kweenameena - I met him not long after I made that decision.... Maybe within that month. I knew there was something different about my husband. I actually had a dream three months after we met about him. In my dream, he was there and he told me that I was going to be his wife. Ladies, that dream scared me! I think it scared me more so because I knew that the Lord was speaking through it. My husband and I had a friendship first and foremost that progressed. I told him in the very beginning that sex was not an option. I told him that I was trying to live a life that pleased God. At first he seemed hesitant to pursue a relationship with me. But after some time he told me that he respected my decision and that God was able to do more for me than he could ever do. We dated for a year before we got married. I will be honest with you guys, I did fall at times in our relationship..... especially right before we got married. But the difference was I was so convicted. Not like times before. God had changed my heart. I was no longer "comfortable" falling short. My husband came to me almost exactly a year after we met and said that he knew that I was his wife and asked me to marry him.