Are Fortifying & Reconstructors the Same?


Active Member
Hi Girls:

It's been awhile since I visited, but I couldn't stay way any longer.

I'm having a problem here with questions to boot, here it goes:

1. Is it necessary to use a fortifying product?

2. DO the majority of fortifying products contain protein. If not which ones don't?

3. If they contain a protein element, why wouldn't it be classified with the Reconstructors & protein treatment already on the market? (sales gimmick maybe)

4. Since the objective to use products is to strengthen the hair, wouldn't that be the same objective of the Reconstructor/Protein treatments?

5. What's the difference, and if it's a good part of hair care, where can I find one w/o Protein so I can avoid protein overload? (brands specified please)

6. Are Protein treatments necessarily Resconstructors? Which products reconstructs without protein?

HELP I'm totally confused/baffled on this one. Thanks for any clarification on this one.
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Hi Girls:

It's been awhile since I visited, but I couldn't stay way any longer.

I'm having a problem here with questions to boot, here it goes:

1. Is it necessary to use a fortifying product?

2. DO the majority of fortifying products contain protein. If not which ones don't?

3. If they contain a protein element, why wouldn't it be classified with the Reconstructors & protein treatment already on the market? (sales gimmick maybe)

4. Since the objective to use products is to strengthen the hair, wouldn't that be the same objective of the Reconstructor/Protein treatments?

5. What's the difference, and if it's a good part of hair care, where can I find one w/o Protein so I can avoid protein overload? (brands specified please)

HELP I'm totally confused on this one. Thanks for any clarification on this one.

First, remember that just because a product has protein it doens't automatically make it a protein conditioner. Proteins do more than just strengthen the hair and they all have different benefits. The best moisturizing conditioners have a little protein in them since protein binds moisture to the hair. Hair that is protein deficent can't hold moisture.

Fortifying doesn't automatically equal protein. Other things can help strengthen hair besides just protein. Fortifying products generally have a little protein and other strengthening ingredients. For that reason, some people that use "fortifying" products on a regular basis still might have additional protein needs that are met in separate protein treatments. You really have to go off of how your hair responds.

To avoid protein overload you have to learn how to check and access you protein moisture balance. Once you learn how to do that it doesn't matter what proteins you use. There isn't a specific conditioner that will never cause you overload. Miss using any protein, whether it is a very strong treatment like Aphogee or milder proteins like Motions CPR, can and will cause protein overload if you are using them when you don't need them.
Bumping for input on the reconstructor element. Thanks for the insight, I'm starting to see it in another way now.