Are you currently Relaxed and having no issues with it?

Are you relaxed with no hair issues???

  • I'm relaxed and I have no hair issues

    Votes: 23 50.0%
  • I'm relaxed and I have minor hair issues that are easily corrected

    Votes: 19 41.3%
  • I'm relaxed and have issues, but don't plan to stop relaxing anytime soon (explain)

    Votes: 4 8.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Check in here!

I'm just curious. I know all the problems and issues people have with getting relaxers. But, who else out there is like me? No issues, no burning, scabs, etc.

I just relax and I'm good. :grin:

I'll put in a poll as well since I haven't done one in a while. :)
Nope no issues whatsoever...

Actually my hair is at it's best that it has ever been. I love being relaxed!

*No scalp burns
*No balding from relaxer
*No dry, limp hair
I didn't vote because I'm torn. I have no issues with my scalp, thickness or retaining length...until I reach just above BSL. Then my ends seem to thin and I trim back to APL. I'm protective styling hardcore with wigs and weave right now to get me over the hump, and while I love natural hair - I love having relaxed hair!
The first four inches or so are under-processed. A product of my stretch and attempt to relax at home
Other than that nothing major
Relaxed no issues I'm usually in protective styles ie weaves and wigs I do experience a little dryness BUT so do naturals then I whip up a concoction and I'm all good PLEASE check out my relaxed hair channel CEE IVY on you tube open to comments and suggestions link in my signature below
I am relaxed and I have an issue with my hair looking thin on bottom when I flatiron it and also my edges being broken off. But, I am transitioning from bone straight to texlaxed and my ends are bone straight. My edges were also broken off when I was natural. Now I actually don't relax my edges but I will relax behind them so I can get them to lay if I need them to.

Oh and no burning! I'd go natchal before I went through burning again!
I have no complaints. I wish I could feel otherwise, but as long as I keep it low maintenance I have less problems.

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I'm natural now, but when I relaxed regularly, I had no issues. There was one scabbing accident because I went running an hour before I planned to relax. My scalp bounced right back though and my hair did well with relaxers.
Swanging my healthy relaxed hair all through this thread, lol. My hair is the thickest swangyiest it has ever been. I have never had a problem with being relaxed. I got my first relaxer when I was 13 and I been relaxed since.

I have never burned or scabbed. I did have some breakage and thinning, but that was due to bleaching. My hair is in the best condition ever. I love my relaxer. lol
I am relaxed and I would say I have "minor" issues. I had an issue with split ends but my ends are finally getting a lot better! I have minor breakage at the crown, nape, and with the hairs that frame my face (not from relaxing but most likely from manual damage), but I think if I use JBCO they will get better over time. Overall though, I have thick, healthy relaxed hair that I am very pleased with. :)
Can I get a relaxer plus a keratin protein treatment to make my hair strong?

I would not recommend that. Especially since I was told not to do that. I was told if your have healthy relaxed hair, don't get a BKT. You are better off getting a relaxer and using keratin protein in treatments/conditioners to maintain (I do this) rather than mixing both processes. In the end, thats a hard chemical treatment and a lot of heat.
No issues with the relaxing process. I experience minor issues when I'm lazy and don't care for my hair like I should.:look:
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Can I get a relaxer plus a keratin protein treatment to make my hair strong?

Do not do that, my hair was doing well until I decided to do a bkt because I figured hey stronger hair can't be a bad thing well it was I went from just above apl to neck length because of the damage and breakage. I used global keratin 2%.
I'm texlaxed with no real issues. I used to have issues with scabs and burning when I went to the salon but now that I am a self-relaxer, I have no issues.
Ever since I found LHCF and stopped all my bad relaxing practices, I only have (very) minor issues that are of my own doing :grin: I have a tendency to get impatient when I am deep in a stretch and detangle too fast (breakage) or get lazy about detangling and removing shed hairs, which wraps around my other strands (breakage). My hair is the longest and healthiest it has ever been in my life :yep:
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Relaxed, no issues. In fact just got a touch up yesterday after 12 weeks. Such a big difference in that process since I found lhcf.
Can I get a relaxer plus a keratin protein treatment to make my hair strong?

Last year I got two Global Keratin treatments instead of relaxers as a way to transition. Even though my hair thrived, I do not recommend them for relaxed heads, especially if you have fine hair. I think my hair only did well with the Keratin because I did not relax over the treatments and I have thick strands. My SIL has fine strands and relaxed over her Global Keratin. Her hair is much thinner now.