Are you conscious of who puts their hand in your hair?

  • No - has never bothered me

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes - I'm selective in who does my hair

    Votes: 17 68.0%
  • Never gave it a thought before

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Sometimes - it depends

    Votes: 6 24.0%

  • Total voters


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
Let's face it, there are people who try to curse others... there are people who cook food and try to poison others. Was having a discussion with moms yesterday and combing her hair and wouldn't you know, the crown of her head still is "balded" and not as long. She reminded me of her visit to the hair salon years ago (she was friends with a brother in the church and he recommended this hair dresser that he was friends with. Since that hair cut, the crown of her head never grew back. But that was years back. I remember when that happened but I was equally floored the hair is still balded a bit even today, nearly a decade {Personally..I believed that woman was jealous of my mom and may have had an interest in dude, too, but that's another story} Moms explained, 'see that is why you have to be careful who you let put their hands on you. Christians shouldn't let unsanctified hands on them.." Granted, we can't always go to Christian folks to get our hair done, I understand that. But I really believe some hands are cursed.

Do you agree? Anyone ever experience hair trauma or problems w/ their hair after getting it done by someone? Would love to hear your thoughts.
I'm very conscious of this and here are some of the reasons...

* I'm tenderheaded
* I don't want to spend the money to have it done in a salon
* In the past when I've been to a salon, they were always way too scissor happy. I stopped going. :nono:
*The only person I trust with my hair is my daughter. At age 8 she was braiding and beading my hair for our African Dance shows. She learned how to braid on her dolls. I could never get the hang of it.
* I have two other friends that do my hair occasionally for special occasions, other than that, I just wash and go.

I don't 'fear' curses. :nono: I have a rubber scalp; whatever the devil tries to throw at me, bounces back and smacks him in the face like a wet whip.... 'Cra - wacca' ! :yep:

The curse causeless shall not come; it shall return from whence it came...

No weapon formed against me shall prosper...
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You know what... My mother used to have this saying about people not having good hands for your hair or she has the hands for hair( in creole) . This meant that your hair would either flourish or become damage by whomever is handling it. She used to be picky about who she allowed to braid my hair when I was younger. This reminds me of when I was in my young 20's.. I found a woman who got my hair growing healthy and long and come to think of it..she was christian. Unfortunately, she sold her salon and I have yet to find a similar salon.
I've not experienced any problems personally but i'm well aware that they can and do happen, some folks are evil like that ...

I'm particular not because I'm afraid that the sylist hands may be cursed but does she know what she's doing am I gonna sit for 5 hours and walk out of the salon vex or happy ...

I'm with Shimmie I'll send it back to the sender ...
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Beautiful... I'll be back... the hands are a very important part of the body...


I experienced hair trauma 9/10 times I went to the salon, but that's a whole other topic. :lol: I became a full-time DIYer after that.

Now back to this topic ....
I agree about being careful of cursed hands and believe the story shared above.:yep: Especially hands of those who harbor jealousy, negativity, and/or some sort of evil dwelling. Majority of the time, I am purposefully mindful of who I let touch me. My personal stories actually involve situations that extended beyond touching into sexual relations/interactions with unsanctified men.

I specifically remember two cases where my life was turned upside down afterwards. In the first instance, my soul became open to severe depression and I lost 10 pounds in the span of a few weeks. (Keep in mind that for many years, I had always weighed the same X lbs, so this weight loss was shocking.) Maybe I'll share a little more about that situation later. The second instance is a little more personal but had a more disastrous effect on my physical life than spiritual life.

So since then, I am more mindful of whom I let touch me, if I can help it. I am also celibate until marriage, hence being mindful of whom I let in me.
Not sure that I believe that a "cursed persons hands" can cause me any harm...

The only time Im reluctant to allow somone close to my hair is if its a man. I don't think its a good idea to have any man (besides ones husband/SO) running his hands through your hair. Very intimate...
I believe in the Blood of Jesus, as protection from all harm and danger -- both seen and unseen. That doesn't mean there aren't people out to harm us. This is why we are to be vigilant spiritually... a curse without a cause will not come. I don't know where mom was spiritually back then..maybe she was walking in disobedience and this evil befell her.. maybe the woman's goal was to cause pain in her brain or even kill her and all that came out of it was a patch....
What I do know is that I believe in the Blood of Jesus. I would let a stranger do my hair and would hug anyone..but there are times we can sense in our spirits not to let a certain person touch us or put their hands on us. Do we still let them, even thought we are aware they shouldn't? The wisdom and grace of God is sufficient, at all times...thanks ladies for sharing your stories!
I'm often too accepting and leave open room for folks who would do such things to do so. I need to be more careful. Heard about a lady who was the evil eye herself....gave a very pretty lady a drink laced with anti-freeze. It killed her rather than caused her illness. After my cousin told me that story, I've been uber careful since.
It killed her or the pretty lady...? That's sad though. God is faithful...

Proverbs 26:27

King James Version (KJV)
Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.
I believe in the Blood of Jesus, as protection from all harm and danger -- both seen and unseen. That doesn't mean there aren't people out to harm us. This is why we are to be vigilant spiritually...

a curse without a cause will not come.

I don't know where mom was spiritually back then..maybe she was walking in disobedience and this evil befell her.. maybe the woman's goal was to cause pain in her brain or even kill her and all that came out of it was a patch....

What I do know is that I believe in the Blood of Jesus.

I would let a stranger do my hair and would hug anyone..but there are times we can sense in our spirits not to let a certain person touch us or put their hands on us. Do we still let them, even thought we are aware they shouldn't? The wisdom and grace of God is sufficient, at all times...thanks ladies for sharing your stories!

Your posts puts into mind our everyday connections with people and how indeed God protects us each day.... unawares.

* When we buy food in restuarants or from the supermarkets.... period!

God protects us from the hands who have touched these foods before us and many of them are people with evil intentions.

* When we shake hands with people in professional settings.

God's Grace abounds for and around us in His protection

* In Church when we greet others... Pastors are forever directing the congregation to 'turn and greet your neighbour.... hug them, welcome them, shake hands with them. Especially when they are 'new'

God's Grace does much more abound...

This is where I know God's Grace is abundantly previlent... is when I'm praying for someone. I automatically extend my hands to gently hold their hands in mine; I embrace them with the Love of God.

All of us who pray for others, don't think about any potential harm. The presence of God prevails indeed; as the only thing we can think of is giving comfort and love to this person needing the love of God in their lives.


I can think of one time during a Camp Meeting, there was a woman sitting next to me in an opposite aisle, and she was 'hissing' during the entire service. She was lliterally hissing like a snake. As in all services, Pastor had us all stand up for corporate prayer and to hold hands across the aisles.

I was so 'annoyed' with this woman and her noise that I gripped her hand and jerked it as a signal for her to stop hissing. She started making circles with her head and upper body. I gripped her hand harder and she circled harder and got louder with her hissing and started making a loud moaning noise.

In my prayers, I told the devil to shut up. Some other members who were more familiar with this type of behaviour came with the ushers and they started praying for this woman. She became even more animated, and more people were becoming aware of commotion. I remember how it was a very large crowd that morning. The ushers carried her out and she was taken to a hospital.

Prior to campmeeting, we were fasting and praying. Our Pastor told us to expect things like this during campmeetings, but to not be afraid, because the presence of God was more powerful. I learned first hand that God's presence surely does override the distractions of the enemy.

Laela... your post reminded me that no matter where we are, there's the presence of evil, yet God's presence always prevails to protect us.

Psalm 23....

Yea, though I walk through the 'shadow' of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me...
LOL...I'm careful not because of beauty...but because I don't want to fall prey to other's weaknesses and harm. It just happens that that particular lady was jealous of that other lady's beauty. What a shame.
I don't like ANYONE to pat me on my back or tap me on the shoulders etc. My hair well if I've hired you to do it then it is okay, but them I am leary of those that do my hair. Impartations or real.
I'm a Caribbean girl so yeah I believe in the evil eye :lachen:

I used to go to this hairdresser that was sleeping with a married man. That's ALL she ever talked about while she was doing my hair. She would speak very negatively about the man's wife and I would feel very uncomfortable around her. Fast forward... she got VERY angry when I decided to go to someone else to do my wedding day hairstyle. I didn't want her touching me and messing up my day with her harlot hands LOL My hair didn't fall out while under her care, but I didn't want to be associated with this woman or what she stood for. She was very annoying anyway and would dance meregue while blowdrying my hair LOL

Anyway I completely stopped going to her. I didn't want her negativity to rub off on my big pumpkin head. A few years later I went natural anyway so I don't need to visit any salons.
I'm a Caribbean girl so yeah I believe in the evil eye :lachen:

I used to go to this hairdresser that was sleeping with a married man. That's ALL she ever talked about while she was doing my hair. She would speak very negatively about the man's wife and I would feel very uncomfortable around her. Fast forward... she got VERY angry when I decided to go to someone else to do my wedding day hairstyle. I didn't want her touching me and messing up my day with her harlot hands LOL My hair didn't fall out while under her care, but I didn't want to be associated with this woman or what she stood for. She was very annoying anyway and would dance meregue while blowdrying my hair LOL

Anyway I completely stopped going to her. I didn't want her negativity to rub off on my big pumpkin head. A few years later I went natural anyway so I don't need to visit any salons.

You did the right thing by leaving her... her heart was misguided and what she talked about was grieving to your spirit.

As for going Natural, that's one of the best 'money-savers' in my budget. Just wash and go... :yep: