Are These Hairstyles I Want Too Ghetto? *pic*


Well-Known Member
image.jpeg So I saw this REALLY cute short hairstyle and I want it!! I'm going to focus on health instead of length from now on.

Anywho I saw this hairstyle and showed my mom and Aunts and they claimed it was too ghetto. I don't think it is, I think ghetto is mainly how you act and talk and carry yourself and react. Don't get me wrong I've seen some off the wall hairstyles but these aren't it.

My mom also says it doesn't go with my style (I wear baggy sweaters over leggings and boots with infinity scarves and oversized sun glasses) I know I'm disgustingly Midwest...and she said I like to date different races and only black men would be attracted to this style(forgive my moms ignorance)....but I think it would go well and I'll look fabulous and I'll attract whoever God wants in my life. If a hairstyle stops you from hitting on a girl then I don't want you anyway...

I'm going to show a pic and you guys tell me what you think. I blocked out then name because she's already hard to book. You can PM me for info if you want just don't want lurkers blowing up her phone
If you like it, go for it. I used to have a hair cut that was similar, but I never wore it styled that way. I personally prefer a less sculpted look. I'm not sure what exactly is so "ghetto" about the look. It looks pretty classic to me. And you can just grow it out if you don't like it. But you won't know that until you do it.

So have fun, and forget everybody else's judgmental comments. It's not their hair.
I think that hairstyle is gorgeous. However, it looks very high maintenance.

I like your style! Oversized sweater and shades, leggings, boots, scarf, yaasssss! Sounds really chic and hip to me lol. That, paired with a softer hairstyle like in the op. hmmm. I'm trying to imagine what it would look like with this hairstyle and I'm liking what I'm imagining lol.

(I don't take anything my mom says about my hair seriously. She likes for it to look 'tame' (rounded small fro, small puff),so she hates it when I blow it out all big and floppy...that's my favorite hairstyle! lol she'll ask me 'why don't i cut it down some'? wtf lady? lmao)

What does your hair look like right now? Is it much longer?
I would definitely consider how to maintain this style. I had a very similar style once and to keep that look, I overused a curling iron and hair spray, on a daily basis.

If you are trying to avoid heat and over manipulation, you might find this hard to do with THAT style. I like it though.
What's ghetto about sculpted curls? I think it looks really nice. Only wonder about maintenance like everyone else said. I could imagine waking up in the morning and it being a flat mess.

Eta: to your above post- but it's not even close to ghetto. Haha they're curls.
I would definitely consider how to maintain this style. I had a very similar style once and to keep that look, I overused a curling iron and hair spray, on a daily basis.

If you are trying to avoid heat and over manipulation, you might find this hard to do with THAT style. I like it though.

I'm willing to roller set nightly and upkeep but I saw a woman at a restaurant with this woman's signature curls and she said her hairs been like that for a week and a half and all she's done to it was put a bonnet on. She goes to her every two weeks. her curls were a tad bit messy but stayed well intact for literally not doing anything to it for almost 2 weeks.

I have to go every month because she lives 2 hours away from me (I live in a small town so I'm used to it) so I'll have to perfect my roller sets I don't want heat
I prefer softer curls, but nothing ghetto about it. Your family is trippin. As far as maintaining health would have to be using a curling iron all the time, so not too sure about that.
I think that hairstyle is gorgeous. However, it looks very high maintenance.

I like your style! Oversized sweater and shades, leggings, boots, scarf, yaasssss! Sounds really chic and hip to me lol. That, paired with a softer hairstyle like in the op. hmmm. I'm trying to imagine what it would look like with this hairstyle and I'm liking what I'm imagining lol.

(I don't take anything my mom says about my hair seriously. She likes for it to look 'tame' (rounded small fro, small puff),so she hates it when I blow it out all big and floppy...that's my favorite hairstyle! lol she'll ask me 'why don't i cut it down some'? wtf lady? lmao)

What does your hair look like right now? Is it much longer?

Thank you!! Yeah it's Midwest with a mix of New York City chic lol. yeah my mama is a mess. I don't listen to her often because she loves my hair straight and boring. That's not my personality. I can do straight hair for one day then I'm putting curls in it to at least get body
I think I know the stylist you're referring to. She does great work and I like her finger wave molding technique. All of her styles look great. Nothing ghetto about it.
Definitely nothing ghetto about that hairstyle. But you would probably have to use a curling iron to maintain it. Using alot of heat will not be good for the health of your hair.
Not ghetto to me. I like it. I think to see ghetto, you'd need to come here to Nassau, Bahamas for at least a day:lol:

I have no idea what the young folks are doing to their hair these days, most I find shocking. I always liked my hair more conservatively styled, even as a young lady.
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Please. Your mom sounds like the type that would accept it if white people did it, since they're the yardstick for acceptability. Why don't you find similar styles on white women and gauge their reactions then? Smh
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Not ghetto yo me. I like it. I think to see ghetto, you'd need to come here to Nassau, Bahamas for at least a day:lol:

I have no idea what the young folks are doing to their hair these days, most I find shocking. I always liked my hair more conservatively styled, even as a young lady.

I've been to the Bahamas twice! Last time I hung out with the locals and even had a fun fling! It was like Stella got her groove back lol. But what I saw it was mainly braids, twists and weaves. Nothing too off the wall
Today's "Ghetto" is tomorrow's White folks 'Fashion Crave' They will be all over the look and will make it their own and Claim it.

Having said that, everything we Do and Wear and Say is their tomorrow's next Big Trend.

There is nothing 'we' do that is Ghetto. They use it as part of their Marketing Strategy as the next big appeal.
I've been to the Bahamas twice! Last time I hung out with the locals and even had a fun fling! It was like Stella got her groove back lol. But what I saw it was mainly braids, twists and weaves. Nothing too off the wall
Did you look at the weaves closely? Some of them are like 'Wow' even to me and not in a good way. I mean rainbow colors and everything, something I would never do to myself.
I agree with everyone else. This is a classic cut/style. I've had a cut like this and I used heat more often than I should have. If I did it again, I would probably try rollersetting to avoid direct heat styling multiple times a week.