Are Y'all REALLY Getting Any MAJOR Growth...


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
...from ALL these different things that are to make our hair grow faster???

When I say 'major growth', I'm talkin' way more than just the normal 1/2 inch per month...

To list some of the challenges, products, vitamins, etc:

Stinky Challenge
Daily washing
Scalp Massages
Essential Oils
Amino Acids
Various B Vitamins

and I know there's more...

For those who use several of these together, have you gotten a significant amount of hair growth?
LOL I think the CWs are helping the surge is helping my thinning temples but I havent tried any of the others.
Right now, I take L-Cysteine, Super B-Complex, and will soon be using Surge Plus 14 again. I will also be washing my hair often, doing scalp massages and trying that cayenne pepper & oil mixture every 2-3 days for growth.

I hope I get a significant amount of growth from these things but I don't know if all this is really worth it. :ohwell:
landakaye said:
LOL I think the CWs are helping the surge is helping my thinning temples but I havent tried any of the others.

Ditto. I've laid off the Surge a bit b/c I just can't seem to find the time, lol, but when I used it, it *definitely* grew the hair back in the area where I used to have a bald patch (due to pregnancy shedding - most women don't shed until *after* pregnancy but a small % shed *while* pregnant...lucky us, lol). I actually have bangs in that area.

I'm typically a daily rinser and I also take my prenatal vit and Viviscal. They're helping b/c there have been periods of time where I've gone without Viviscal and/or daily rinsing, and I saw a noticeable difference (brittle, dry-feeling hair, what would appear to be almost no growth within a 3-month time span). Can't speak about the prenatal vits b/c that's for the baby, not the hair (besides, it has smaller doses than what I take for hair - what? you think I didn't check? :wasntme: :lol: )

Here's the difference I noticed: my FORMER SHS (she's still S/H but now she's my FORMER stylist) hacked off 4" of my hair by the end of Thanksgiving. (grrrrrr....) By the end of April, the tail of my was brushing the top of my brastrap! That's only 5 months, which on a good, normal growth spurt would = 2.5" (1/2 per month). That 1/2" per month would still be considered an increase for me. Based on the evidence, I must have gotten more than that with the combo of daily rinsing, prenatal vits (maybe), and Viviscal.

Poohbear said:
Right now, I take L-Cysteine, Super B-Complex, and will soon be using Surge Plus 14 again. I will also be washing my hair often, doing scalp massages and trying that cayenne pepper & oil mixture every 2-3 days for growth.

I hope I get a significant amount of growth from these things but I don't know if all this is really worth it. :ohwell:

Hey Pooh :wave:

Sometimes the only way to tell is patience. When I first took Viviscal, I thought it wasn't working and that the only thing growing was the manufacturer's pockets, lol. But I eventually noticed a decrease in hair growth over a 6-month (or so) span. I began taking Viviscal again but it wasn't until touchup time (for me back then, it was usually about 3 months) that I noticed a significant increase in length. And I noticed at each subsequent touchup. Same for the other pills, such as Pantothenic Acid. My hair is always thick when it's virgin hair at the roots. The true test was surviving the vicious chemicals. It did.

If you're natural, maybe the way to tell is by other mile stones, such as some of the ladies noticing how far back they have to push their scarves/headbands, the ability to make a puff, etc.
Good question Poohbear......
MTG - Never Used, but I've heard from LCHF members some scarey stuff!!! Burning....bad rashes....ears turning white.... :eek:

MSM - Don't see any difference...but don't use on a regular basis. I've decided to try Anky's method to dissolve in hot water first and then add to my product. I know of one LCHF member that had a bad experience with it, but for me, so far so good....but I don't know if it's doing anything.

Surge - started using faithfully. Don't have breakouts or rashed like others have reported here on LCHF, but notice some dryness and more shedding. I've only been using it for 2 weeks, so I'll have patience and really give it a fair try....but if I start breaking out.....I'm through with it. My local BSS just started carrying it. I'm going to go thru the first bottle to see if I notice any difference in growth. My hair grows really slow....1/4 in per month only.

Stinky Challenge - Done in the past, hair grew, but in bad shape, so I won't do it again. I love co-washing too much :bath:

Daily washing - I love them!! Has done wonders for my texture and breakage! Makes stretching my relaxer easy. I went from every 8 weeks to every 3 months as soon as I started doing it.

Scalp Massages - I'm trying this with Emu Oil because of the properties it contains. Too soon to tell you if it's working, but I like the way it feels.

Essential Oils - Use KeraCare essential Oils, and rosemary, and lavendar. I like them and the tingly sensation. Also too soon to tell if it's working.

L-Cysteine - I think this is in my daily vitamin...I take Rainbow Light.
Amino Acids - I have these also in my daily vitamin
Various B Vitamins - Once again, daily vitamin.

I feel like I didn't help you very much. But I'll report back if you want to know down the road.
Who's had bad experiences with the MTG? I 've only heard of one on this board but I think it was the surge. I was thinking of purchasing this stuff myself. But right now I'm doing the cayenne pepper/oil thing. I'll take pictures and figure out how to post them from my camera phone.
Dolapo said:
hey pooh i want to start using my surge again. how do you plan on using it?
I'll be using it daily.

When I used it in the past back in May of 2004, I had relaxed hair and didn't use it very often because I didn't wash my hair very often (washed my hair 2-4 times a month). Now that I have short natural hair and wash daily, I can just spray it right on my scalp everyday. ;)
Ashee said:
Isn't good, steady growth "major growth"?
I never understood what that meant?
:confused: :confused:

good, steady growth would be just that. major growth would be "over and beyond" the good, steady growth... it would be "more than expected" growth. hth!
I wouldn't say that's i've noticed an increase in growth but daily washing has definetly helped me. I noticed immediatly my hair was more moisturized and not brittle.

I know you had some issues with people accepting your hair after the BC. Are you regretting the fact that you did the BC? Because I think you are rocking the short natural style. It compliments your facial features!
bludacious said:

I know you had some issues with people accepting your hair after the BC. Are you regretting the fact that you did the BC? Because I think you are rocking the short natural style. It compliments your facial features!
i actually didnt have any problems accepting my hair after the BC. I loved it!

Recently, I had a set back from letting my mom press it. I have to get it cut shorter to get rid of the heat damage. Now, I hate straight hair on me.

I think short natural hair looks cute on me too, but my ultimate goal is to still have long natural hair. I just know it'll require lots of patience.
My hair had a growth sprut since I added L-cysteine and Amino acid complex to my vitamin regimen and I do believe Viviscal is kicking in.
I am using MTG along with Surge this combo is great no scalp problems/
I also try to eat better adding a small salad and v8 juice daily need to increase water intake.
Poohbear said:
Right now, I take L-Cysteine, Super B-Complex, and will soon be using Surge Plus 14 again. I will also be washing my hair often, doing scalp massages and trying that cayenne pepper & oil mixture every 2-3 days for growth.

I hope I get a significant amount of growth from these things but I don't know if all this is really worth it. :ohwell:

how much L Cysteine are you taking? I've been taking 4x 600mg caps since the 12th of this month. I expect the results will be quite good by july.
Poohbear said:
good, steady growth would be just that. major growth would be "over and beyond" the good, steady growth... it would be "more than expected" growth. hth!
Thanks Pooh!
I don't get that :lol: I usually get a little over an inch per month.... :ohwell:
I've been using the MTG every other day for the last 2 weeks (I've become immune to the smell :) ) It has definitely caused my roots to thicken up and FAST! My hair takes forever to grow, but this oil is doing something good. I have also had a huge reduction in breakage overall. No more bits and ends of hair, I see a few strands with the white bulb on the end which relieves me...I can't wait to see what this MTG will do for me
asphyxxia said:
how much L Cysteine are you taking? I've been taking 4x 600mg caps since the 12th of this month. I expect the results will be quite good by july.
I started taking three 500mg capsules a day.
Ashee said:
Thanks Pooh!
I don't get that :lol: I usually get a little over an inch per month.... :ohwell:
Hee-hee! :D It's okay. Now I think I'm starting to get the point you were making about good steady growth being major growth. :)
On my last stretch, I CO washed 6 days a week and shampooed 1 day a week. My hair grew 2.5-3 inches (unstretched new growth) in 12 weeks, because I measured the new growth before I touched up. I am going back to daily CO washes starting today.
Jewell said:
On my last stretch, I CO washed 6 days a week and shampooed 1 day a week. My hair grew 2.5-3 inches (unstretched new growth) in 12 weeks, because I measured the new growth before I touched up. I am going back to daily CO washes starting today.
i see in your signature that you're transitioning now. r u going natural too? :D
Another goofy question: what's the difference between transitioning & going natural? I thought they were the same thing or you were transitioning into the natural style (growing out the relaxer & getting ready to do a BC... Am I wrong in this assumption? :confused:
Poohbear said:
i see in your signature that you're transitioning now. r u going natural too? :D

Yes girl! I am going au naturale. I have to say it feels like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders! I am going to transition for as long as possible without the B/C until my new growth gets to a desirable length. I would like for it to be at least 3 inches past my shoulders before I chop off all the relaxed hair, or I may just grow an inch, cut and inch.
Ashee said:
Another goofy question: what's the difference between transitioning & going natural? I thought they were the same thing or you were transitioning into the natural style (growing out the relaxer & getting ready to do a BC... Am I wrong in this assumption? :confused:
no difference. i was just using both terms. ;) LOL! :lol:
btw, there are some ladies who are transitioning from relaxed to texturized. ;)
Ive gotten majo growth from excercise. I used to dance non stop everyday while I was in highschool. When I got my hair trimmed, it would grow back in no time.
Ayeshia said:
Ive gotten majo growth from excercise. I used to dance non stop everyday while I was in highschool. When I got my hair trimmed, it would grow back in no time.
how often did u exercise and for how long? i love your hair and it's surely grown since your BC! :)
I've gotten some MAJOR thickness and growth from MTG. I'm deciding whether to relax next Saturday or wait until the 11th June which will be 4 months post touch up. Right now I'm going to have to wash it in 3 sections and flat iron the new growth. It's actually VERY unbearable and so thick I can't get my hair into a ponytail that looks halfway decent cause I got a TWA underneath. It's a goos unbearable though and for the next 3-4 weeks I'll flat iron and DC once a week and use the MTG 2-3 times a week until I hit 4 months post touch up. This stuff is GREAT. Better than Surge. Glad i found it and the smell is bearable now. I don't even notice it anymore.
I used Surge for a month. Nothing special happened and i'm tired of having wet hair, so yeah, when I ran out, I didn't go and buy another one. I actually have some left over from a previous bottle but I had added raw castor oil to it, and i don't want to go to school with the smell in my hair. The white people won't understand :lol:

--Exercising is the best one, I think: that's how I get growth spurts. But I honestly haven't been active in a while, because I'm really too busy. On May 28th, i'm going to start a new exercise regime. Also, when I'm at marching band practice in the VERY HOT Miami August-October sun, my hair grows REALLY fast... the only though is that the sun damages my hair at the same time. I'm going to need advice on how to protect it to retain the growth that I get.

--Vitamins don't increase my growth rate, as far as I know. I took Biotin for a month, then I stopped. I don't really like taking pills. I stopped taking MSM, only have the B-Complex and multi-vitamin, which I ran out of two days ago. I guess I'll get a new bottle tomorrow or monday. I'm going to get one with Iron in it, but I'm a little afraid of getting intoxicated. I do plan on taking Lecithin during the summer-- i'll decide then.

--I just want an extra 1/4" a month, to get 3/4" ... 1" a month would be awesome, but it probably wouldn't happen EVERY month, which is fine with me. Just give it to me for 4 months :grin: Starting July 25th, i'm going to be in Marching Band till November 5th. That's 15 weeks, I think. I really hope I get a lot of growth during that time :grin: