Are you and your so activities confine to romance?


Well-Known Member
Do you and your Hubby, SO, bf do things outside of dating and romance? What? How has it improved or strengthened your relationship?
We party together, we work out together, we go to sporting events, etc. But I'm crazy about him--so there's always a touch of romance, even if we were doing yard work. lol
Do you and your Hubby, SO, bf do things outside of dating and romance? What? How has it improved or strengthened your relationship?


We play flag football together.

We go mountain climbing at different places around here (NC is great for finding mountains to climb) - we've been to this place - which was pretty cool and some others.

We go hiking and do a lot of nature stuff. We go fishing, boating, roller blading, etc.

We go to sporting events, WWE, NASCAR, football, basketball games...whenever something great (to us) comes up we are there...:yep:

Yeah, it's helped because you find out things you have in common other than the i love yous...
Do you and your Hubby, SO, bf do things outside of dating and romance? What? How has it improved or strengthened your relationship?

When I was in my relationship (tear), I'd say no and that's one of the things that I miss most about him. While my friends were wining and dining and going on romantic weekend getaways at some spa in some remote city, we:

- were dirt bike riding. He taught me how to ride a dirt bike, quad and motorcycle.
- he took me to the shooting range and got me a lesson with a retired cop to learn how to properly shoot a firearm. I hate guns and still hate guns, but it was kind of cool to learn. Not to mention, I turned out to be a pretty good shot! :)
- played a LOT of pool.
- learned to snowboard together

...and yea, he was black. Folks always ask. :)
We travel together. Travel can bring out the best (or worst :lol:) in people.

Sporting events: Thanks to my love of football and his love of baseball we will go to any NFL, MBL, NHL, NBA event and have fun. I love rooting against his teams :rolleyes: :lol:

I like to hike and bike so this past summer we did that.

I like roadtrips to neat places that neither of us have been before. Like Georgetown on a weekend.

Church, museums and charity work. I think doing things outside of typical romantic activities really gives you insight to the other person. And sometimes a different side will come out that you never knew was there!! For instance we volunteered at a hospital's neonatal ward and it was the first time I saw my SO around babies. I got a whole new perspective that day.
Yes we do things together and apart that makes us stronger. Together we enjoy watching sports and shows like Heroes. Also going to the movies and events. But we are secure enough to not have to do every darn thing together and we love and respect each other much more because of it. It allows us to be us, get some space, and still respect each other. Q
Thanks for the replies, ladies. Looks like yall be having mad fun! My bf and I have only been together for 7 months. These have been the most rose filled, date going, luvy duvy 7 months of my life. Its cool because it keeps me balanced, sometimes I can be so goal oriented and serious its ridiculous. Its great for a change of pace, but I'm becoming discontent with it. I believe volunteering, working out, becoming active in church ministries, or taking a class together can be more productive and equally romantic. Thanks for all of the ideas!
My S/O is a contractor so sometimes I go on jobsites with him, I take before and after photos for the website, sometimes I help him with the finishing touches on houses like putting in bulbs, door knobs and outlet plates ....I even painted a garage door once :grin:

We work out together and I love creating new recipes for my collection so he's my guinea pig for the new dishes.
Sure, we shop together(admittedly he is not big on this as I like to explore and he is more of a pick up item and head straight to counter kinda guy) exercise together, cook together. We talk about books we're reading, especially when they hit good parts. Lots of stuff :yep: I guess any of them could be romantic but it's different somehow.
Well I have know him since August but we just started doing non-group dates Oct 1st and just became official Oct 21st (:grin:)

Our first alone date was a bike ride and we have done more since. We like to do cookouts for people. So I helped him get stuff ready for a cookout with all his friends and family.

This weekend we are going to the renaissance festival. We have only been dating officially for three weeks, but there should be more to come. We have already planned to go to the NASCAR races when they come up.