What Methods Are U Using To Promote Faster Growth?

Little heat
Deep condition weekly
Moisturise twice daily
Use of more gentle products eg shampoos, wide tooth combs
<ul type="square"> [*]Daily conditioner washes (weekly shampoo and deep conditioning)
[*]Eating right (or eating better)

[*]Drinking (more) water


[*]Scalp massages
[*]Protective styles
[*]Sleeping on satin pillow cases
[*]Participating in LHCF's hair board [/list]
Isis said:

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Does this mean that you visualize your hair growing? If so, I can say I do something similar...every night I dream of all the new hair products I'm going to try soon and of my hair growing. Don't know if its working or not because my hair is still in braids...
Thanks for answering, lunalight. I think I will do more research on visualization. I heard it helps with illnesses too, not to sure though which is why I need to do more research.
-Deep conditioning after every wash (twice a week)
-Relaxing every 10 through 12 weeks, instead of every 6 weeks
-Using leave ins
Crystena77 said:
Daily conditioner washes

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shampooing 2x a week
deep condition once a week
stretching my relaxer to every 4 months instead of every 8-10 weeks
little to no heat ( only when I deep condition )
babyblue said:
Sure i dont mind sharing. i got it from a member of another site

you could either buy dry rosemary leaves or buy rosemary tea bags from the health food store.

get a pot of water and either drop 4 rosemary teabags or 4 tbsp rosemary leaves into the water and boil.

let steep for 2 hrs.

when it cools drain it and put in spray bottle

As a preservative put a few drops of sage oil or vitamin E oil ( i use vitamin e oil)

keep refrigerated and spray scalp daily

I find this method very effective and my hair has definitely grown. This is why i havent even bothered with surge.

*note dont use if you have high blood pressure or if u hate the smell of rosemary which can be strong.

happy growing!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, babyblue!
To promote faster growth I am:
~Doing conditioner washes (5-7 times a week)
~getting more exercise
~increasing water consumption from 1 to 2 gallons daily
~trying to eat more protein
~MSM (I just started taking this)
-Protective styles (braids, buns)
-wearing satin-like headcloth to bed
-Increased protein
-Visualization (good one...i forgot the poster)
-I try to remember to do scalp massages!
-Wash/condition every couple of days, moisturize daily
Vitamins, scalp massages with essential oils that promote hair growth, wash hair every 3 days and protective styles.
protective styling
hot oil cond treatments
new trimming scissors
spot trimming
homemade butter
- Moisture &amp; oil combination, applied once or twice a day
- Surge, but don't know if i'll be restocking
- diluted clarifying shampoo, every fortnight
- Frequent protein applications
Hello everyone, does anyone use a massage mechine for thier scalp, and if so does it work, and how do u use it ?thanks
Combing my hair in the shower while it still has conditioner in it.
Maintaining a low maintenance style that does not require daily combing/brushing.
Purchasing hair products with more natural ingredients
Tea tree oil/coconut oil scalp treatments
1. Baregello's vitamin cocktail (minus the EPO, I have 38DD's already and god knows I don't need anymore, LOL!)
2. Scalp massages
3. Daily exercise (Pilates and interval cardio trainning)
4. High protein diet
5. Protective styles 6 days a week
6. Limiting heat to once a week (blowdry and flat iron)
7. Drinking at least a gallon of water daily
8. Relaxing every 3 months instead of every 6 weeks
9. Oiling my ends every morning and night
10. Sleeping with my satin cap on
con washes
baggie method
no heat
self trimms
natural shampoos no SLS
Washing only when my scalp is dirty (usually 11 -14 days)

Letting my stylist do my touchups and trims.

Wet setting 100% of the time. (I hardly ever have to comb my hair because they come out better and last longer when I finger-style)

Keeping my hands and heat out of my hair after it's set and styled until my next wash.

And most importantly, I sleep with a silk bonnet.
Washing everyday (pre-poo & shampoo)
Drinking water
No heat
Centrum, MSM, Flaxseed, Biotin (every 2-3 days)
Greasing/Oiling my scalp everyday (alternate)
Last edited:
No heat
Daily washing
Little to no manipulation
Keeping my hair moisturized
Nature Made Super B Complex
No contact styles (cornrows, box braids)
Vitamin intake daily
Keeping new growth moisturized daily
Hair products high in Biotin, Folic Acid and B complex
Dusting ends whenever needed
Scalp massages 1'x per week after shampooing.

Last relaxer touch-up: June 5th, 2005(attained 1 1/2 inches of ng)
Next relaxer touch-up: September 5th, 2005
Current hair length: 2 inches past brastrap (when blown out)
Ultimate hair goal: 5 inches past brastrap by Dec. 2005...might
exceed that goal!!!!
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