Are there any indian oils that curb shedding


New Member
I have been having alot of shedding lately. I am 5 weeks post and underprocessed myself big time last relaxer. I am determined to make it another 3 weeks. I really think I can do it. Porosity control is making wash time easier and I am washing less frequently to save manipulation damage. I am getting alot of shedding though. I was thinking of trying an oil treatment to see if it helped. Last wash which was last night, I did run some duo-tex thorough it to see if it helped but my shedding was still a little crazy. Any ideas?
Brahmi oil, which contains the alma and shikakai works miracles. I'm 14 weeks post relaxer. No shedding, little breakage, if any. Here's more information and a site:

Also, Dabur Jasmine oil strengthens hair:

Your local Indian/Pakistani markets should have these. My fave is the Dabur Brahmi because it contains both alma and coconut. Smells divine. Stops breakage in its tracks. I put the oil in mostly every hair product I have.

GOD luck!!!!
I have the Brahmi powder. I wonder if it does the same thing in its powdered form. How do y'all think this should be used? Mix into a condish or apply like henna?
Hope you don't mind my .02 because it's not an Indian oil, but sapote oil can also help with shedding/falling hair.
Thank you all for your help. I have alma but I am going to go the store tomorrow and look for some of the others.
anherica said:
Hope you don't mind my .02 because it's not an Indian oil, but sapote oil can also help with shedding/falling hair.

Any suggestion is one greatly appreciated. Sapote oil you say...I will investigate. Thanks.
EishBuhgeish said:
I have the Brahmi powder. I wonder if it does the same thing in its powdered form. How do y'all think this should be used? Mix into a condish or apply like henna?
where do you find the powder...the indian market near my house says they don't carry it.