Are microbraids bad for your hair?


New Member
I am getting my hair braided this weekend and the girl braiding my hair keeps trying to get me to get micros but all I want is pencil sized. Im not paying for it but I told her that I dont want my hair falling out.
I had micro's and dreaded the experience. It pulled my edges out and I was pissed. Luckily I found this site and grew them back. I loved the look but hated the outcome, it you get them please do not swing like a white girl like I did. Swung them right out. Good luck!
Please don't get micros. :nono: I had them for about 8 weeks recently. I had to keep telling the braiders to make them larger.
Most of my hair strands in one of the braids in the back corner of my head came out from the root! The braid was hanging on by three or four strands by the time I realized I needed to take the braid out. By that time I had already started taking out some of the braids on the sides and rebraiding them thicker. I didn't want all that tension on my sides.
They also didn't braid far enough down on some of the braids so my ends were exposed.
Although it's a cute style it's not worth it IMO. Never again for me.

ETA: It took forever to take those 308 braids out. Friday evening until 5 Saturday morning, from about noon Saturday until 2 Sunday morning and most of Sunday from the time I got up (forgot) until 7 at night.
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I had micros last summer while I was pregnant. I walked her thru how much tenion to put on my edges and didn't let her go all the way to the "baby hair". I didn't have a problem and wore them back in a bun every single day with S-Curl. spray at night. It took 6 hours and I wouldn't get them again because I can't risk the tention to my hair anymore. I kept them for 2.5 months then got pencil size braids.

IMO If you want pencil size get pencil size..there shouldn't be anything else to say to the person doing your hair. Don't let her talk you into doing something you don't want.

Good Luck!!
it depends on how long your planning to keep them in. i would go as big as possible b/c the smaller the braid, the more hairloss. i never keep braids in long at all, yet my edges were shot! they werent even real micros -- they were larger!

if your gonna get them, then take good care of your hair. dont pull, or put your hair up in a tight ponytail. wash at least every 2 weeks. use a braid spray daily.
What about a Bob style? I've had that before and my hair grew. They were pencil sized. Although they are not are versatile as longer braids.
I have to say that it really depends on how small they are and how you care and style them. Micros are very hard on the edges which for me is the only down side. I love to wear them, I have a set now and will take them out soon, but never again, because although my hair did grow they recked havoc on my edges. :)
I think you get what you pay for... If your not paying then she's less likely to listen
to you about how she's doing them..
the post speak for them selfs if you feel like risking all the work you put into growing you hair thus far,you know it takes time to keep it up.
Oh I know shell do what I want but she keeps going on and on about how Ill be prettier wth micros. She will do the pencil ones but she is still trying to talk the talk.
Micros are definitely bad. All the people that I've ever seen with micro braids had a receding hairline. One time I had some similar type of braids, very thin with human hair and they pulled my hair right out at the front. The style was cute, but the damage wasn't.

Pencil size is definite better for your roots.
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i second what everyone said about the tension not only on the edges but on the roots in general. when i got mine i was on my way to proper hair care but not as gung ho as i am now. i would get them againg but would
1) not let them braid so tight especially around my hairline
2) i would properly remove the braids
removal correctly is essential you can undo alot of your progress just by being impatient in the removal stage

i say if you have your heart set on pencil size get pencil size
I am speaking from experience with both and I can truly say THE BIGGER THE BETTER. I had worn micros on and off for the first 3 years I was natural and my hair barely grew at all. When I started wearing larger plaits, it is like my hair shot out of my head. Plus, the take down takes about 2 hours compared to two days. I say micros are definitely bad for me.
I use to braid hair in a salon back in my undergrad days for extra money and I would never, ever, EVER put micros in my own hair or in anyone's hair whom I care about. Period. And I know how to care for them myself, but I wouldn't do because IMO, its more work, expense and trouble than they're worth.

I did alot of micros for customers who wanted it, but I always would caution and instruct on proper care and most important, when its time to remove them, GET HELP, PREFERABLE PROFESSIONAL HELP -- pay someone to remove them because IMO, removing braids of ANY size is the point where breakage is most likely to occur, especially folks not use to working with braids and the frustration and time-consuming process of REMOVING EACH BRAID CAREFULLY. If braids have been a a long time AND has been washed repeatedly, there WILL BE TANGLES at the roots and special care and tools (I use a metal tail comb, using the tail to slowly untangle roots -- this takes TIME AND PATIENCE).

Depending on the lenght of time (I recommend no more than 3 months for ANY size braids, preferable 6 weeks, but no more than 12 weeks -- this really depends on the care take while braids are in). When I wear braids, I do my own and put in pencil-size or larger individuals braids using synthetic yaki pony hair. I spray the hair with ACV a few hours before using to lower the ph. I wash my braids once a week by FIRST, working in diluted 'poo (I like nexxus therappe or CON) on my DRY scalp with small amout of water until my scalp is nice and clean and I have a bit of 'poo foam going, avoiding getting the rest of braids wet, just focus on getting 'poo messaged into scalp only. SECOND, get in shower and focus water on scalp messaging 'poo out and avoid ruffling braids (bascially, minimum manipulation) but let the water and 'poo run down the lenght of the braids and squeezing braids gently, always keeping braids straight with water running down (this will prevent that "fuzzy look"). Once hair 'poo is rinsed out, I towel dry by squeezing braids dry with towel, again, minimum manipulation and always gently trying not to ruffle the braids. Once towel-dried, apply leave-in, I like nexxus humectress to the BRAIDS only, smooth each braid down with the cream and then tie hair down while still damp and put large rollers on ends (sorta like Sylver2 scarf method, only with braids). I leave tie down for as long as I can, the longer I leave the "fresher" my braids look. I DO NOT use oils or sprays on my braids or scalp (I know others do). This method keeps my braids clean and fresh looking from week to week and I usually keep braids in 6 weeks, after that I remove completely and rebriad (or touchup).

Whew, thanks for listening and sorry so long, but felt the need to share . . .
I have worn micros on and off over the past 10 years or so. They can be damaging if you aren't caring for them correctly. I should say that I have thick, coarse hair that can take a lot of damage, so if your hair is not like that then yes, you may get more damage that I did.
I am on my second set of pencil sized braids...aka "individuals" and I have had a god experience. I have not had them any smaller than that and I don't think I ever will....I think pencil size is good...micro...well, risky to say the least.
NO, they help keep Surge in business! They can pull your hair out right from the ROOT! My edges really can't take that kind of stress. I am staying away from braids for a while . . . . until my edges are completely full and healthy.
I have gotten micros twice over the years and will NEVER get them again.

They look great while they're in, but getting them out is just too much work. You hair can actually come out by the roots while they're in and while you're taking them out. There's just no way I would risk that now.
Hey, if you like the look of microbraids, why not just wear a microbraid wig?? I've seen them in wig shops, and they actually look natural, and nice. Plus, it takes away the pain and hassle of getting them put in and taken out.

Trust me, I had micro braids ONE time, and I said NEVER AGAIN! I got them done by Africans, and so they made them REALLY tight even though I kept telling them to ease up a bit. Imagine if I hadn't told them! The braids looked really nice, and I enjoyed having long flowing hair (they didn't braid all the way down, just 1/4 of the way, so I was left with free ends that were not burnt) for a while.
But those braids TORE up my hairline, and it took FOREVER to get those things out of my hair! I did the middle first so that I could keep wearing my hair in a ponty tail and not look jacked up. lol* It took me literally days to get all of them out of my hair. My family helped some, but even THEY got tired after a while.

I will NEVER get micro braids or braids period ever again in my hair! My hair is just too fine and I don't think my hair type can take it. I have refrained from getting braids in my hair for about 4 years, and I think my hair thanks me. :-)
MizAvalon said:
I have gotten micros twice over the years and will NEVER get them again.

They look great while they're in, but getting them out is just too much work. You hair can actually come out by the roots while they're in and while you're taking them out. There's just no way I would risk that now.

ITA. I had a couple of braids come out from the root when I had Micros, I'll never get them again :down:
I guess that I will be in the minority and say that they were okay for me. I did micro braids in October of 2004 and I didn't have any problems with my edges. See my album :)
I will say this about microbraids.

I had a hairstylist ...a professional at a salon.. do my microbraids and she used HAIR GLUE to seal the ends. After time to take them out.. I lost close to nine inches in its longest spots of my hair. I cried because my mother helped me take them out, and next to me sat a massive pile of my own hair. Morbid experience.

I figured, hell, since I didn't have any hair anymore, I would learn how to braid my own hair and I did. I had micros for two years, and I grew sixteen natural inches of my hair. I never wore them up, I never pulled out my own hair, I was very careful. Micros at their best can be a wonderful way to naturally grow your hair without any chemical interference, and if you have the right braider, she will respect your wishes and your goal to GROW your hair and not to just be cute.

This is a link to a picture of the braids I wore. I think that anyone who finds the right braider (because that is 100% key anyway) will obtain amazing results. I totally did.
One more thing.. on my edges, I don't know if you could see it, but my edges are cornrowed. IN fact, the majority of my braids are shaped a lot like little rice thingies and cornrowed. It's a method I've used on other girls whos hair I've braided and it works very well.

And another thing!! Have your hairstylist make the braids fatter the further away from your scalp they are. Mine are smallest around my natural part and the nape of my neck.. but then they expand and are pretty fat in the back of my head.

Of course, this is for anyone who wants advice about getting micros if their heart is set on it.. there really is a safe way to do it.. it just is a hassle to find the right braider.

Not trying to say that my way is superior, it's just that there are so many horrid braiders and this method worked wonders for me.. I'd hate for so many to pass it up because of them! :(
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I have gotten micros 4 times and i have mixed feelings about them. I didn't have any major issues, but i will sayt hat when you get them removed and get your hair relaxed, your hair will be ALOT thinner than what you remember. and you will have a HUGE hairball when you are combing the braids out. is it 3months normal shedding? who knows. I will just say that the hours it takes to put in, and the hours it takes to take just isn't worth it for me anymore.
You might want to ask her about tree braids. They look exactly like micros but they are done a different way. Your real hair is cornrowed in extra extra small cornrows, and as she cornrows she'll loop the fake hair into your hair and braid it like a micro, then continue on with your cornrow and then repeat. so they look exactly like micros, but the styling options may be limited. it's great because your hair is protected in the cornrows and it doesnt take half as long to remove. This is what i'll be getting or the summer.
Mizani_Mrs said:
...and you will have a HUGE hairball when you are combing the braids out. is it 3months normal shedding? who knows.

I will safely say that the majority of it is. The rest of it is made up of the removal process.
Erika, your micros are cute.

The first time I got micros was a mess b/c I didn't know how to take care of them. Whenn I got them a second time they were fine, I didn't have any unnecessary breakage or shedding and my hairline didn't recede either, and with these it only took me like 2 hours to take them out. The 3rd time I had a really bad braider, she didn't even tie or glue the ends and they fell out a lot and I had to end up keeping them in a ponytail until I could take them out which took 2 days. I have some now and so far so good.
Personally micros are not my cup of tea. Granted I gotten mine done for free but it wreaked havoc on my hair. Thank goodness I gotten them done once. Plus it took me about 16 hours plus to get them in. IMO they're too time consuming.