Are you afraid?


New Member
I have been here a month yesterday.
I have learned soooo much can to put it into practice.
But I am afraid to use growth aids-- I have a fear of
all of my hair coming out.

Megatek fasinates me, but I am not clear on use.
I hear about the shedding -- dont want to go bald.

What are you afraid of??????
protein and growth aids. i'm about to start using moe gro though. i just have this feeling that my hair is going to grow long and then once I stop using it, everything will fall out. i have to be very careful with protein and alway err on the side of moisture although I think i need protein right now. i'm going to wait a week and see.
I'm also afraid....yet fascinated. I've decided that while it may take a little longer, I'm going to grow my hair on my own. I already relax (chemical) and rinse (chemical) and that's taking enough risks...besides I honestly feel like the ingredients in those growth aids are in the products that are already available and much cheaper, just not in the same concentrations.

I admire the ladies who have had success with these products, though!
I have been here a month yesterday.
I have learned soooo much can to put it into practice.
But I am afraid to use growth aids-- I have a fear of
all of my hair coming out.

Megatek fasinates me, but I am not clear on use.
I hear about the shedding -- dont want to go bald.

What are you afraid of??????

Yeah... I don't get how a product that is supposed to make your hair longer and stronger also makes it shed... doesn't make sense to me. My hair doesn't shed right now and I don't want it to start.
Self-relaxing. I tried it twice and both times I was extremely nervous. I realize it's not for me.
well im afraid of protein....and quite rightly so! everytime i do a protein treatment i always seem to have more breakage than normal. :wallbash: But whenever i do a moisturing treatment my hair seems to be fine and actually like it. the only reason i did a protein treatment was because im getting my retouch texturiser this week and some people recommend doing it to strengthen the hair prior to the treatment.
I was afraid of protein up until a couple of months ago, now I use it at every was with excellent results!

What I'm afraid of now, is wearing my hair down and direct heat!! Yikes, scares me just thinking about it!
Im afraid of....

*not finding the right relaxer that will take on my resistant hair
*breakage at demarcation lines throughout throughout the length of my hair
*not finding the right moisturizer for my fine thirsty strands
*the shedding from megatek
*doing a 6 month stretch
*detangling my hair when it reaches waistlength and beyond
*keeping up with the amount of products ill need when my hair gets longer
*not making "hair-buddies" and being the loner of the forum:sad:.........
I have been here a month yesterday.
I have learned soooo much can to put it into practice.
But I am afraid to use growth aids-- I have a fear of
all of my hair coming out.

Megatek fasinates me, but I am not clear on use.
I hear about the shedding -- dont want to go bald.

What are you afraid of??????

I'm afraid of:

-Growth Aids. I'm mostly afraid of these due to psychological issues I have with having my hair grow b/c I used a product specifically formulated for that. I don't know, I'd feel like I didn't accomplish my goal naturally. Also, the shedding, the tingling, the scalp issues, etc. all scare me as well.

-Co-washing regularly my relaxed hair. I used to lurk on the boards like 4-5 years ago. I tried the co-washing regularly (3x a week) thing back then and I remember it dried out my hair. Also, I'm afraid of over-manipulation while wet. I sometimes co-wash to refresh an air-dried style, but only once in a blue moon.

-Sulfur anything. I hate the smell of Sulfur 8, so when I see Sulfur (besides MSM) I think :nono:, b/c I never want to smell like that.

ETA: Self relaxing!!! I can never see myself doing it. I would def. miss spots.
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well im afraid of protein....and quite rightly so! everytime i do a protein treatment i always seem to have more breakage than normal. :wallbash: But whenever i do a moisturing treatment my hair seems to be fine and actually like it. the only reason i did a protein treatment was because im getting my retouch texturiser this week and some people recommend doing it to strengthen the hair prior to the treatment.

It's funny because my hair actually is the opposite. I find my hair not only likes protein but if i can strike the right balance between them my hair would thrive so much more. It's something i'm still working on to perfect.
Im afraid of....

*not finding the right relaxer that will take on my resistant hair
*breakage at demarcation lines throughout throughout the length of my hair
*not finding the right moisturizer for my fine thirsty strands
*the shedding from megatek
*doing a 6 month stretch
*detangling my hair when it reaches waistlength and beyond
*keeping up with the amount of products ill need when my hair gets longer
*not making "hair-buddies" and being the loner of the forum:sad:.........

I see we share very similar fears
I really want color--but I'm scared--I don't want it to be damaging or regret the color then have to grow or cut it out--been there before.
1. I am afraid of self-relaxing even though I really want to
2. I am afraid of direct heat on my hair
3. i am afraid of growth aids, just gonna stick to vitamins
4. I am scared of hair color, It would be nice if I could color my hair though

When I reach my goal of WL hair, i will start to take more risks, right now I just wanna play it safe
Yeah... I don't get how a product that is supposed to make your hair longer and stronger also makes it shed... doesn't make sense to me. My hair doesn't shed right now and I don't want it to start.
That's because it's stimulating growth. It activates the follicles, and speeds up the growth cycle. So if there are any hairs that are close to the end of their cycle (i.e. close to the shedding point), they quickly shed and new hair starts growing from that follicle.

For those that use Megatek, I don't think the shedding continues for long. And many don't have shedding at all.

As for being afraid. Well this hair thing doesn't have to be complicated. At base it's just about retention through moisturising and protecting your ends. Many have grown their hair long very simply. e.g. Daily bunning while moisturising with a simple conditioner / leave-in. Or by putting braids in every couple of months through the C&G method. You don't have to get carried away.
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1. Relaxing
2. Recently scared of heat
3. That I won't meet my goal of atleast being MBL in 2009
4. That I am spending too much money on hair products
5. Hardcore protein treatments, I've stick with light or medium treatments
I'm afraid of using heat, because I don't want it to make my hair fall out.

I'm also afraid that my hair isn't growing between braidings. :(
That's because it's stimulating growth. It activates the follicles, and speeds up the growth cycle. So if there are any hairs that are close to the end of their cycle (i.e. close to the shedding point), they quickly shed and new hair starts growing from that follicle.

For those that use Megatek, I don't think the shedding continues for long. And many don't have shedding at all.

As for being afraid. Well this hair thing doesn't have to be complicated. At base it's just about retention through moisturising and protecting your ends. Many have grown their hair long very simply. e.g. Daily bunning while moisturising with a simple conditioner / leave-in. Or by putting braids in every couple of months through the C&G method. You don't have to get carried away.

About the shedding....that makes sense except that it seems some women who are experiencing increased shedding are actually not experiencing increased growth, but I have no first hand knowledge, so.....:look:

As for not being's that simple for some women, but not for others. If it was that easy for everyone, we would all have MBL-WL hair. People aren't "getting carried away" by doing what works for them and that is not necessarily walking around with wet hair or a boring (IMO) bun every day.
I'm a newbie so the first thing I'm afraid of is wasting $$ on products, only to figure out it doesn't work for my hair, I live in NYC already waste enough $$:wallbash: **Getting a weave, because I've had both good and bad expeiences with the whole weave thing. I'm tempted to because I cut my hair very short this summer (think rihanna), and I wanted to wear a weave for a little while to let it grow, but the last time I had a bad experience after taking a weave down I would literally run my fingers thru my hair and end up with a handfull of hair..I was mortified!!:nono: I'm afraid of using MT, I think I'm gonna try it, but the whole made for horses think creeps me out a little bit(I'm aware it's safe for humans). Also I was put on rogaine once b/c I had this patch in the back of my hair that wouldn't grow, my hair grew but so did my facial hair and excessive nape hair, I looked like a damn monkey:blush: Finally I've had a great relationship with my stylist the last 3 years, but I am slowly realizing I have to cut her way down if I want to be serious about my journey:nono:
Heat and Chemicals. That's about it. :lol:

Everything/anything else, I'm marginally willing to experiment with.