I went natural almost 10 years ago - when I was 14. Didn't even know what going natural was - I just didn't want to go to the shop and get relaxers anymore, so I didn't. Then, when I was 15 and hadn't had a relaxer in a few months, I realized that I was dealing with two different textures, so I cut everything off at the line of demarcation.
And the rest is history. My hair had gotten pretty long by the time I was 19, but I experimented with some home lightening and had to BC all over again a little over 3 years ago. I'm back at APL in the front and BSL in the back and am shooting for WL by 2012.
Going natural - even though there were absolutely no online resources for it 10 years ago (though Motown Girl popped up 2 or 3 years in) - was the best hair decision I've ever made.
And since I went natural, 4 generations of women in my family have done the same: my younger sister, my aunt - who's a member here and the reason I joined - my grandmother, my mom, my cousin, and my sister's 18 month old daughter won't be getting a relaxer either.
Four generations of curlies of varying textures and lengths - but we're all 100% natural. We should take a portrait or something.