Are the bargain vits really a bargain?


New Member
I was wondering how the cost of a vitamin correlates with the effectiveness. If I pay $90 for Formula 37 vits or some of the other more expensive kinds, will I really see better results than with a $14 bottle from Wal-mart? Does anyone here swear by the expensive kinds? The cheapies?
I'm one of the cheapies.
I bought my bottles of MSM & EPO from Wal-Mart, and my Women's One-A-Day multi from Target for $5. I'm curious to know if the more expensive brands are more effective, too.
I use Puritan's Pride Amino 1500 and Mega Hair Vitamin which has the same ingridients as Hair Formula 37. I've been told that they yeild the same results, but I've never tried HF37. I want to add biotin and msm powder to my regime, but haven't desided whether or not to buy it at walmart or from Puritans Pride.
My multi always costs $3 but if you feel the need to go out and buy an expensive brand, go for it.
The only expensive vitamin that worked for me is viviscal I had excellent results hair grew like weed.
Since joining the board I tried the bargello regimen with vitamins from puritan pride
my hair grew fast but not as fast as it did with viviscal. .
My hair growth seems stunted so I am going back to viviscal
until the summer.
So LABETT thinks that Viviscal is tops. Has anyone tried BOTH Viviscal and Formula 37?
Cateyedcutie- How has the PP Mega HAir doing for you? Do you have to take it in steps, as you do the Formula 37?
I take 3 amino acids and 3 mega hair vitamins. Yes you do need to take it in steps, but it's not a big deal for me, I take my aminos an hour before each meal and the vits with my meals. I haven't been taking them long enough to judge, but I've tried this combo before with great sucess (had to take a break cause I was pregnant). I've only been taking them for 2 weeks. But I will keep you posted!
I've been taking Puritans Pride Supplements, but recently I went into Walmart and found Biotin for only $1.38 a bottle! I bought some, but I'm also wondering if cheaper means low quality when it comes to supplements.
I guess there's really no way of telling!!