Are You Or Have You Ever Been A Molly?

With the Dr. and Jidenna there was an immediate shift in their perception of Molly as soon as she started being overbearing. The comment about not calling/texting when the Dr. made it in. With Jidenna it started with asking him to leave a suit at her house and then the THIRST about him coming to the engagement party. I was shocked that he actually came.

That's exactly when I yelled at my TV: Molly you are WINNING!!! Why are you ****** things up! Especially the doctor. I'm willing to bet money if she slowed her roll for 3 months, enjoyed his company, made sure she wasn't always available; Molly would had that man begging to be exclusive. Men have to talk themselves into commitment. All she needed was patience.
Now that I've watched the entire season, noooo. I've never been the type to sleep with a man until I've felt that they've earned it,
never been the clingy, desperate, move too fast, type. I'm more of a let men take the lead type of woman.
Lawd! This thread is talking to me. I haven't watched the show but I can related. I'm definitely a man lead type of woman. But I've made a few mistakes along the way with the one I'm dating now....smh I need to watch
Gotta finish reading this thread, but YES, I was Molly, down to being an AKA employment attorney with a nice apartment and little dog. :drunk:

I was a mess. I wasn't like her as far as being clingy or yearning for commitment, but my "situationships" always ended up the same way as hers.
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