Are you willing to go above and beyond to get longer hair?


All is well with me
Background: my hair is still technically a TWA but it is in an extremely awkward stage. My day-to-day look of shrunken wash'n'go curly fro is looking too long to be styled how i want it to be but wayyyyyyyyy too short to be in a decent sized puff. I just hate this stage cos I feel like Steve Harvey.
Soooooooo i want to grow my hair and be able to have big puffs and a BAA but i'm not really willing to do more than i'm doing now to get it.
My regimen:
-Co-wash daily with tresemme naturals
-DC 1-2x per week with ORS replenishing/Dark n lovely ultra cholesterol
-Moisturise with conditoner, seal with castor oil
-shampoo with sulfate-free poo 1x week

That's about all i'm willing to do. I have been interested in ayurveda, henna and other stuff but i just cant be bothered to add more steps. I'm lazy i guess:look:
When i first joined this site, i was willing to do work harder and do more to get results. Not so much nowadays....
Has anyone elses dedication to their hair floundered?
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I'm a fan of keeping it simple. I try tons of things for my blog but my basic regimen stays just about the same.

I agree. I DC regularly, co-wash and make sure to keep a good moisture/protein balance...but that's about it. I figure my hair will grow no matter what and aaaalllll that extra work is just that- extra work.
have gone the gamut in my quest! I started out with natural butters and oils and my fine hair and face were too dang greasy! I had the funds and the time to try any and every freaking idea and thing on these forums for hair. I used to follow a popular guru that changed her mind about what was the be all of products every other day. I finally realized she was getting compensated for her product pushing.
I finally got smart and analyzed my own hair and its' problems. What was it that impeded my retention of length. What I needed to do: 1) less manipulation 2) finding a way to keep moisture and elasticity in my hair. 3) finally coming to the realization that petroleum products are not that evil for MY hair and how to use them wisely.
I purchased liquid collagen and a bio-elastin and incorporated them into my hair products. I still use the butters like Bee Mine Luscious but I add my elasticizers and honeyquat and now I'm finally retaining length and moisture.
My definition of above and beyond to get healthy, long hair = being extremely consistent with my regimen and taking good care of my hair and body. And I am definitely willing to do this without fail. I have pretty much found my staple products and techniques and will stick to these b/c they work.
I am not willing to do what every body else does and try a million different products and use weird things in my hair. To me that's asking for a setback. And I don't think it would make a huge difference in my growth. I just have to be consistent and have patience. It'll get there.
Are you taking multivitamins? Biotin boosted my growth significantly. It's not like I grew 2 inches a month, but my hair was growing at a faster rate than before.
I also try to k.i.s. as well. I may try different things here and there. As far as products go I will try them if they have the same ingredients in them as the other products that my hair likes. I will say that I am a little more lax now, then when I first found this site. I just kind of let my hair " Do it's thang...." ( grow ) and just do my normal washing, deep conditioning, moisturizing, low manipulation,etc. I think once you kind if master what your hair likes, then you just keep it up and tweak it a little here and there. :)
Are you taking multivitamins? Biotin boosted my growth significantly. It's not like I grew 2 inches a month, but my hair was growing at a faster rate than before.

I'm not...Biotin makes me break out:nono: I discovered that during my PJ phase where i was a walking chemist
Nah. The most I'm willing to do is take a multivitamin and let my hair rest in extension braids (big deal for me b/c braiding hair is time consuming). All that other stuff.....:spinning: I'm a fan of keeping it simple: shampoo, condition, moisturize, repeat.
GIRL! Believe me you are not alone! I mean really, I DO want longer hair, but like you, I just truly cannot be bothered to do more than I'm doing now. I just can't! The only thing I'm willing to add to my current routine right now is sulfur, and that's cause I want to try it out and see if it makes my hair grow any faster.:rolleyes: (I''m in the two inches in four months challenge) :grin:

Hopefully I can stick to applying it at least a few times a week. But knowing me, it won't be terribly shocking if that doesn't pan out.

I'm just so darn laaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyy... :sleeping: :lol:
I was at the beginning of my journey, doing very complicated reggies with extra supplements, massages with EO's etc. Since then, I've realized that the most effective tool is consistency. Once you figure out a few products/techniques your hair likes, just stick to them and be patient.
right now im consistent for a month and fall off it happens all trhe time i get into the sate of i cant be freaking bothered just pass me a vo5 let me cowash daily and call it a day

my hair has beeen down out of the braids for at least 2 weeks now and all ive been doing is oiling or should i say try oiling because i really cant find my scalp its so thick

i just feel im at the point where getting braids or weave is the way to go with this hair of mine its sssssssooooooooooo much easier because all you have to do is wake up and go

point being i give up
The thing that I can't be bothered with is protective styling. If my hair isn't acting right or if I'm going for a certain look, then I will wear a bun or some other updo style that just happens to be protective. Otherwise, I like seeing my hair. I do henna, but not regularly. Yes, I want longer hair and I :drool: when I see someone get and keep all their 6 inches in a year (or less :blush:) but I finally starting to accept that I will reach my goals when I reach them.
Nope, very hair lazy and busy with life. Besides most of the ladies whos hair I have coveted on here and YT keep it simple.
For me, extra steps/products=too much manipulation. I have two products: My clarifying shampoo and my conditioner (which I use as a moisturizer, co-wash and DC). I go hard with the protective styling. It's my thing. I barely touch my hair, which is a sacrifice, but I really want super long hair!
When I was relaxed and when I went natural but before I started growing my hair I did very little to my hair. So little that I couldn't tell you what products I used and I barely remember even buying a product. I went overboard when I first decided to grow my natural hair longer which wa fun for a while. But now I'm getting back to my regular self.

The more I learn about my hair the less I am willing to do. Just focusing on keeping it healthy and letting it grow. I like to hang out too much to do the over the top thing with my hair. :lol: Some of this stuff takes a life commitment.
When I first joined, I tried every product and regimen and suggestion EVER. I was a baggying, oiling, sulfur-ing, scritch-ing, Aveda-ing, Silicon Mix-ing fool.

Then I got over it. :lol:

I'm natural now and my reggie is - cowash daily, dc weekly, shampoo bi-weekly and moisturize nightly (if my hair feels particularly dry).

I use sulfur/oil on my scalp on the nights I remember. I take vitamins just because I need vitamins (thinking about taking Nioxin or Viviscal, haven't decided yet). And as much as I hate the awkward stage that I'm in, I just really don't have the time (read: dedication??) to do all those magical things to my hair. I just make sure it's healthy and keep it moving. It'll grow/retain like its supposed to. :)
My "above and beyond" Is when I stop experimenting and just leave it alone and wash, Condition, moisturize. Which I hope to do this autumn/winter.
I think when I first went natural, I was still uneducated about hair and I just thought that it took so much. Over time, I saw that it really doesn't. I am a huge fan of keeping it simple, but my consistency still leaves much to be desired.

Additionally, for me getting 1) bored with my hair 2) tired of my hair 3) frustrated with my hair...are ALL very dangerous things and usually the foundation for a setback. So keeping it simple usually works out for my S.A.S (save a strand) cause. :look:

nope. Im doing just what my hair needs to retain at a reasonable rate.

as many ladies said already Ive done the complicated schedule of this one weekk that the other, paste for scalp, tea for hair spritz every day, mist every night but rlly all thats needed is consistency.

I actually do think that i could get better retention if I put in braids, (cornrow extentions) but I dont particularly like them. Doing somthing like that for like 4 months or until I reach APL would be going above and beyond (for me) and Im not willing to do that .... YET
Am I willing to take time with my hair and be tender with it? Always, while keeping it simple! I'm not so dedicated, however, to using smelly oils for the sake of hair growth or taking multiple vitamins.

My regimen is co-washing 2x (or more) a week, shampooing once every other week, oiling my scalp every few days, DT when I wanna and GHE 4 days a week. It is REALLY so simple for me haha. I don't scritch or any of that stuff and my styles are always simple-overnight braid outs, wash n' gos, or simply adding water + oil/water + avocado butter to my hair and fluffing. I don't even waste my time with styling products most times either-saves me buckkksss! :lachen:

Also, this is OT, but when is hair not considered a TWA? Lol I've heard varying opinions. *Shrug* Oh well, all I know is my hair is short but not short-short, and not quite medium. O.o
I think when I first went natural, I was still uneducated about hair and I just thought that it took so much. Over time, I saw that it really doesn't. I am a huge fan of keeping it simple, but my consistency still leaves much to be desired.

Additionally, for me getting 1) bored with my hair 2) tired of my hair 3) frustrated with my hair...are ALL very dangerous things and usually the foundation for a setback. So keeping it simple usually works out for my S.A.S (save a strand) cause. :look:


THIS lol. Before I went natural and before I did protective styling (weaves), I was an absolute dye freak. I didn't even get split ends lol and rarely got breakage, but I definitely knew that wasn't happy. I've cut WAY back since then. I love exploring semi-permanent colors. :)
Your hair is still short enough where you don't need to do all the fancy stuff to grow your hair. Retention is the key. As long as your hair isn't breaking off, excessive dryness, etc, you're good with what you're doing now.

I can maintain shoulder length hair by keeping it simple, but it won't get much longer - I had years of experience. My strands are porous and thin to medium so breakage is too easy to do, especially if I never do protective styles to shield the ends. (Not PS was a HUGE mistake for me)

After a while, I realized the longer my hair gets, the easier it is to PS, but I need to give it more TLC in the process. DC, henna, protein treatments is the price I pay if I want longer hair. I don't do much more than that, and all of this can be done while multi-tasking. I don't do fancy fly-by-night methods and I try to keep my products simple. I do like to treat myself to a new products every now and then, but I don't do it on regular basis.

I guess I'm in the middle. Too simple, unfortunately, doesn't work for my hair unless I choose to keep it short.
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In comparison to a person who is not on a hair journey I definitely still go above and beyond for my hair. But as I have gotten further in my hair journey I have decreased how much I am willing to do to gain length. I was a super bandwagon hopper when I first started my hair journey, now I still get caught up in stuff but no where near as much. I'm settling down and starting to try and keep it simple.
The longer it gets, the less I want to do. I just stick with basics. I am no longer od'ing on vitamins anymore though, I refuse to risk my health just to make my hair grow faster.