Are you the long haired friend, relative, ect?


New Member
Since joining LHCF are you now known as the girl with long hair in your circle of friends, in your family, at work or anywhere else? were you the girl with the short hair pre-lhcf or the one that wore weaves/extensions/braids????? Has your hair length/health surpassed the girl who used to be the one known for having long hair? Do you look at her hair now that yours is healthy and womder why you ever thought it looked so great? I thought this would be a fun thread to do to share our experience as the new "that hair girl" lol!!!! heres mine

I was going out with my bestie and my cousin wanted to tag along...she is the one who always had long hair along with her 2 sisters. Just wanted to add that their mom always had this unspoken competition with her daughters and me and my sister. She and her daughters would go out of their way to always "one up" us whenever they could.:ohwell:

Like they would get the most expensive gifts then ask what we got for our birthadays then be like "well WE got..."
It even got as ridiculous as what time we got the latest disney movie..."you got pocahontas today too? what time did your mom buy it? well we bought ours at 6am..."

yeah that kinda mom. Thank god our mom raised us with enough sense to not be/act like this.

I love my cousins to death...but their mom is a little weird about material things and being the best at everything.

So anyways back to the scenario :rolleyes:

I was getting ready to go out and was going to flatiron my hair but it was taking to long so i put my hair in a wet bun and was combing out bangs to wrap to the side with a clip for a smoother look . My "bangs" touch my brastrap when i put them in the back. So my cousin comes in my room and was like "is that YOUR hair"? I said "No i just glued only this piece to the front of my head to look cute":perplexed (lol) but then i was like yes and the rest of my hair is this length too...i just found out how to take care and grow my hair....Then she sucked her teeth and was like " what? u find some magic potion or something?" then laughed. it totally dismissed me having nice hair and learning to care for it. I also want to add that she is balding on both sides of her temples because she pulls her haira EXTRA tight into a bun or pony all the time and wears these thin head band things. MY edges are flourishing and i really havent had trouble with balding.
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I understand completely about what your saying...I have girlfriends and family like that...

I would only say becareful...You just did a post about your family and their Mom...Then on top of that posted their pics....I don't think that was really the most wise thing to do...
Yes Traycee is right ... be careful Honey with those pictures. Even though you did not say anything mean, it is not a wise move:yep: Your cousins and you are very beautiful:grin:
yeah u r right i fixed it by blackening out the faces

Also wanted to add these pics are on facebook/myspace/twitter so they arent hiding them but i understand what u mean
My hair isn't long yet, but I wouldn't stand out in my family or my circle of friends once it gets longer. They all have long hair, on most of them it's healthy.

The only reason I would stand out is for being relaxed. My family does not do the relaxer thing.
Among my peers, yes. Among my family members, no. I have aunts and cousins that can sit on their hair. They are all natural too. Sorry no pics.
I am not quite there yet, although some hair is currently below WL. Got a while before I catch up to them, but not sure I really want to. We'll see.

On a side note, my hair is always bunned, I don't wear my hair out. My hair does not come up in our conversations much, other than my always having it bunned.
No, I'm not that girl but I cant wait to be.. My cousin is actually that girl that every always goes crazy over her hair, but after seeing the hair on LHCF its nothing to talk about to me.. Its barely APL and its thin, but alot of people seem to think length is better than having healthy hair, i dunno.....
I would have to say Yes, I am the one in the family where all the women relatives talk about my hair. Ever since I was little my hair has always been long and thick and it's still thick but I don't consider collar bone length long which is when I cut it. Before I was brastrap length back in my early high school years. Right now I'm trying to grow my hair out long and healthy. I started that back in may with my new cut. Just what ljamie4 said, healthy is more important than length, as far as I am concerned.
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I was getting ready to go out and was going to flatiron my hair but it was taking to long so i put my hair in a wet bun and was combing out bangs to wrap to the side with a clip for a smoother look . My "bangs" touch my brastrap when i put them in the back. So my cousin comes in my room and was like "is that YOUR hair"? I said "No i just glued only this piece to the front of my head to look cute":perplexed (lol) but then i was like yes and the rest of my hair is this length too...i just found out how to take care and grow my hair...

LOL!!! :lol: Honey...sorry to disappoint, but those aren't your "bangs"! "Bangs" are supposed to bang across your face, not your chest!! :lachen: Whooo! I can't wait until I get "chest-length" bangs!" :giggle: answer your question:

Am I the "long-haired girl"??

Among family members and relatives: YES. Most of the hair among women in my family is short, or has been CUT short, so my hair is the longest out of my cousins, my sister, my mom, etc. But, my hair is only past shoulder length, so I don't really consider it "LONG" long.

Among my close friends: Yes. Except for my friend who is natural. Now her hair natural is only about my length, but when she flat irons it, it's easily bra-strap length! :shocked:

Among other acquaintances/half-friends: Nope. I have waaaay too many people that I know and am "acquaintances" with.
I'm working on that now. I have the length but it is still thin so now I'm doing everything I can to thicken it up, so hopefully by the end of the year my hair will be where I want it to be.
Yes. Every time I see my mom, grandmother, aunts, etc. they say, "Wow! Your hair has gotten so long!" and their eyes get really wide. I only allow my mom or my grandmother to touch it though. :giggle: I tell them my hair is all thanks to LHCF! My aunt even asked for the site's url! :)
relative. and my hair's not even that long lol

yeah but that bun is banging!

But to answer OP, I have always been the one with long hair, but now it's getting ridiculous. Even I am amazed. Also now when I wear a bun people can tell there is a lot of hair in there. Only the other night my girlfriend grabbed my bun real quick, she couldn't help herself, Or maybe she wanted to know if there was something extra in there giving it size
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Not yet but I know I will pass her. Now this girl is not a friend AT ALL but we know the same people. I really think she's the spawn of the devil. But anyways, they oohed and ahhed over her hair and it's the same as my length now. I used to think it looked good myself. A year ago my hair was a little below my ears and hers was 3 inches past shoulder length. A year later my hair is 3 inches past my shoulders and hers is the exact same length!! lol. So of course she knows nothing about retaining length. I cannot wait until my next relaxer in September. I know for a fact I'll be longer than her. She's one of those girls who are their hair. If she didn't have it, she'd be nothing.
Working on it. Part of my motivation is to grow my hair longer than my cousin who is almost at BSL, so I am striving for MBL. WHEN I get there, I will post an update to this thread :)
Not yet but working on it. My hair is collar bone stretched and I hate it when my sis takes one of my coils, stretches it out, then says "I hate you" :perplexed: