Are Hair and Nails the Body's Natural way of Getting Rid of Poisons?

Information is a beautiful thing. Please read the following:

"Skin is our largest organ. If the skin of a typical 150-pound (68-kilogram) adult male were stretched out flat, it would cover about 2 square yards (1.7 square meters) and weigh about 9 pounds (4 kilograms). Our skin protects the network of muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels, and everything else inside our bodies. Our eyelids have the thinnest skin, the soles of our feet the thickest.

Hair is actually a modified type of skin. Hair grows everywhere on the human body except the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, eyelids, and lips. Hair grows more quickly in summer than winter, and more slowly at night than during the day.

Like hair, nails are a type of modified skin. Nails protect the sensitive tips of fingers and toes. Human nails aren't necessary for living, but they do provide support for the tips of the fingers and toes, protect them from injury, and aid in picking up small objects. Without them, we'd have a hard time scratching an itch or untying a knot. Nails can be an indicator of a person's general health, and illness often affects their growth." from the Nemours Foundation Kid's Health website.

Please know that anything you eat, drink, breathe in, or apply to your body (including FINGERNAIL POLISH) that is toxic will affect the health and condition of all body tissues. It should not be surprising that these toxins show up in hair and nails. Toxins also show up in the blood, teeth, saliva, etc....
Ladies, here's some interesting information

Sodium Hydroxide-Also known as caustic soda or lye. A powerful alkali used in industry for cleaning drains and pipe lines also used in oven cleaners. Workers exposed to steam containing sodium hydroxide have suffered lung damage and an increased risk of throat cancer. Used in toothpastes and as a pH adjuster in skin creams. Causes contact dermatitis and may sensitise individuals to other chemicals. Why is it included in toothpastes? The action of the lye helps remove stains and discolorations on teeth.; This seems to be an extreme way to get whiter teeth!

MSDS: POISON! DANGER! CORROSIVE. May be fatal if swallowed. Harmful if inhaled. Causes burns to the area of contact. Reacts with water, acids and other materials.
Ingestion: Corrosive! Swallowing may cause severe burns of mouth, throat, and stomach. Severe scarring of tissue and death may result. Symptoms may include bleeding, vomiting, diarrhoea, fall in blood pressure. Damage may appears days after exposure.
Skin Contact: Corrosive! Contact with skin can cause irritation or severe burns and scarring with greater exposures.
Eye Contact: Corrosive! Causes irritation of eyes, and with greater exposures it can cause burns that may result in permanent impairment of vision, even blindness.
Chronic Exposure: Prolonged contact with dilute solutions has a destructive effect upon tissue.
Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions: Persons with pre-existing skin disorders or eye problems or impaired respiratory function may be more susceptible to the effects of the substance.

I'm not sure if that implies brain damage specifically. But it certainly is interesting considering lye relaxers are still out there.
Many people believe that the skin is an effective barrier to toxins. But what we put on our skin all too often passes through the skin and into the blood. From there it is carried to various organs including the brain, liver and kidneys, where it may have immediate or long term effects. Absorption can be a significant source of exposure to the chemicals in personal care products, since they may be applied to the skin frequently and in large amounts. The scalp is an especially absorbent part of the body.
The skin is one of the most common routes of exposure. If a chemical can penetrate the skin, its toxicity depends in part on how much absorption takes place. The greater the absorption, the greater the potential for a chemical to exert a toxic effect. Although chemicals are absorbed much more readily through damaged or abraded skin, chemicals can penetrate intact, healthy skin.
Skin irritation is a common result of skin contact with certain chemicals. But of greater concern are effects which result from substances which are absorbed and circulated throughout the body and can damage many body systems.

Again, I'm not sure how exactly this ties in with the black rim, and relaxers, but I don't doubt that the chemicals can be absorbed through the scalp into more fragile parts of our bodies.
White women get perms to. I wonder why only the
black women get the black rim.


I love these types of urban legends, and usually go to to validate - unfortunately, it’s such a urban legend it gets zero publication.

Come on...if this was some big conspiracy, where the coroner (and for this theory to be true ALL coroners would have to be non AA) is keeping the secret that ‘yet another black woman has a black/green rim’ - AND there office has so much free time that they’re performing independent research taking hair samples to determine the decedent had chemically relaxed hair, then why would any black med student or black surgeon continue to perm their hair? I have a black gyn with a perm:yep:. I think she saw a few cadavers during med school :grin:.

Since this is a conspiracy, they must be taking those hair samples and determining that patient x has approx 10 years of relaxed hair, patient V has 4 years of relaxed hair and both have the black rim, but we’re going to keep this information to ourselves because it's at year 4 that the damage occurs?

Also, I guess this is why not one of these claims has ever been documented and gone past the coroners office, sooo everyone working there is also “in -on –it” but some how it keeps leaking to the general public (and circulating over the internet), yet, not one product has been recalled since the perms inception?

This just reeks Urban Legend.
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Reeks of Urban Legend.
The relaxer- before getting to the brain would also have to corrode the skull- Ive never heard of a topical solution that can corrode the skull. When this autopsy was done was there any damage to the skull? I sont use soduium hydroxide (soap) cause my hair and skin are stripped by it. I believe that the reason I have nice clear even toned skin is because as I was a child, I was taught - that you do not use soap on your face.
I was pre-med in college. Graduated 1 year ago. There is no such thing as a black rim. In fact, the brain is the most protected organ in the body. It is difficult for many substances to even get to the brain due to the blood-brain barrier.

From Wikipedia:
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a membranic structure that acts primarily to protect the brain from chemicals in the blood, while still allowing essential metabolic function. It is composed of endothelial cells, which are packed very tightly in brain capillaries. This higher density restricts passage of substances from the bloodstream much more than endothelial cells in capillaries elsewhere in the body.
Yeah, the nails and hair prob. are wastes and they are dead afterall, and they reflect just like urine and feces and improve quality if the better your diet is do i dont see why they wouldnt be....but i dont think locs would be harmfull...are they?

I just dont understand it though......

If you use a relaxer 4x year for 2o years, u have used it 80 times...and you are TRYING not to get it on your skin for a total of about 1200 min.

If you nair 2x a week for 5 years you have used it about 500 times for a total of about 5200min amd you are putting it all over your chin, or legs, bikini area, and arms. If someone naired 2x a week for the 20 years, they would have used it about 2,000 times and 20,800 min. .....i dont see why it wouldnt even out

You're not putting the Nair where your brain is though. Thats just like somebody falling and hurting themselves. If you fall and bump your head it's likely that you'll do more damage than if you fall and hurt your leg or something. There are no organs in the leg or arm.
If true, I would not be surprised.
Issues affecting the health of black women are not top priority for medical/drug companies.

If not true, I would not be surprised.
People spread rumors about things pertaining to Black women's hair all the time (like saying you will get sick if you wash your hair more than every two weeks).
You're not putting the Nair where your brain is though. Thats just like somebody falling and hurting themselves. If you fall and bump your head it's likely that you'll do more damage than if you fall and hurt your leg or something. There are no organs in the leg or arm.

But we're talking about the absorption of chemicals through the skin....
The scalp skin is not connected to the brain. If you lotion your skin with cocoa butter, then lotion your scalp with cocoa butter...The lotion on your head is not going to do anything different.
If something can absorb all the way through the scalp skin, past the skull, and into the brain region from barely touching your scalp a couple x a year---
Then something you put on your arms or legs daily should be going through the skin, and effecting something else inside of your body.

I would believe it more if someone said nairing the chest daily causes a blackrim around the heart.

IDK, ima leave it alone lol
But we're talking about the absorption of chemicals through the skin....
The scalp skin is not connected to the brain. If you lotion your skin with cocoa butter, then lotion your scalp with cocoa butter...The lotion on your head is not going to do anything different.
If something can absorb all the way through the scalp skin, past the skull, and into the brain region from barely touching your scalp a couple x a year---
Then something you put on your arms or legs daily should be going through the skin, and effecting something else inside of your body.

I would believe it more if someone said nairing the chest daily causes a blackrim around the heart.

IDK, ima leave it alone lol

Well the way I read it was a green film on the skull. I might have gotten it confused. I read that tidbit of info before I came to the board though. Even if it is a film/rim around the skull/brain, etc it isn't killing anybody so maybe it's not doing that much damage? IDK... All the article pretty much said was that using the chemicals for an extended period of time leaves behind residue in the area that the product is used. That's all it said. It's not like it said we're all gonna die. We all know chemicals effect our bodies and leave traces so I'm not surprised. And if you think about it, this residue from the relaxer could very well explain scab hair. It makes sense to me.

Also, I don't think Nair is a dangerous of a chemical as a lye relaxer though. Is Nair caustic? Lye can burn your skin off, make you blind, etc. They use the same products in relaxers that go in Draino. We may never find out the truth though. :ohwell:
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i think nair has sodium hydroxide (lye) in it as well. instead of just loosening the curl pattern in five minutes, it breaks it down completely so you can just rinse the hair away. that would seem more dangerous to me. :ohwell:

the amount of poisons black women use on a regular basis is ridiculously high. is anyone fully organic? i need tips.

Well the way I read it was a green film on the skull. I might have gotten it confused. I read that tidbit of info before I came to the board though. Even if it is a film/rim around the skull/brain, etc it isn't killing anybody so maybe it's not doing that much damage? IDK... All the article pretty much said was that using the chemicals for an extended period of time leaves behind residue in the area that the product is used. That's all it said. It's not like it said we're all gonna die. We all know chemicals effect our bodies and leave traces so I'm not surprised. And if you think about it, this residue from the relaxer could very well explain scab hair. It makes sense to me.

Also, I don't think Nair is a dangerous of a chemical as a lye relaxer though. Is Nair caustic? Lye can burn your skin off, make you blind, etc. They use the same products in relaxers that go in Draino. We may never find out the truth though. :ohwell:
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i think nair has sodium hydroxide (lye) in it as well. instead of just loosening the curl pattern in five minutes, it breaks it down completely so you can just rinse the hair away. that would seem more dangerous to me. :ohwell:

the amount of poisons black women use on a regular basis is ridiculously high. is anyone fully organic? i need tips.

It has the relaxer chemical hydroxide, and the curly perm chemical thio glycate----thats the reason i believe that it can take away the hair so fast

But now they are coming out with neutrilizers for them, and it burns some people with sensative skin even if they use it for the recomened time

If you leave it on too long....who knows what will happen. --Esp. the face ones.

Im sure they can burn your skin off and make you blind as well though (:nono:)