Are you finally comfortable with your hair?

Are you comfortable with your hair?

  • Yes

    Votes: 111 51.4%
  • Not quite yet

    Votes: 105 48.6%

  • Total voters


New Member
Hey ladies,

This question is not so much about hair texture... but about hair care...Recently I've been feeling really comfortable with my hair. I finally know what it needs, know what products work for me, ive reached a comfortable length, and my styles have been coming out pretty good now (after many many months of trial and error).

Im not sure if my new found comfort is due to the length ive achieved or just due to the fact ive finally gotten my braidout method down... but I feel like the mystery has been taken out of taking care of my hair and I can live now and have fun with it...

Have any of you ladies been here? Is it the temporary euphoria of achieving a length goal?

Im going to be trying twistouts and bantu knot outs soon, then flat ironing... I hope I dont get frustrated again... :lachen:
I feel like I'm comfortable with my hair. For instance, if I experience breakage..I can usually pinpoint why and fix that issue asap. I also know what kind of results I will get with each style I do(unless it's something new and I haven't tried it before).
I haven't reached my length goal yet...but I am still satisfied with my hair at it's current length.
I'm not quite there yet. I am closer than I was at the beginning of the year to nailing my regimen. And due to my length I wear my hair in twists the majority of the time. I don't know that if I wanted to wear any other style that I would know what to put on it or feel comfortable that it will look right the next day.

I am hoping at APL to wear more out styles and experiment and learn. Looking forward to getting to feeling comfortable with my hair.
I am very comfortable with where my hair is now. I am transitioning without the big chop and I am very happy.. I am currently 10 months post.
i voted not yet. i've come a long way but shrinkage still scares the ish outta me. if it ain't stretched it ain't fetch.

one day it'll change.
I've become very comfortable with my hair and less frustrated. I'm learning to style my hair and I know for the most part what kind of products and ingredients my hair likes. I can make my hair as low or high maintenance as I choose without having to sacrifice the health of my hair either way because I know what things are essential for my hair.
I'm there. It is what it is. Fragile, nappy, kinky,...& that's just the good stuff!

I'm comfortable because for the 1st time in my life I KNOW my hair. We have a great relationship, as long as I do what she says and am mindful about caring for her :) ...this chick is THIRSTY though....
I voted "not quite yet" but I'm really on the fence... I somewhat feel comfortable with my hair and I somewhat don't. I'm glad I have some length to my hair, but I want more!!! My hair is at this awkward APL stage where the ends of my hair are not as full as the roots of my hair, especially in the back.

renren - I just checked out your blog and your braidouts are beautiful!!!
I voted "not quite yet" but I'm really on the fence... I somewhat feel comfortable with my hair and I somewhat don't. I'm glad I have some length to my hair, but I want more!!! My hair is at this awkward APL stage where the ends of my hair are not as full as the roots of my hair, especially in the back.

@renren - I just checked out your blog and your braidouts are beautiful!!!

Thanks.... Poohbear I've been eyeing your hair for some time now... absolutely gorgeous!!
Not even close! This morning I took down my pony tail and a handful of broken hairs seemed to just fall off with no coaxing from me! Sigh SMH...

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Not yet, but I'm very close. As soon as my hair evens up(my crown layer is about two inches shorter than my nape layer and I hate it) and I do that blunt chop at WL I know I will be very comfortable with my hair. Hopefully by the end of the year.
I'm very comfortable with my hair. We've been getting along for about 3 years now, and our relationship keeps getting better and better.
Not quite yet. Im only 6 months into this journey so hopefully this time next year i'll be comfortable and know all the ends and outs to my hair.

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I'm in love with my hair again. Very comfortable with her. I nailed down my reggie. I know exactly what my hair needs. It feels healthy and full like it use to before all the drama and stress I put it through with constantly coloring/straightening. I know how much abuse it can take before it quits. I know my hair loves protein and use protein conditioners once or twice a week. When she is happy I am happy.
I've been natural (chopped) since 2005 and i was good for a while but this year has been a challenge. I'd gotten comfortable with my regimen and reached my wsl goal (which i think is too long). But from the time i was pregnant till now (5 months post partum) my hair has not been cooperating with my usual routine. To top it off I'm shedding :( I'm in the process of revamping my routine so hopefully i can fall back into my previous state of comfort. A hair cut will definitely help too. I am just feeling overwhelmed :ohwell:
Length wise no. Hence why I'm here lol. But I'm definitely comfortable with my hair in all other aspects. I know what it needs, what it likes and that it will thrive and grow when I take care of it. I'm comfortable with my regimen because its pretty simple and works for me.
Next month I will be natural officially for a year, but I had been a product junkie for the first few months of my 12 month transition that started in Nov 2009-2010. I was trying to find what worked for my damaged scalp and what would help stop the breakage of my relaxed ends. Well, the relaxed hair stopped breaking when I chopped it all of in Nov 2010, lol! And my scalp eventually healed with aloe Vera gel and a little TLC.

Knowing my hair type and finally finding my Reggie, made me comfortable!
Im pretty comfy, once I sort my ends out (which Im well on my way to fixing) and can make a niceer bun or ponytail with my twists I'll be all good
:yep: I've totally embraced this thick, coarse kinky-curly-coily mane and I have quite a good conception of what it thirsts. :)
Yep. Finally got everything under control and in my Stephanie Mills voice, "I feel guuuud! I feel good all over!" :look::grin:
Yessir I'm comfortable. I used to frequent the salon one a week for years before my hair journey began in april 2010. Now I do it all myself. But it took some time to get used to my mane's texture and with styling and totally taking care of it. But I must say, knowing what it needs and knowing which products my hair reacts well to have made one hell of a difference. No more breaking, heavy shedding or dryness! Being a hair junkie is so not worth it. My hair thrives now, it's like somebody hit a growth switch on my head.
I say yes.
SHedding/breakage doesn't bother me....protein overload or moisture overload doesn't scare me. I think I knew I was getting very comfortable as I started to reduce the number of products and steps in my regimen.
I'm not quite there yet, I'm struggling with styles, it's either in a pony-puff or straightened when I get frustrated with that. Every hairstyle is an epic fail, been like this for years so IDK what to say. It's growing, thick and looks good. Though I'm still learning some new tricks, taking care of it is almost a no brainer now. It's the styling that's crushing my spirit.
I voted not yet. I love that my hair is super healthy, but I am struggling with a slow, extra fine nape. I am going to protective style until the nape gets to at least APL and then cut the rest which will probably be BSL or close to it.
I've never been uncomfortable with my hair. I signed up coz I'm a hair hobbyist - not because of hair troubles.
Yes. Around the two year mark. I wasn't uncomfortable with it because of texture but I was at an awkward length for awhile and I didn't have a lot of styling options.

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No, I'm still not completely comfortable w/my hair. Its still mysterious. Not as mysterious as when I had a relaxer, but my hair keeps me guessing. Just when I thought I knew it, it threw a curveball at me. Now I a getting more familiar with it by doing weekly wet care. I found that getting your hair wet really helps to figure it out. Now I am going to up my washing to 2-3 times a week in a 6 week experiement-- trying consistent deep conditioning, oil rinses, and daily moisture schedule. Hopefully this intensive consistency schedule will help me get to the BOTTOM LINE of WHAT MY HAIR WANTS!