Are you afraid to throw out products?


Well-Known Member
I have about 5 products that work extremely well for my hair. I have about 10 products that I have experimented with etc or hardly use. I really want to throw them out but I am afraid. I feel like it is such a waste of money. I cannot return most of them because they local BSS do not give refunds and some of them are too old!

What do you do with products that don't work?
Keep them in the back of my closet for some reason. I hate throwing anything away, which is the problem that I'm having now:nono: I just went through my DEEP collection of lotions and body sprays and couldn't remember the last time I used them:ohwell:People buy me that stuff as gifts each year and I've accumulated so much that I can't seem to use it all

I say throw it away or give it to someone if it's not too old!
Keep them in the back of my closet for some reason. I hate throwing anything away, which is the problem that I'm having now:nono: I just went through my DEEP collection of lotions and body sprays and couldn't remember the last time I used them:ohwell:People buy me that stuff as gifts each year and I've accumulated so much that I can't seem to use it all

I say throw it away or give it to someone if it's not too old!

Ditto. I'm a pack rat by nature, so regardless if I'm using a product or my hair rejects it I keep it stored away...I think my problem is, since I pay for it I tend want to get my monies worth, lol although I'm really not. :nono:
I throw them out or give them away to family and friends. You can use conditioner as a shaving lotion. If you can, utilize the product exchange forum. You can gain some of your money back OR give away you staff for free. Interested persons would just pay shipping.
You can always sell your products on the Product Exchange Forum.

You can help someone out and make a little money.
I have done some of the following:

1. Exchanged them on the Exchange Forum
2. Returned them (Sally's has an awesome return policy)
3. Used the product as shaving lotion.

Nothing really goes to waste in my home.
Does anyone know if frizz serums get old? Here I am salivating over the latest serums and found two bottles of really good ones with just about the same ingredients as the newer ones (Fantasia Frizz Buster, Loreal smooth intense anti-frizz serum). Both bottles are more than half full, however, they are about 4 years old!!! Stills smell and feel the same in my hand. Let me know what you all think.
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HECK NO I AIN'T SCARED...there are some things that weren't good for my hair, and if they weren't good for my hair, and my mom, granny or girlfriends didn't want it, I must throw it away to make room for something new, but may not if I had kids, or other circumstances that left me with

HOWEVER, if I had other circumstances, and had more room to be a packrat, I may with products, since I love hair!
I keep them, if they aren't complete death for hair (back before I knew more about product ingredients). Sometimes as your hair gets longer it doesn't like the same products it did when it was shorter, and may even like things it didn't like when it was shorter. :rolleyes: So, unless the product is really ancient and dusty, I just keep it.

Now if I know I would never use the product again I usually give it to my mom. I also give her any combs, brushes, or headbands I wouldn't dare use on my natural hair.
I don't like throwing them out since I paid good money for them so I like to give them to family members.
I too am a pack rat by nature, however, when I recently moved last summer, I realized there were some items in my towel closet (a/k/a hair supply closet according to my husband:lachen:) that would never, evva evva evva go in my head again. Those two or three items were all crap from Carol's Daughter that I had spent GOOD money on about two years ago. My hair hates her stuff - period......I thought about it for a minute :perplexed, thought maybe I could doctor up her products with some other oils and conditioners, but then I was like, why? I hate her stuff and I didn't want to waste my jamaican black castor oil, jojoba, olive or any other good innocent oil or conditioner on it. I just threw that crap in the garbage dumpster and kept it moving.
Another pack rat here. I have so much stuff I know I have no use for, or probably will never use again. :nono: I am on a personal "Use it up or Give it Away or Throw it Out" challenge though, and I hope to get rid of most of it... by force!
I use them as a "pre-poo" or I'll mix them in my daily conditioner. These are primarily oils.

I have some gels that were unimpressive but I'm not throwing 'em away. May try them again and love 'em!
Keep them in the back of my closet for some reason. I hate throwing anything away, which is the problem that I'm having now:nono: I just went through my DEEP collection of lotions and body sprays and couldn't remember the last time I used them:ohwell:People buy me that stuff as gifts each year and I've accumulated so much that I can't seem to use it all

I say throw it away or give it to someone if it's not too old!

I had a similiar problem with body sprays too. What I did was pour some in bath water to give it a scent. I usually take showers, but on the weekends when I don't leave my house, I'll take a bath and pour like a half a bottle in. Body sprays spoil after a few years.
There was a similar thread ( I just can't bear to throw out products either b/c of the money I spend on it, it just seems like I'm throwing away money, esp. during these hard times. I've tried selling some on Ebay and offering some here on the 'Dump the products that didn't work for you on me' thread, but no luck. *sigh* There's one shampoo I've already used up, but there are like 4-6 other products, I don't know what to do with it...

ps: We need a product version of 'The sisterhood of the travelling pants'...seriously!
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I really don't like to waste things, so I do heavy research on everything before I purchase it, just so I know I'm not filling some landfill with even more wasted hair products. Or I will sell it, or just give it away to someone who neeeds it.
I am. I'm always scared I'll throw it away and then come to this board and find out I was using it wrong or something. :laugh:

I am getting better at letting go of stuff. I just gave away a 3/4 full bottle of organix coconut serum to my coworker.
i dont like throwing hair products away unless they were complete ish on my hair. and im glad because i just revisited several products and made a couple of mixes and my hair is loving it.
I am not afraid to throw a product out,just took a 39 gallon bag full of products to the dump last week. most half used bottles or products that suck on my hair.
I still have a lot of products not open and plan to go through them again this weekend to see if they are good and will probably give them away.
When I first became natural and was going through my "I have to define my curlz!" phase I bought a couple of different curl activators. I only used them once and that was 2 years ago. I don't want to give them away because they aren't good products (bad ingredients, smell bad, etc.) but I can't bring myself to throw them away even though I'm never going to use them.
Same here, ive got a bottle of Boundless Tresses, i tried and it did nothing for my hair,and im holding on to it because im afraid that if i throw it away i maybe missing out it. I've even tried it this month while i have my braids in and i've still have notice any growth, i still go more than half left :sad: