Are you Hair Obsessed?

I think you can still grow long healthy hair while pressing up to:

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  • Nope.

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  • Not sure...

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  • No such thing!

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Active Member
I was just thinking this recently after noticing that I'm always either talking about my hair, the hair of those I see on TV, or conversating about hair with my mom, my sis, acquaintances, or my b/f. It's kinda funny asking this on a "hair" website, but let me see what you ladies think anyway...

Are You Hair Obsessed? Because I'm beginning to think that I am!

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[*] I'll usually comment on Women's hair that I see on TV... seems like that's all I look out for now.
I'm always looking at the hair of women around me. I find it interesting at how different but similar our hair is (all races)... but I think "what if someone always looked at my hair, would I feel comfortable?"
[*] I find myself referring to people by their hair, for instance... someone will be asking if I know a certain person and I'll try to ask what kind of hair they have--yes, I get the stare, lol.
[*] I'm always asking my b/f about what he thinks of my hairstyles, which I'm constantly changing.
[*] I've spent a great amount of my time on the internet surfing hair websites, hair journals, and hair picture books... and now working on my own hair website! Now, I find myself spending time buying cameras and money developing pictures, taking pictures of my various styles at different angles, and looking for pics to scan for my site.
[*] I read Hair books like they're novels

[*] A really good online review of a product sends me out of the house to look for it.
[*] When I go grocery shopping, I never fail to check out the hair products isles!
[*] And for Christmas, I've requested a Hair bonnet and a Digital camera


Although my major is Business/CIS, I already have plans to open up my own salon for natural women. I atleast want to start doing people's hair part time... just want to get my hands on someone's hair and just do something real creative with it (my sis has been my 1st culprit)

Is this Hair Obsession?
I think it is... and if you agree, it's not necessarily a bad thing, right?

Who else has similar... symptoms?
I am obsessed because I think of hair all the time. I am always on hiar sites. I even have a journal where I keep information on my hair progress. My mom says my hair is driving me crazy.
I am hair obbseessed, more than any of yall. I dream about hair, I think about hair, I eat HAIR!!!!!!!(Actually I don't but it sounded good with tha words)
I must be hair obsessed because, I sometimes dream about hair, and I AM ALWAYS looking through this site... My mom is constantly laughing at me when I go to the she just knows i'm gonna buy something for my hair!
I think I am obsessed but its only cause I want to break the stereotype that we can't have long and healthy hair
yes i am obsessed...i love my hair, even when it wont act right!! i put alot of tender care into it and i am extremly careful with it.....
I've always wanted to try new prducts and experiment when I joined the board I was obsessed with hair now I am just obsessed with the board.
I am obsessed though with weaves now and the different types of hair an styles that I can do while protecting my hair.
Only in the sense that I'm on this board a lot. Otherwise, I don't talk about it much or buy that many products (then again, I'm on the product challenge!
sabie19 said:
I am obsessed because I think of hair all the time. I am always on hiar sites. I even have a journal where I keep information on my hair progress. My mom says my hair is driving me crazy.

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Welcome! Do you have a link to your journal--or, I should ask, is it public?
Nessa said:
I am hair obbseessed, more than any of yall. I dream about hair, I think about hair, I eat HAIR!!!!!!!(Actually I don't but it sounded good with tha words)

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lol Girl, that is too funny. Glad to see another obsessed member

.:Blessed to be Obsessed:.
hairlove said:
I am definitely hair obsessed and that's ok for now b/c it is saving my hair.

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Same with my folks! Everytime I visit, they just know I'm going to my favorite beauty supply in their area-Trina's Beauty Supply
. It's so easy to spend $20 there. Do you have a favorite?
HairObsessed said:
Its all in the name.

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I see... very nice screenname!
I guess you beat us to it!
I'm not hair obsessed, but my buddies in my Chorale class sure do think i am. Yesterday they found me on this site and just bussed out laughing in the library. I'm not obsessed, I just want my hair to do a three-sixty of what it looked like over a year ago,... a complete mess.

BTW, am i a product junkie if I don't necessarily buy the products I have? I have a sugar daddy who buys me all the expensive hair stuff I need
My mother told me I was hair obsessed but her mouth dropped when she saw how much it grew. Now she is doing the same things. My hair "research"
is a contribution to the community, the way I see it.
I am BEYOND hair obsessed, I'm just sick!

I can't stop playing in my hair for nothing, nor can I stop paying attention to others. I need a pill.
I get MOST obsessed when it's close to touchup time and I've got a lot of new growth. None of my products "work," I'm stuck in a boring bun (vaselined and braided with Surged new growth), I'm wondering how many inches I've gained, and I'm dreading the relaxing process. During this period, my hair is manipulated least often but thought about most often.
Girl I am the exact same way,I have spent numerous hours on the internet looking for haircare,and hairgrowing sites, because my goal is to grow my hair to my butt.It's already about 3 inches from my waist.Im really trying to narrow it down and keep a consistant hair regimine.I spend way too much money on hair products.Let's try to focus on other important issues as soon as I find the perfect hair products for me,which will be soon since discovering this website. <font color="pink"> </font> <font color="pink"> </font> <font color="pink"> </font> <font color="pink"> </font>
I am sooooo very hair obsessed!!!!!! I not only obsess over my hair, but over my baby girls hair as well. It drives me absolutely CRAZY when my almost 16 month old pulls her hair and puts her food(spaghetti and any thing else that sticks) in her hair!
i'm defineytly hear obsessed. i love talking about hair, surfing the internet to find out more about hair(thats how i found LHCF). i have so many hair magazines they are taking over my room and even though i'm running out of space i can't stop buying them. i'm also a product junkie BIG TIME.
I'm both obsessed and aware of healthy hair care. I love my hair (especially now that its been growing)! I love long hair on African-American women and I find myself staring when I see a black woman with her own long hair. I saw this yesterday in the mall. Her hair was very thick and shiny and about two inches below her bra-strap. It looked like she had a roller wrap. It was ironic she was walking in front of my and we happened to go into the same store (Really! I wasnt following her). I remember in high school I admired a fellow black female student's hair, which was about the same length as the lady's hair in the mall. It was always styled perfectly and she always wore it in a rollerset. I never saw her with a day hair day! Ever! I can wait 'till my hair is that length. I will be there by the end of this year!