil rinse in the shower with EVCO dice it made my hair almost feel stripped...and I almost broke my neck...

lsw, thanks for the link, I do do most of those things now I haven't used shampoo in....a longgggggg time lol

your cheeziness, can you tell me a lil bit more about the nourish and shine? what's in it, where do you get it? thanks!

tiffers, I have no clue, the last time I got bloodwork done it was 'perfect' but I have alot of symptoms of hypothyroidism, I've been doing tons of research and seeing if there' any good natural rememdies, because I have no health insurance...and I'm very anti doctor and anti pills...

and to everyone else who said about clarifying....I haven't tried clarifying with baking soda, lately I think the last time I tried was last month and it didn't help then but I will try it again

this is just so frustrating :wallbash:

Thanks to everyone for the input and keep the suggestions coming please! :yep:

Apple Cider Vinegar could possibly do the trick...esp since you haven't shampoo'd in a min.

hope this helps*
Sorry so late in your answer. Nourish & Shine is made by Jane Carter Solution. It's solid, but dissolves completely into like a pomade type of deal. It's made of all natural butters and essential oils and vitamins. It's 4oz for about $18-$22 depending where you go. Vitaminworld and carry it among many others. It's very very light and really nourishes your hair. I prefer that to oil b/c it doesn't weigh my hair down not one bit.
tiffers, I have no clue, the last time I got bloodwork done it was 'perfect' but I have alot of symptoms of hypothyroidism, I've been doing tons of research and seeing if there' any good natural rememdies, because I have no health insurance...and I'm very anti doctor and anti pills...
I think you should definitely get your thyroid checked just to be sure. I'm very anti-doctor/meds myself, so I know how you feel. I take a bunch of natural supplements and they're really helping me. I'm too lazy to repost, but here's a reply I just wrote this morning about the supplements I take

Here's a quiz to help see if you might have hypo

Some more info

I have more pages somewhere, but for some reason, can't find them. Good luck!