Are you changing your regimen for 2009?


New Member
Is anyone changing up their regimen for the new year?

I am re-evaluating my regimen and thinking of doing something totally new. :yay:

I would like to:
- cowash 3x per week
- DC 1x per week w/ ORS Replenishing Pack
- shampoo 1x per week (I have a habit of thinking my hair has too much product buildup and shampooing too often)
- detangle hair GENTLY in the shower with a wide-tooth comb (instead of ripping through it with a brush)
- avoid trimming for all of 2009
- drink less soda and more water
- wrap hair every night before bed
- master the art of balancing moisture and protein!

Anyone else changing things up or adding new goals? :drunk: I am currently at one inch past BSL (uneven) but would like to reach WL by the end of 2009.

Edit: I currently take 5000mcg biotin per day, as well as multivitamins. THIS part of my regiment will NOT change! :)
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I have had the same reggie that I had when I joined this lovely site. I'm not switching up my beat. My reggie is on point:grin: Your hair is lovely btw:yep: I do everything you do minus wrapping my hair at night. I wear a loose ponytail with my ends baggied 24/7 and I wear a satin scarf to bed at night. I trim every 3-6 months but trust not much, just to even things up a bit. Your new reggie is on point. You're going to get excellent growth.

ETA: Can you give me the link to the WL by 2009 Challenge? TIA
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Introducing msm and biotin
More scalp massages
More protective styling bantu knots and cornrows (im practicing myself...expect pics hopefully ill have them decent by middle of next month)
Introducing msm and biotin
More scalp massages
More protective styling bantu knots and cornrows (im practicing myself...expect pics hopefully ill have them decent by middle of next month)

Ummm, get 5mcg Biotin and drink plenty of water:grin: Your hair is lovely also.
No,I'm not changing my regime its working so i will leave it alone.
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I have had the same reggie that I had when I joined this lovely site. I'm not switching up my beat. My reggie is on point:grin: Your hair is lovely btw:yep: I do everything you do minus wrapping my hair at night. I wear a loose ponytail with my ends baggied 24/7 and I wear a satin scarf to bed at night. I trim every 3-6 months but trust not much, just to even things up a bit. Your new reggie is on point. You're going to get excellent growth.

ETA: Can you give me the link to the WL by 2009 Challenge? TIA

Thanks! :)

I sent you the link.

I am having leave-in trouble.

I have not been able to find one that I like now that Qhemet's Olive Cream Detangler is GONE.

Sooooo, I may be changing up how to handle this. I may skip the leave-in step all together, and upping my moisturizers on dry hair? I don't know, but I need to figure it out.
i absolutely have to master rollersetting in 2009. i've been doing braidouts since the summer but now that i'm transitioning, my hair is a tangled mess two days after co-washed braidouts. i would like to dc twice a week. i'll stick with my products because they seem to work great :)
I'm entering the 9th month of my transition and plan to start doing my hair again myself. Also, I've decided to use mostly natural, sulfate-free products and to start taking my vitamins again.

ETA: I need to stop using so much heat!

Hopefully, I won't have to BC for another 9 months.:yep:
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Well this is how I would like my regime to look...
1) Deep condition twice a week (do this.)
2) Moisturize and seal hair twice a day (do this.)
3) More protective styling (buns.)
4)More henna and indigoing (every 4 weeks/month)
5) Trim next year only once..and it's gonna be a good big trim..more than an inch.
6) Relax every 12 weeks (do this.)
7) Flatiron only twice a year (do this.)

So yes and no i guess..I won't be using shampoo bars a lot anymore
I have a 2X2 section of my hair that breaks off every time I relax, so I will start stretching relaxers to every six months, using sew-in weaves to help me get through months 4-6.
i'd like to be more consistent
that's all, really.

sometimes i find things that work for me
and then stray...

haha...gotta stop that.
Using natural products sounds like a great idea.

Does anyone here use sulfate-free shampoo? Any luck? I would love to try it, but I'm afraid it won't do anything.. meaning I'm afraid it won't actually clean my hair. I'm sure that's a stupid to worry about though :)
IM doing a whole REHAUL(is that a word lol)
im trying to get rid of my gel addicition and implement more protien into my regimen.
Just changing it a little.
Since it's snowing outside I'll be limiting my washes to once a week again ( haven't done that since started healthy hair journey). I mostly air dry and I'm tired of the colds and flus thank you very much! lol. Everything else will stay the same. That is until I get to Spring and Summer of 2009 then I'll be going back to frequent (every 2-3 days) washes. Cowashes will be out for me. My hair hates those in winter and barely tolerated them in warmer weather. She likes the hour long deep conditioning treatments with honey, coconut oil and her favorite Queen Helene Cholesterol Conditioner.
*I don't normally call my hair "her", but I'm tired and my brain is trying to mess me up* lol
Using natural products sounds like a great idea.

Does anyone here use sulfate-free shampoo? Any luck? I would love to try it, but I'm afraid it won't do anything.. meaning I'm afraid it won't actually clean my hair. I'm sure that's a stupid to worry about though :)
I use Modern Organic Products C-system Hydrating Shampoo I found it after a lot of trail and error, but i like it. It is very gentle but cleansing.
I am! My hair care regimen hasn't been consistent at ALL. Next year I am going to:

-DC once a week
-Co-wash 2x/week
-Scalp massages every other day
-Start taking a multivitamin regularly.
-Exercise 5x/week
-Drink at least 8 glasses of water/day
I'm definately changing my regimen. I am leaning toward more natural products. I have introduced castile soap and so far so good.
I am! My hair care regimen hasn't been consistent at ALL. Next year I am going to:

-DC once a week
-Co-wash 2x/week
-Scalp massages every other day
-Start taking a multivitamin regularly.
-Exercise 5x/week
-Drink at least 8 glasses of water/day

Same here! I feel like I have a new regimen every week... but I'm hoping to stick with ONE regimen so I can see if it's actually working or not.
Using natural products sounds like a great idea.

Does anyone here use sulfate-free shampoo? Any luck? I would love to try it, but I'm afraid it won't do anything.. meaning I'm afraid it won't actually clean my hair. I'm sure that's a stupid to worry about though :)

It can't hurt to try it out! :yep:
Nope, not changing a thing. I'll probably add some new products into the fold but I'll still be cw and protective styling.:yep: