Are you married to or dating a much younger man?


Well-Known Member
How did you meet?
Did he know your age right away or did you tell him much later?
Do you look your age or much younger?
Any age gap issues you're dealing with?

I want to start dating men about 10 years younger than me. Would love to hear stories/advice, etc.
How did you meet? Online

Did he know your age right away or did you tell him much later? Right away

Do you look your age or much younger? If what folks say is true I look younger than my age and much younger than him.

Any age gap issues you're dealing with? Nope. Stamina matched. Very important.

He's 7 years younger and thank you Jesus!!!
I turn 26 next month and he's 22

We met in the club.... Hey who would've thought lol

He knew my age right away and after a few convos told me his... I was turned off.

I look my ago or maybe a little younger.

No problems. Were both young but he's really young. I pick on him that he's still growing lol. But he's very mature and we complete each other. I teach him things and he teaches me things also.

My only advice is don't end up his mama. Since we've been around a little longer and may have seen a little more the bossy I'm right cause I'm older may come out. A guy friend gave me that advice and it really has come in handy lol (I can be bossy at times) he's a young gun but he's still my man not my child so I have to respect it regardless of his age.
^^^ I made the 'mama' mistake with my ex. I was very bossy and treated him like he was my son. I was also too nurturing, almost to the point if treating him like a baby.

We met when I was 24 and he was 20...imagine dating someone who can't even buy you a drink lol...the sex shole' was good though! That's why I like those young tenderonies, they have stamina!!!
My ex was 19 when we started dating and I was 22. We broke up a few weeks ago. I will be 24 next month and he will be 21. It was difficult because I was finishing college and working full time, starting my career. And he just started part time at a CC this January and is still working retail. I felt like he wasn't on my level, and I didn't care to wait 4 or 5 years until he got his life together.

You'd think I had learned from the past? Now I'm talking to a 19 year old. :nono::nono: I don't want a relationship with this kid, he can't even buy me a drink, but we can play around more. He was pretty advanced. :lick::lick:
I am 6 years older than my husband.
We were introduced by my sister and his cousin.
We have had no real issues in regards to age. I have just experienced a lot more in life than he has.
He's younger but not that much younger...just 11 months and 4 days..yes I counted down to the day LOL. The guy I was seeing before him was 4 years younger and that crash/burned almost immediately...AyannaDivine I can agree with you though LOL. I said I would never go younger after him and then I met my SO, who thankfully isn't that much younger and so much on-the-go as my younger guy.
My mother married a man 13 years younger. They are pushing 20 year anniversay

I say if it's working for you go with it!
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I'm 14 years older. :yep:

A college classmate introduced us. He started crushing on me when he first saw me and begged my classmate (they're best friends) to set us up.

I look/act much younger than my chronological age. I decided that I will probably stop telling people my age because no one believes me. I've always attracted younger men. Men my age really don't give me the time of day.

He knew I was a couple years older than his BFF and I thought he was the same age. When he told me his age, I hesitated. He told me that it is one of his biggest pet peeves when people make light of his age and, if I had a problem with it, I should let him know and he'd keep it moving. :blush: I told him that I was fine with it as long as he was with mine. He was. :grin:

He has his moments (like a lot of men, regardless of age), but I've found him to be very generous, affectionate, attentive, and hard-working. He is also the very first man who doesn't take my s**t and calls me out. I'm used to having men who let me do whatever I please and act trife.

Believe it or not, his ex-wife is 16 years older than he. They were actually married for several years. :yep:
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DH is 11 years younger than me. (He and my son are 8 years apart.)

He has 4 sisters; no brothers. Two of them and his mother/father were a little 'hostile' at first. We didn't care. They came around. We've been together 24 years.

Also, never had children.

Met at church.
i had a co-worker who got married at 19 to this bride who was 34 at the time
that was 6 years ago
they are still going strong and have 2 kids
they met at church
I have dealt with a younger man. He was nine years younger then me but unlike previous posters who said the sex was good with the young men, mine couldn't keep it up

sent from my galaxy
I am 9 1/2 ( he's 24, im 33) years older than my current.
We met in a connections group on fb. When i learned his age, I hesitated. But he drew me in with his maturity and intelligence.
We surprisingly don't have any age gap issues.
I meet his family in A couple weeks (we're in a ldr).
Sexual chemistry is off the meat hook!!!!
Im 6 yrs older than dh. We met online. We both forget the age difference. Everyone thinks we're the same age. We've been together 8 yrs; married 5 :love: We balance one another out. Lovemaking is FANTASTIC! :yep:

Oh! And we both knew one another's ages from day 1.

Ive always been attracted to younger guys/have always attracted them more so than the older guys. Its not for everyone.

Excuse my typos-Im more than likely on my phone
Having a younger brother makes me err on the side of dating younger. Makes my flesh crawl. And for some reason lately, that's all I seem to attract. lol
Having a younger brother makes me err on the side of dating younger. Makes my flesh crawl. And for some reason lately, that's all I seem to attract. lol

I get the old enough to be my father/grandfather types. I guess when people tell me I have an old soul they weren't kidding.
In love with one 13 years younger, I think he's 24 (an ex) and dating a 31 year old, I'm 38.

they are beautiful black men, and that's all i've got... lol
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